Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - January 4, 1:03 am PDT **Solar Eclipse
Next Full Moon - January 19, 1:21 pm PDT
Next New Moon - February 2, 6:31 pm PDT
New Moon - January 4, 1:03 am PDT **Solar Eclipse
Next Full Moon - January 19, 1:21 pm PDT
Next New Moon - February 2, 6:31 pm PDT
Please follow the links throughout for further reading if you wish, and hit the back button to continue this newsletter.
Happy New Year and Solar Eclipse New Moon as well!
In the last newsletter – Special Edition for the Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse – I highlighted the fact that 2011 – a Universal 4 Year - promises a lot of very dynamic planetary activity. I also provided some guidelines on how to better understand eclipses in general. The fact that there was a Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the Natural New Year for the northern hemisphere is the first indication of something extraordinary. Now, the first New Moon of the year hosts a Solar Eclipse and an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. These are powerful sign posts indeed of the pace of things to come this year. The line-up of extraordinary activity is exciting yet the excitement it brings may not always be what we want. 2011 will be one of those years when the capacity to adapt to big changes occurring both in the natural world and in society in general will prove extra important for many people. This is where conscious free will and making wise use of the energies at play come to the fore and is what good Astrology is all about.
This newsletter will also serve as the introduction for the Horoscope for the year 2011 which you can access HERE.
P.S. There are 1 or even 2 other Zodiac Signs that any person can read to gain added layers of insight. To decipher this you will have to know your birth time quite close to exact.
Please Note: While knowing your time of birth certainly does sharpen the focus when getting an Astrology Reading, it is not absolutely required, at least not with me. (Read More).
One more thing, there is still time to participate in my upcoming webinar starting on January 5 – "Learn to Live In-Tune with the Sun and Moon; How to Effectively Use an Astrology Calendar." No experience with Astrology is necessary – this course will provide a solid foundation for more studies or may be all you ever want and need. In four 90-minute classes online you will be in on making use of this ancient yet still current language of the soul. Learn more HERE.
Major Planets & Lunar Nodes Entering New Signs
There are 17 especially important Astrological events this year with 5 major planets entering new signs this year. Jupiter in Aries (January 22), Uranus in Aries (March 11), Neptune in Pisces (April 4), Lunar North Node in Sagittarius (February 13) and Chiron in Pisces (February 9). That makes 5 major sign changes of the social and far planets and all by April 5 – that’s a lot! One of the many techniques in Astrology is to cast a chart for the exact moment a planet enters a new sign. This key moment in time offers insights about the themes associated with the entire cycle of the planet through the sign. This can also apply to the Lunar Nodes, asteroids and so on….
Here is a quick list of especially important planetary activity scheduled for 2011:
(*All times listed for Pacific Time & listed in order by date)
1. Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 27 Pisces - January 4 - 4:52 am (Read More)
2. Jupiter enters Aries – January 22 – 9:11 am
3. Chiron Enters Pisces – Feb 8 – 11:57 am
4. Lunar Nodes Enter Sagittarius (North Node) and Gemini – February 13 (Read More)
5. Jupiter Square Pluto at 7 Aries – February 25 – 12:29 pm (see Chart)
6. Uranus enters Aries - March 11 – 4:52 pm
7. Jupiter Opposition Saturn at 7 Aries & 7 Libra – March 28 - 2:56 pm (Read More)
8. Neptune enters Pisces – April 4 – 6:36 am (Read More)
9. Mars Opposition Saturn at 12 Aries & 12 Libra – April 18 – 9:02 am (see Chart)
10. Mars Conjunct Jupiter at 22 Aries – April 30 – 9:26 pm (see Chart)
11. Solar Eclipse at 11 Gemini – June 1 - 2:03 pm (see Chart)
12. Jupiter Enters Taurus – June 4 2011 – 6:56 am
13. Lunar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius 23 – June 15 – 1:14 pm (see Chart)
14. Jupiter Trine Pluto at 5 Taurus & 5 Capricorn – July 7 – 6:53 am (see Chart)
15. Solar Eclipse at 9 Cancer 12 – July 1 - 1:54 am (see Chart)
16. Mars Square Jupiter at 8 Leo & 8 Taurus– October 2 – 10:21 pm
17. Jupiter (Rx) Trine Pluto at 5 Taurus & 5 Capricorn – October 28 – 9:46 am (see Chart)
Solar Eclipse - January 4, 2011 – (see chart). This important event for the year is at the root of some big energies and movements, especially in regards to social and economic realities. This could go either way - boom or bust but it could go both ways as well, for some. Our world is fast approaching a time when things must and will change in a big way and rather suddenly. Many beleive this will occur due to natural forces, cataclysmic activity. The is especially true among Mayan Astrologers. The focus of Western Astrology includes these yet leans more to social, cultural, political, ecomonmic dynamics. The signs of our times and those in the charts suggest that the challenge of our times is to bring governments into responsible action based on the majority verses the more powerful minority. This has ever been, and continues to be a major issue. There is evidence in the world of two extremes of leadership - that which is truly representative and that which is exclusive and corrupt. We have seen plenty of the latter in North America for many years now. However, there is also a lot of good too. It is not so much about who is black and who white in their intentions and actions, it is also about the fact that we collectively are moving and changing at rates and in ways that transcends any person or group, though some are certainly large. The deeper themes of this Solar eclipse tell us something about what is in store for the year in terms of major trends and themes which we can see unfold in the world news.
This newsletter will also serve as the introduction for the Horoscope for the year 2011 which you can access HERE.
P.S. There are 1 or even 2 other Zodiac Signs that any person can read to gain added layers of insight. To decipher this you will have to know your birth time quite close to exact.
Please Note: While knowing your time of birth certainly does sharpen the focus when getting an Astrology Reading, it is not absolutely required, at least not with me. (Read More).
One more thing, there is still time to participate in my upcoming webinar starting on January 5 – "Learn to Live In-Tune with the Sun and Moon; How to Effectively Use an Astrology Calendar." No experience with Astrology is necessary – this course will provide a solid foundation for more studies or may be all you ever want and need. In four 90-minute classes online you will be in on making use of this ancient yet still current language of the soul. Learn more HERE.
Major Planets & Lunar Nodes Entering New Signs
There are 17 especially important Astrological events this year with 5 major planets entering new signs this year. Jupiter in Aries (January 22), Uranus in Aries (March 11), Neptune in Pisces (April 4), Lunar North Node in Sagittarius (February 13) and Chiron in Pisces (February 9). That makes 5 major sign changes of the social and far planets and all by April 5 – that’s a lot! One of the many techniques in Astrology is to cast a chart for the exact moment a planet enters a new sign. This key moment in time offers insights about the themes associated with the entire cycle of the planet through the sign. This can also apply to the Lunar Nodes, asteroids and so on….
Here is a quick list of especially important planetary activity scheduled for 2011:
(*All times listed for Pacific Time & listed in order by date)
1. Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 27 Pisces - January 4 - 4:52 am (Read More)
2. Jupiter enters Aries – January 22 – 9:11 am
3. Chiron Enters Pisces – Feb 8 – 11:57 am
4. Lunar Nodes Enter Sagittarius (North Node) and Gemini – February 13 (Read More)
5. Jupiter Square Pluto at 7 Aries – February 25 – 12:29 pm (see Chart)
6. Uranus enters Aries - March 11 – 4:52 pm
7. Jupiter Opposition Saturn at 7 Aries & 7 Libra – March 28 - 2:56 pm (Read More)
8. Neptune enters Pisces – April 4 – 6:36 am (Read More)
9. Mars Opposition Saturn at 12 Aries & 12 Libra – April 18 – 9:02 am (see Chart)
10. Mars Conjunct Jupiter at 22 Aries – April 30 – 9:26 pm (see Chart)
11. Solar Eclipse at 11 Gemini – June 1 - 2:03 pm (see Chart)
12. Jupiter Enters Taurus – June 4 2011 – 6:56 am
13. Lunar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius 23 – June 15 – 1:14 pm (see Chart)
14. Jupiter Trine Pluto at 5 Taurus & 5 Capricorn – July 7 – 6:53 am (see Chart)
15. Solar Eclipse at 9 Cancer 12 – July 1 - 1:54 am (see Chart)
16. Mars Square Jupiter at 8 Leo & 8 Taurus– October 2 – 10:21 pm
17. Jupiter (Rx) Trine Pluto at 5 Taurus & 5 Capricorn – October 28 – 9:46 am (see Chart)
Solar Eclipse - January 4, 2011 – (see chart). This important event for the year is at the root of some big energies and movements, especially in regards to social and economic realities. This could go either way - boom or bust but it could go both ways as well, for some. Our world is fast approaching a time when things must and will change in a big way and rather suddenly. Many beleive this will occur due to natural forces, cataclysmic activity. The is especially true among Mayan Astrologers. The focus of Western Astrology includes these yet leans more to social, cultural, political, ecomonmic dynamics. The signs of our times and those in the charts suggest that the challenge of our times is to bring governments into responsible action based on the majority verses the more powerful minority. This has ever been, and continues to be a major issue. There is evidence in the world of two extremes of leadership - that which is truly representative and that which is exclusive and corrupt. We have seen plenty of the latter in North America for many years now. However, there is also a lot of good too. It is not so much about who is black and who white in their intentions and actions, it is also about the fact that we collectively are moving and changing at rates and in ways that transcends any person or group, though some are certainly large. The deeper themes of this Solar eclipse tell us something about what is in store for the year in terms of major trends and themes which we can see unfold in the world news.
The root theme of this Solar Eclipse - Saros Series 13 North speaks of big ambitions which are at best creative and at worst filled with pride and arrogance. (See Saros Series 13 North Root Chart). It is the Leo factor in the chart that tells this story. Mercury and Venus are both in Leo and this can be indicative of art and creative self expression. Yet, because Venus is so close to the Sun, the soft and sweet side of Venus is heated and dried, so to speak. Venus close to the Sun is not traditionally considered a good aspect, but there are exceptions. Mercury conjunct the North Node suggests that new creative leadership, at best will come to the fore. At worst, pride will assert itself. Interestingly, Pluto is in Capricorn in this chart and Saturn is in Libra, just as they both are now. At best this implies deep commitments to making some major changes that stand to be good for us all. It is the renovation process that is not always so pleasant. Again, it is ever a question of attitude and choice. It should also be stated that although this root chart does have its influence, the current chart of the eclipses happening now does as well. For the positive effects to occur, people will have to make more of an effort to create a group voice. Fortunately, we see just this sort of thing happening thanks to the internet. Given the overall planet activity, I am confident that we will experience an explosion of added interest and activity with the internet and web 3.0 All the planets in Cardinal Signs - the signs of intiative, new beginnings and action will synchronize with this acceleration. In this respect, it is possible tha tthe economy could get better, not worse.
Planets in Cardinal Signs
The line-up of planets in Cardinal Signs include Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus soon to be in Aries, Saturn in Libra and Jupiter will soon also enter Aries. This factor alone is indicative of a year of major activity, all other factors aside!
Considering that there will be many instances over the course of the year, the first 5 months especially, when the minor planets – Sun to Mars will also be in Cardinal Signs. For example in the chart for Neptune entering its own Sign of Pisces we see 6 planets in cardinal Aries! This suggests that the evolutionary themes suggested by Neptune in Pisces will have a much accelerated power pack present to push those themes ahead quickly and in a pioneering and assertive (Aries) manner. At best, we will see a new kind of spirituality sweeping the world – one that is more mystical, accepting and compassionate as well. Could this be the beginning of the end of wars fought in the name of religion and God? Let us pray it is so.
So, 2011 is here and we can expect plenty of movement and change – a very progressive pace indeed. Jupiter and Saturn are considered the ‘Social Planets’ in that they are symbolic of social cycles and themes. They form a conjunction about every 20 years. With both in Cardinal Signs and due to the fact that Jupiter will form an Opposition Aspect to Saturn (March 28), we should see a steady rise in intensity and pace of life already over the course of the winter season and particularly throughout spring . This is especially so since Jupiter in Aries will form a Square Aspect to Pluto on February 25th (see Chart). Jupiter in Opposition to Saturn, especially in Cardinal Signs is also very dynamic illustrative of a tug of war between expansion (Jupiter)and contraction (Saturn). With luck we will strike the balance as the increase and acceleration of the enchange of information (Jupiter in Aries) is contained within our commitment to establishing the foundations of a more sane, equitable, cooperative and just civilization. (Saturn in Libra)
We do live in interesting times so let’s make the most of it!
Your Horoscope for the Year will give you some insights to help you do just that.
Thanks, Michael! You're the best Astrologer EVER!