Monday, December 20, 2010

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Winter Solstice Special Edition

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2011 Overview Article
Happy Winter Solstice!
Wow, what an exciting and eventful time! Imagine not only is there a Full Moon coinciding with the Winter Solstice, it is a Total Lunar Eclipse. Beyond the eye candy and specialness of this rare event, and even beyond the science behind eclipses which is where Astronomy and Astrology converge, eclipses also hold deeper meanings. I have devoted some of my time to offer you some insight into this special event as well as to bring attention to some important themes in store for us all in 2011. There is strong evidence to support the probability that 2011 will be a major one for our times. Given that it is the official lead up year to the now globally recognized 2012 Mayan Calendar end date, it is appropriately so.

A quick reminder before I begin. Each year I write a Horoscope for the year and I have posted these since 2005. They are all posted on my site Here if you would like to review them. These Horoscopes are designed to offer an overview perspective and are based on Astrology especially, Numerology and Tarot and include a focus on the key planetary activity destined to occur over the course of any given calendar year. I have also compiled a brief overview of the first decade of the New Millennium Here.
I will again offer a Horoscope but given the special event of a Total Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice, an event that only last occurred in the 17th century, this article is dedicated to helping you better understand it and gain an overview of what is in store for 2011. Over the course of the year by way of my weekly Horoscope and Monthly New Moon Newsletter I will be active keeping you updated on the details closer to their respective dates.

As for the forecast for 2011 which will be a very eventful year indeed, I invite you to get comfortable and take some time to review what is in store for us all. The Horoscope for the year for each Zodiac Sign will be posted next week and I will notify you.


The global focus on the Mayan Long Count Calendar has contributed to bringing Astrology back into popular focus, it is undergoing a revival. That the Long Count Calendar is said to end on 12/21/2012 is now common knowledge. Some have and others are now asserting that this date is wrong and 2011 is ‘the big one’. 2011 is destined to be a big year to be sure and it does stand to be pivotal. Some believe that it will be cataclysmic in an unprecedented way. Others say it depends on us, on our collective level of consciousness – the vibrations we emanate. The answer is that no one knows for sure and both may well be true. Making a prediction for the entire planet is uncommon. The Mayan message seems to say it can do so. In this respect, be careful of voices that bring you messages of fear. It makes one wonder if all the violence occurring in Maya land (Mexico/Guatemala...) is an example of the accumulation of negativity surrounding 2012… The more responsible Mayan leaders are looking more to the beginning of a golden age and less to natural disasters. The issue of self-fulfilling prophesy is an old one but with modern advances in science and psychology, we should be more aware and responsible to it than ever before. Of course, natural disasters are part of the human experience and with global warming and the damage to our ozone layer and so on, it may be a good idea to be ready for major events, whatever that might mean specifically to you and various locations in the world. On the other hand, there is the personal and social reality to consider as the effects of the eclipse take hold. It may be of interest to you to know that that themes of an eclipse begin prior to the event and continue strong until the next eclipse season.

Invariably, the impact of any changes is social, upon societies and human civilization in general.
Earth changes have always and will always be with us, and they are serious enough. In our collective memory, we have stored major cataclysms. Some of these come from meteors crashing into our planet while some may well be from solar max events such as the one predicted for 2011/2012 and others yet are from the wide array of geo-physical shifts that occur on a planet undergoing a constant and steady flow of change. Regarding celestial influences and impacts, the question of periodicity is ancient in both Astrology and Astronomy and important to both. By extension, predicting the future is an old passion and remains true to this day. The prospect of prediction can prove very useful and important. It is good to be aware of the negative as well as the positive ‘probabilities and possibilities’. However, modern chaos theory suggests that the future is ultimately uncertain in terms of outcomes. That we are co-creators in life is both an ancient realization and one supported by modern physics – Quantum Mechanics and String Theory. So, seeking absolutes in duality is an illusion.
Astrology and Astrologers too must move with the times and adjust to the evolution of consciousness. ‘The future is probable but it is not certain’. The main point is that Astrologers can offer clues and even dates as to the probability and destiny of future events. In this respect, Astrology and related disciplines like Numerology can prove to be very valuable indeed. This is perhaps this is one of the reasons it has been put down and discouraged, a sort of defamation to keep people away from exercising more of their own personal power.... In a scientific age, saying Astrology is bogus begs that such statements be proved. ll endeavors to seriously and integrally disprove astrology to date have failed thus it continues to gain new interest daily.

In reviewing the major themes for any given year, we can measure shifts, initiations and the events of change in a variety of ways. These include the following:

1. Planetary Entering into New Signs.
2. Lunar Nodes Entering New Signs.
3. Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
4. Major Planetary Conjunctions. (Major implies the far planets from Jupiter out in aspect to one another.)
5. Major Hard Aspects like Squares and Oppositions.

There is more than usual activity in this regard occurring in 2011. We can also look to Numerology and, by extension, the Tarot and to other systems of Astrology like Chinese and Mayan. I will bring some attention to these as well in the course of this overview for 2011. In this article I will bring attention to all of the above listed themes and more. If you have any comments, contributions or questions please send them my way by email. Enjoy!

2011 will be very pivotal indeed!

Every year can be seen that way in its own light, yet some years are bigger. Gain an overview of previous years HERE. Not only will things get going very early in 2011, the flow of the current is already swift. This is the big lead-up year to 2012 and some maintain that this year will be more eventful than 2012. Given that the ‘Solar Max’ Solar Cycle 24 activity predicted for 2012, (according to research done by Mitch Battros’ and his Earth Change Media Newsletter) is to be 50% larger than average solar max cycles AND will actually begin in late 2011 and continue through early 2012, we can look to 2011 as being a very eventful one and in many ways. However, it should be noted and I will explain below that even though this may be so, the momentum of social change early in 2011 – the first 6 months perhaps especially – will take center stage. Specifically, these changes stand to be economic. Most people are aware that there some have made some rather dire forecasts. I generally believe that there will be a major upsurge in business conducted over the Internet. Yet, this may also have a counter effect where communities band together and focus on the local economy as in 'shop local'. Warfare linked to economics is the oldest sinister game in the world and with the Internet the game is shifting to information wars and spy networks. Having a password for one's passwords is now a common fact.

The evidence for big changes in 2011 is strong according to Western Astrology and in this article I will outline some of the indicators.
Astrology is a vast and intricate science so there may be other rationales as well. Since the focus on 12/21/2012 remains a Mayan Astrology end date of their Long Count Calendar, that date remains important. That this end date converges with other calendars in Mayan Cosmology, like the 2nd occultation of Venus with the Sun on June 2012, is further support for Winter Solstice to be the official end date with December 22, 2012 as the official day “one” of a new 5,125 year round. Some even maintain that it is the beginning of an entire Precessional Cycle of 25,650 years. Other big clues supporting 2012 include Saturn entering Scorpio in October 2012 and Uranus forming the first of 7 Square aspects with Pluto in late June 2012. The planetary activity occurring this year will synchronize with major social changes of a powerful and revolutionary sort as well, regardless of other factors. But 2011 could well be described as the ignition year or the climax before the conception.

Considering that there is a Total Lunar Eclipse right on Winter Solstice of 2010, the natural New Year, and the first New Moon of the Year (January 4, 2011) is a Partial Solar Eclipse (See Solar Eclipse Chart) and which occurs on the very same day as the 3rd of 3 aspects between Jupiter and Uranus, we are getting some strong clues that indicate that some very powerful seed events now will be woven in the entire fabric of the year 2011!! As for the 12/21/2012 end date, the symbolic focus remains on Winter Solstice of that year. Given the many powerful planetary alignments this year, it is tempting to posit this year as the 'big one'. Yet, there remain other key alignments yet to occur in 2012 which make it still the final year, in my interpretation of it. Yet 2011 will be very eventful and dramatic, socially.

There are two key points you may want to be aware of regarding the Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice: (See Total Lunar Eclipse Chart):

1. The last time there was a Total Lunar eclipse on Winter Solstice was 1638!
2. In one of the Sidereal Zodiacs*, the Lunar Eclipse occurs close to 7 degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius which are considered to be very important degrees in Mayan Cosmology. (Google John Major Jenkins for more on this - Click HERE for a pretty good article on it.) (See Sidereal Chart).

* One of the biggest challenges facing Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) is that there is a discrepancy of up to 9 degrees of celestial arc among the spectrum of Sidereal Zodiacs in use – there are at least 14 in use. The discrepancy amounts to between 6 to 7 hundred years of arc time!

So, Winter Solstice 2010 hosts a Total Lunar Eclipse and on January 4th, we will experience both a Partial Solar Eclipse and the third and final conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, on the same day! Jupiter is symbolic of ‘inflated’ and ‘exaggerated and Uranus of ‘revolution’ and ‘awakening’. There are many more key words for both these planets. It basically indicates mass awakening. Since the ruling planet for Pisces (spirituality/compassion) is Neptune (‘collective subconscious’ and ‘dream ideals’) which is in Aquarius (‘humanitarian’ and ‘inventor’) and conjunct Chiron (‘maverick’ and ‘wounded healer’), we can see deeper into the fabric of what this celestial portrait implies. We stand to experience not one but a steady stream of potentially rude or at least revolutionary awakenings. Yet, not all of these need necessarily be seen to be bad per se’. In the long haul they may be seen as very good. However, it is the short term focus and process of change that is often challenging. If we are bystanders and victims verses responsible participants somehow, 2011 could well prove to be 'rude'. People have asked, 'what can one person do?' The answer is join your voices and forces with others and focus on positive, integral, powerful action.

As mentioned, there is a science to eclipses that transcends mere measurements of the earth casting a shadow on the Moon or even the Moon blocking the light of the Sun as with a Total Solar Eclipse. By the way, there will be two more Solar Eclipses this year, the first on June 1 and the second on July 1, 2011 (Canada Day) with another Lunar eclipse in between on June 15th. Although these will be members of Saros Series 13 South whereas the current eclipses are members of the eclipse family called Saros Series 13 North, we can see them as have a relationship since they occur in the same year. The deeper message here is that each eclipse family (Saros Series) stems from a different root event. This is seldom discussed popularly but it is significant to understand in terms of both gaining a better understanding of the fascinating science of eclipses and. more importantly, what they imply in terms of actual effects and events. for this reason, I have outlined some of the more significant features of eclipses. So, although this article is pretty long and though I have a few other links, I especially encourage you to follow the outline below to gain a better understanding of eclipses and Google 'Eclipses and Saros Series or Cycle' to really get some thorough background.

Overview of the Science of Eclipses

1. Eclipses are segments of larger cycles called “Saros Cycles”. The core theme of an eclipse is linked to the first in the cycle which begins either at the North or the South Pole.
2. There are 42 Saros Series or Eclipse Families in all – 21 stemming from the South Pole and 21 beginning at the North. These are all always active yet emphasis is brought to the Series that produce the next set of eclipses.
3. Lunar and Solar eclipses occurring in the same period of 36 days are members of the same family. When an eclipse or pair of eclipses occurs, sometimes there are 3 – 1 Solar and 2 Lunar in a 36 day period, it is called an “Eclipse Season”. There are 2 eclipse seasons each year each about 6 months apart.
4. Each Saros Series contains 71-73 Solar Eclipses with their adjoining Lunar Eclipses (Eclipse Seasons) and one Series continues for a period of about 1,300 years!
5. Each successive Solar Eclipse is part of a different Saros Cycle.
6. The next eclipse season from the same Saros Series occurs just over every 18 years. In other words, Every time there is a new eclipse season – Solar and lunar eclipses back to back, these come from a different Saros Cycle until 18 years and some months have passed. So, each Eclipse Season can be seen to have a different flavor or quality of effect.
7. Eclipses are linked to the Lunar Nodes which have an 18.3 year cycle.
8. The root event of a Saros Series determines the ‘root character’ of the entire series.
9. The actual aspects at the time of each successive Eclipse Season every 18 or so years is a contributing factor combined with the first in the series or root event; weighing both is part of the art of working with eclipses for Astrologers.
10. Solar Eclipses are the main event and accompanying Lunar Eclipses are linked to the Solar Eclipse in the eclipse season.
11. * The general rule of thumb in the difference between Solar and Lunar Eclipses is that Solar Eclipses are more external and eventful and Lunar Eclipses are more internal and emotional. Further Solar Eclipses bring about unexpected events whereas Lunar Eclipses produce events based on our own thoughts and feelings stemming from the influence that the eclipse may have on us.
12. The other factor, which is generally of greatest importance to any ‘person’ (any legal entity in the eyes of the law: person, city, country, institution, Corporation…) is where the eclipses occur in terms of Signs and Houses and how these are represented in a ‘person’s’ chart. (I will bring more attention to the general influence in the Horoscope entries for each Zodiac Sign, which I will do in my next Newsletter.)

So, sometimes a root eclipse is benevolent, sometimes benign, and sometimes malevolent and even sinister. The current Saros Series 13 North is considered by some to be rather malevolent and Saros Series 13 South, which encompasses the eclipse activity in late spring early summer 2011 is considered to have a rather sinister reputation. Again, we do have free will but it is better to be aware that naive. Let’s take a closer examination of this interpretation.

So even though there was a Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice, emphasis is still given to the Solar Eclipse. The synchronistic alignment of a Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice is certainly significant, and due to the alignment may well take on more importance than a usual Lunar Eclipse, yet it remains true that the Solar Eclipse is the main theme and the Lunar Eclipses comes under its overall influence. The root theme of Saros Series 13 North speaks of big ambitions which are at best creative and at worst filled with pride and arrogance. (See Saros Series 13 North Root Chart). It is the Leo factor in the chart that tells this story. Mercury and Venus are both in Leo and this can be indicative or art and creative self expression. yet, because venus is so close to the Sun, the soft and sweet side of Venus is heated and dried, so to speak. Venus close to the Sun is not traditionally considered a good aspect, but there are exceptions. Mercury conjunct the north Node suggests that new creative leadership, at best will come to the fore. At worst, pride will assert itself. Interestingly, Pluto is in Capricorn in this chart and Saturn is in Libra, just as thye both are now. At best this implies deep commitments to making some major changes that stand to be good for us all. It is the renovation process that is not so pleasant, usually. Again it is a question of attitude and choice. It should also be stated that although this root chart does have its influence, the current chart of the eclipses happenning now does as well. However, for the positive effects to occur, good people will have to make more of an effort to create a group voice. Fortunately, we see just this sort of thing happenning thanks to the internet.

As for the current Solar Eclipse - January 4, 2011 – (see chart) which is the next in line of this Saros Series, (the last one was 1p years ago in 1992 – the year the WWW officially went public! Think about that and re-read the above paragraph…), it is worth noting that it reveals a bowl shape pattern! This is again suggestive of a very dynamic and experientially active year. A close Square Aspect between Neptune/Chiron and Venus leans more to the negative implications of this Saros Series. I interpret it to imply that the super rich may have their own share of challenges under the weight of realization that it does not serve their interests to weaken the fabric of society by way of insurmountable economic pressures in the mainstream economy. They may get more money but less civilization that is safe and worth participating in safely. So, the focus hangs in the balance between the rich and powerful people and organ izations (corportations & conglomerates) and everybody else – an old story yet given the technological advances of our times, one with a whole new twist that just might prove to surprise us all because the internet has and continues to level the playing field. That may sound idealistic, yet purely cynical attitudes are of no help. Perhaps this intention to create more balance is our best choice of focus of awareness. On a more sober note, the challenge of our times is to bring governments into responsible action based on the majority verses the more powerful minority. This has ever and continues to be a major issue. There is evidence in the world of both kinds of leadership - that which is truly representative and that which is exclusive and corrupt. We have seen plenty of the latter in North America for many years no so it is we, in light of the larger global picture, who may be said to be the enablers of corruption by way of our passivity.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

As for the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on January 4th – the day of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, this time both planets will be in direct motion, as opposed to the previous conjunction of September 19 when both were retrograde.
This will be the third and final conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus until the next one in 2024. The first of the 3 was at 0 Aries and can be understood to be the anchor theme. This third and final conjunction is also significant because it is the most recent. If Aries is the Alpha Sign, Pisces is the Omega and 0 Aries is where they meet, like a clasp of a necklace. As you might imagine by now there is something very powerful brewing and will grow and evolve over the next 13-14 years; the time interval when Jupiter and Uranus will form their next conjunction and begin an entirely new cycle. Aries is all about pioneering initiatives. Pisces symbolizes the collective subconscious and there is reason to believe that this important conjunction aspect on the day of the January Solar Eclipse will spark a new spiritual revolution. People will begin to see through and beyond religious dogmas and come to realize how much these cause separation in a world where we simply cannot afford it, given our technological powers of destruction. To gain further clues we can look to Neptune; the ruling planet for Pisces.

Neptune continues to be in exact conjunction with Chiron in Aquarius. In 2009, Jupiter was there as well forming a triple conjunction but it has since raced ahead and Neptune and Chiron continue their slow and intimate waltz. The involvement of Neptune conjunct Chiron suggests that humanity as a species is wounded and sick and that it is time to heal. While new solutions to the problems of life are emerging daily, they will not be enough in the short term to heal the wounds and sickness that we are already experiencing and which stand to increase measurably over the coming years. This is not to say that we won’t eventually heal them, only that the process will not be quick and/or easy, perhaps not at all. For time frames, we will have to look to the larger time given for this conjunction seed to sprout and grow. We are speaking about 80 years.

The main point is that the healing that is suggested is not restricted to any country or region, rather it points to the entire human race and to the planet in general. Over the course of the year, both Neptune and Chiron will enter Pisces. Chiron will take the lead while Neptune is at the last degree of Aquarius. This means that the Ingress chart for Chiron in Pisces posits Neptune at 28 Aquarius – is the planet of highest degree meaning that it is the main focus ‘at the end of the day’ in light of Chiron’s ingress chart. The 28th and 29th degree of Aquarius are said to be connected to higher spiritual agencies and the suggestion here is that in order to heal the problems of the world it is likely that we will have to, (and people will feel inspired) to call upon these higher spiritual powers to assist us. How we will do this is another question. Awareness of their existence is the first step and deep reverence for higher realities is the second. Once this is in place, spiritual gatherings and meditations, prayers and chants will fulfill the requirements.

Over the course of 2011 we will gain more examples of the mass awakening to the collective wounds we carry. This theme is further illustrated in the Solar eclipse itself. The escalation of riots in the world like London England and Rome Italy and the Julian Assange / Wikileaks drama are likely to be understood as foreshadows of things to come soon. The eclipse also hints at economic troubles and given the escalating downturn of the U.S. economy and subsequently the global economy, 2011 stands to be marked with rising collective stress levels and with riots the likes of which we have already seen and perhaps worse. By extension, international relations will also feel the strain and this could well spill over into border disputes…

Neptune’s transit through its own sign of Pisces is yet another indication of mass spiritual awakening and healing at best, or mass deception and denial, at worst. (See Neptune ingress Pisces chart HERE). Chiron is a key player now in the pantheon of planets, yet Neptune is now officially the furthest official planet as Pluto has been re-classified. There is something quite appropriate with this designation by the way because Neptune is symbolic of the veils that divide dimensions. Pluto/Charon is perhaps best seen in its mechanical purpose of ensuring evolutionary process where the old is ever being replaced by the new.

Neptune will enter Pisces on April 4, 2011. What is most significant about this chart is that there is a 6-planet stellium (grouping) in Aries! This suggests that the influences of Neptune in Pisces will spread like wild fire! This stellium in Aries merits its own special focus which I will do later on. For now, know this – on the New Moon in Aries April 3, 2011, and in that seed chart, will be 6 planets in Aries with Mars and Uranus exactly conjunct, and with the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in very close alignment! This is a very dynamic and progressive chart and it is a powerful theme in-tune with all the other initiatives and big action slated for 2011.

Major Planets & Lunar Nodes Entering New Signs

There are 5 major events occurring with planets entering new signs this year. Jupiter in Aries (January 22), Uranus in Aries (March 11), Neptune in Pisces (April 4), Lunar North Node in Sagittarius (March 4) and Chiron in Pisces (February 9). That makes 5 major sign changes of the social and far planets and all by April 5! That is a lot!
One of the many techniques in Astrology is to cast a chart for the exact moment a planet enters a new sign. This key moment in time offers insights about the themes associated with the entire cycle of the planet through the sign. This can also apply to the Lunar Nodes, asteroids and so on…. For the sake of brevity I will not go into every planet ingress chart, but I will do so for the Lunar Nodes below.

Since Jupiter is the ruling planet for Sagittarius and since it will enter Aries, the sign of pioneering and new initiatives in January, you might imagine that the themes mentioned above will get going early in the year. It is also noteworthy that Sagittarius is the Sign symbolic of journalism, publishing and mass distribution of knowledge and information. Given the global focus on Wikileaks for example and what some deem to be the first official ‘information war’ of the computer age, it is very likely that this story is far from over and in fact stands to escalate. Things could get quite explosive in this regard, especially in March when the Lunar Nodes change signs. Due to the elliptical orbit of planets they sometimes move faster and sometimes slower through the signs. In the case of Jupiter, it is currently moving quickly and by June 5th it will already enter Taurus. (See Jupiter Ingress Taurus chart). This is quite fortunate I would say, as it may contribute to a stabilizing effect. Taurus is the Sign of building foundations and there stands to be some of that over the course of the year as well - the building of new foundations. Considering the intensity of activity up to that time, it would not surprise me if more people turn to planting gardens this year as an extra bit of insurance in uncertain times. Perhaps this is a good time to plan a garden and to begin gathering organic seeds now! In fact, I would encourage it. On the other hand, Taurus of all the signs tends to resist change and becomes angry if forced to. Given the Jupiter / Saturn opposition earlier int he year, this could provoke major resistance and a polarization of forces.

The Lunar Nodes Change Signs in Mid February 2011

In Western Astrology, the Lunar North and South Nodes will complete their 18 months transit through Capricorn/Cancer and begin their cycle through Sagittarius/Gemini.
The general theme for this cycle is to take a stand and commit. The influence of the South Node in Gemini will not make this so easy but the North Node in Sagittarius will exert a strong pull for people to do so, according to the areas in their life where these influences will be strongest. These are determined by the house positions of the Lunar Nodes over the course of the cycle which is further determined by the date of birth, place and time. Closer to date, I will bring emphasis to each Zodiac Sign in my weekly Horoscope. But to really know the influence one would have to look at their actual birth chart, or have an Astrologer do it for them. The ruling planets for the nodes play a special role over the course of the Node Sign transit. In this case it is Jupiter and Mercury – the two teachers. Both signs and their planets are linked to communications, education, journalism and the general sharing of information. As might generally be expected, a lot more people will get on board with computers and the internet and all other sorts of communication technology. For the above reasons, we can also expect the pace of things in the world to accelerate very noticeably. The global village is about to become much more intimate as opinions, philosophies, information, insight, gossip… enter yet another level of exchange. Of course, within the scope of this we stand to hear a lot of controversy as well. Just prior to the previous Sign change of the Lunar Nodes I wrote a short Tip of the week in my Horoscope column and upon reflection I can see that the summary of my prediction was quite accurate. Read it and review the overview I provided for each Sun Sign HERE.

In light of the ingress chart for the Lunar Nodes which occurs on February 13, 2011 at 2 pm GMT, here is an overview. (See chart). What is most noteworthy is that Jupiter conjunct Uranus is high in the chart together. Since as I have already discussed these together are indicative of a major awakening, it becomes evident that people will be talking and exchanging information and wanting answers and insights more than we have seen for a very long time, perhaps more than ever before on a global level. With the Moon in Gemini, there is likely to be a lot of opinions flying yet very few feeling as confident as they might like about holding any one position. Also, there will be a lot of vying for attention and people will have to choose where they will focus, thus competition for attention will be high. Mars and the Sun in Aquarius are indicative of revolutionary beliefs, attitudes and actions.

Planets in Cardinal Signs

The line-up of planets in Cardinal Signs include Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus soon to be in Aries, Saturn in Libra and Jupiter will soon also enter Aries. This factor alone is indicative of a year of major activity, all other factors aside!
Considering that there will be many instances over the course of the year, the first six months especially, when the minor planets – Sun to Mars will also be in Cardinal Signs. For example in the chart for Neptune entering its own Sign of Pisces we see 6 planets in cardinal Aries! So, we can expect plenty of movement and change – a very progressive pace indeed. Jupiter and Saturn are considered the ‘Social Planets’ in that they are symbolic of social cycles and themes. They form a conjunction about every 20 years. With both in Cardinal Signs and due to the fact that Jupiter will form an Opposition Aspect to Saturn (March 29), we should see a steady rise in intensity already over the course of the winter season and throughout spring as well. This is especially so since Jupiter will first form a Square Aspect to Pluto on February 25th. Jupiter in Opposition to Saturn especially in Cardinal Signs is very dynamic.

Jupiter Opposition Saturn

Since Jupiter is symbolic of expansion and Saturn of contraction, there is a lot of stress in this aspect.
Sound judgment and decision making is difficult and the direction of energy is unpredictable. A conflict between optimism and caution is also characteristic. A restless urge for freedom and an urge to break free (Jupiter) from predictable, status quo restrictions will be strong. In the most positive sense, a deeper commitment to creating harmony, balance and justice (Saturn in Libra) will prevail. With Opposition aspects, the best recourse is ever diplomatic relations and win/win negotiations. These aspects are symbolic of the seed coming to full bloom and the intensity is akin to a Full Moon, yet by ratio is much more intense and significant when the planets involved are the major ones. So, the Opposition is a culmination aspect. Please Note: The initial Conjunction or seed aspect between Jupiter and Saturn was in May 28, 2000 and was part of a 7 planet alignment earlier that month in Taurus. Astrologers were giving a lot of attention to that ‘stellium’ (3 or more planets in alignment). Again, those who were looking for big events were focusing more on the sex and fertilization of the seed and less on the birth of the baby. This opposition between Jupiter and Saturn symbolizes the birth of the baby stemming from that conjunction in May 2000.

The C-36 Bill passing and others like it represent an aggressive move on the part of big business manipulating governments. Is it simply a case of ambition and greed or will these powerful new laws lead people to rebel and/or get closer to the land? In 2011 we are bound to see retaliation to this and it could get very heated indeed. How people will retaliate is another questions and it is likely that communities could pull together to meet the inevitable economic repercussions – in some respects to fight, in others to offer mutual support while in others to survive!

2011 from the Standpoint of Numerology and Tarot

2011 is a Universal 4 year. This is determined by simply adding the single digits (2+0+1+1= 4). I have written before about how it does not matter what year we ‘believe’ it is, it matters more what year we ‘agree’ it is. While there are other calendars, most of the world recognizes the Gregorian. This has nothing to do with the politics of the year, just about the numerological effects. 4 can be interpreted in two basic ways. First it represents a square or four legs on a table or and so something solid and enduring. The other way is to see 4 as legs on an animal or perhaps as tires on a vehicle. In this respect 4 is very dynamic indeed. I sometimes refer to it as the 4 by 4; in other words, big movement and big traction. By extension, big traction can leave big tread marks. In the Tarot, the Major Arcana 4 is The Emperor. The key message for this card is to recognize the importance of moving on with the times. There is also a quality of leadership implied; ‘Emperor’ and the wise leader must be willing to recognize that the status quo is always changing and that sometimes the turns are sharper and the grades are steeper than others. Some Tarot Decks refer to the Emperor as Aries. Since Mars is the planet linked to # 4 in Numerology and since Mars is the ruling planet for Aries, it has my vote. (Yet there are deeper implications of the meaning of the Major Arcana of the Tarot as well.)

The other Major Arcana linked to The Emperor are 13 Death and 0 or 22 = The Fool. Together with the Minor Arcana 4 which can be described as Completion, Stability, Power and Truce, we can begin to see themes of death, completions and endings followed by powerful forward motions sustained by forces that while solid, do not necessarily mean steady or smooth. The Death card also implies a deepening of commitments, of entering more deeply into things… like the ending yet deepening implied by marriage, for example. The Fool reminds us that we are spirits incarnate. Further that we must be willing to take risks and that innocence and trust can be valuable yet also to be aware of, and to avoid naivety. The Fool is said to be ruled by Uranus. I have found over the years that people either born on the 22nd day or whose birth year adds to 22 or whose day and month of birth add to 4 will always have Uranus strongly featured in their Astrology chart. (If you come under one of these categories and want me to illustrate this fact in your chart, please send me an email.) Uranus is symbolic of awakening, illumination, eureka, genius, invention, individuality, revolution and rebellion. In this respect, # 4 can also be understood to be quite rebellious and revolutionary. I have noticed this to be true in my observations over the years as well. So, a combination of dynamic stability and rebellious revolution is implied in this number and that is also what we stand to experience more of over the course of 2011.

February 3, 2011 begins the year of the Metal Rabbit in Chinese Astrology (see Chart).

There are more levels to this system but I will bring just a bit of attention to some of the basics. First, the base element for the Rabbit is Wood and the fact that the current year is Metal can generally go one of two ways. 1) It can prove to be a very productive year – Metal cuts Wood. OR, 2) Problems arise from negative attitudes and thinking and resistance to growth and change. (Wood is about growth by way of experience and change.) The Rabbit is generally considered a ‘lucky’ sign. Like most things, this is debatable. The Rabbit is nervous and excitable, on one hand and on the other meditative and serene. In the case of 2011, I would say the first half will apply to the first description and the second more to the latter characteristics.


Yes, revolutionary awakenings are already downloading at an alarming pace and these will continue in 2011. Some examples include the swift yet quiet passing of Bill C-36 on December 15th in the Canadian Parliament and the U.S. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act S.510 passed 2 weeks earlier. As benign and benevolent as some purport these new laws to be, there is reason to believe that there is a lot of corruption and big business ambition bending things their way, rather quietly. The roots of this wave of revolutionary politics may well be traced to Europe and the United Kingdom. This is where counter revolutions like the Wikileaks hype is stirring. The internet is the leveler of the playing field and it has and continues to educate, awaken, inform and shake the status quo.

What else should we expect from the dawn of the Aquarian Age? (The jury is out on when this officially began or will begin. If we lean too much on the constellations verses dividing the 25,650 Year Precessional Cycle into 12 equal divisions, sacred geometry style, we might assume that the Age begins centuries from now. The big questions East and West is where does 0 Aries begin? That the constellations are not each an equal 30 degrees raise more questions about the common deference to the constellations. Some assert that the Mayan 20 sign system is based on the division of the year as well. All the evidence of the Aquarian Age is here and many people intuitively feel it is so. For my part, I offer that the Aquarian Age dawned in 1992/93. This is the year of the birth of the WWW becoming public domain. There is historical evidence for this and I will share this in future articles.)

2011 will be one of those big shaker years we read about in history books. Of course, where things were shaking big in some areas, politically, geologically or otherwise, things were peaceful in other places. This is where a deeper study of nations and locations enters the picture. This article cannot encompass that so I can only offer an overview. One of the more important metaphors for the year is to say that the labor pains of the new era we are giving birth to will be intense and acute, if ‘relatively’ short lived as with the process of giving birth. Women will relate more to the term ‘relatively’ here as meaning when it is happening it can be beyond limits. It is common knowledge that women have throughout history, and even to this day still, die giving birth – the ultimate extreme in this dimension. Along with many successes, the birth of our global village is rife with blood, sweat and tears. On the other hand, although change can be painful, spring always follows winter. 2011 is a big year but with the right attitude and a willing to cooperate and move forward, it could prove to be a good one as well.

One of the biggest themes of 2011 will be to activate more awareness and participation in social processes. This means that in order to cultivate a more democratic world, people will have to decide to be more socially and politically aware. Thanks to modern technology, communications networking and the internet especially, people are more informed and aware than ever before. The changes scheduled for 2011 will push us all to be that much more in-tune with what is happening socially and politically both at home and abroad.

Astrology is a science and there are many levels to it. Specifically it is a holistic, metaphysical science. In other words, it offers an interface between the empirical sensory world and that of the unseen inner dimensions. Numerology and Tarot are other such systems used to ascertain character and destiny and measure cycles of growth and change. Together, these comprise probabilities that we can benefit from knowing more about. On the other hand, the future is not certain and as souls incarnate, we are co-creators in life. This means that the future is never certain and that by way of the quality of our thoughts, feelings, visions, intentions and overall rate of vibration, we contribute to future outcomes. This has always been true. Given this time in history that we are experiencing, we are wise to awaken to this opportunity and responsibility we individually and collectively share.

Blessings for a Healthy, Progressive and Exciting 2011!

Michael O’Connor
Local - Nelson BC 250.352.5172

Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Moon in Sagittarius - December 5, 2010

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - December 5, 9:36 am PDT
Next Full Moon - December 21, 12:13 am PDT **Lunar Eclipse
Next New Moon - January 4 **Solar Eclipse
Link to last month's newsletter

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!

Please follow the hyperlinks throughout this post for further articles of interest.

Sagittarius is the sign of BIG energy. Click HERE to learn more about the New Moon seed in general. The spotlight on the New Moon is not all that is exciting at this time. 2010 is going out with some extra sizzle with Mercury Retrograde, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the solstice, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and Uranus close to the third conjunction (Jan 4, 2011), Mars in Capricorn where it is exalted, Chiron and Neptune conjunct in the late degrees of Aquarius… And 2011 will come in with about as much spark, and perhaps even more. The Solar Eclipse New Moon on January 4th includes the third and final exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This is a very spiritual and auspicious aspect. It is also noteworthy that all of the planets will be direct, with no Retrogrades at all at the next New Moon. This is not extremely rare, yet that it is happening at the beginning of the year is the main point. But first, we must undergo the Mercury retrograde storm which stands to get progressively worse before it gets better. Fortunately, Mercury turns Direct before the turn of the New Year on December 29th. So, 2011 stands to be extra exciting indeed and there is good reason to believe we will need all the inspiration we can get – individually and collectively.

Before you leave frustrated that you do not know the lingo of Astrology, don’t worry I will explain in a moment.

First, I would like to make a few important announcements!

• You can learn the basic language code of Astrology quickly and easily. I will teach you and I am offering 3 ways for you to do so in January 2011. The first is a webinar which you can participate in wherever you live and the second is a 1-Day class, but you would have to be here in Nelson BC in person for the second one. If neither of these work for you, you can also learn it on your own by way of an ebook I have created for you. In each case, participating includes a Pocket Astrologer. In addition to learning the language code of Astrology – a universal, archetypal language of the soul, that is fun, illuminating and easier to learn than you might realize – you will also learn how to make practical use of it. Further, by tuning in to the Sun/Moon cycle, you are contributing to bringing humanity back in tune with natural time. Clocks are great but, at worst, they represent an artificial, mechanical and linear division of the flow of time. So, start the New Year off with some extra insight and contribute to the healing of our world.

• Winter Solstice is on 12/21/2010. This year, winter solstice will be accompanied by a Full Moon Eclipse (lunar eclipse) - this will make the event itself very lively and exciting. It also lends an auspicious tone to the entire cycle until the next winter solstice in 2011. To celebrate, I am hosting an evening event here in Nelson BC on December 21st at the New Grand Hotel from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. I will be offering a 75 minute Visual Presentation called "Era 2012" which will begin at 7:45. I have invited some other local Astrologers and enthusiasts as well to share some insights. There will also be a Solstice Ceremony followed by a meditation at 7 to 7:30 pm. This is a free event and donations will be accepted in the way of money and food contributions and these will be in-turn donated to our local food bank. For those of you who live elsewhere or cannot attend for any other reason, we hope to offer a live audio/visual stream of the evening which you would be able to watch on your computer. And it would be recorded as well to view anytime thereafter. Once this is confirmed, I will forward the URL for you to access the live stream before the event.

Winter Solstice literally marks the beginning of a new Earth/Sun relationship cycle. Basically, it is the angle of the earth and its annual orbit around the Sun, which is elliptical by the way, that measures a rhythmic and cyclical process of changing distribution of sunlight. As arbitrary and unimportant as that might seem to some, it is deeply woven into our consciousness and our very DNA because this cycle has been active before life on earth even began! Of course, all of nature responds to the changing distribution of sunlight on the planet and the seasonal round. That it is also the source reason for the rhythmic change of the season, not to mention the Solstice and Equinox quarter turning points which divide the year tidally into 4 equal season is further reason to appreciate the Earth/Sun relationship.

• I am also currently offering a 50% discount for 1 Hr readings, Just for Teens. I believe teens can benefit immensely from an Astrology Reading, as can most anyone. Yet teens are susceptible to influence from the peers more than other age levels and can greatly benefit from some insight and inspirational vision of who they are, what their strengths and challenges are and what stands to be a promising career path (parenthood is its own special category of career…) and when that will begin. (Not all of us are destined to get going with bigger commitments at the same time.) I was inspired to create this offering recently when I gave a couple of male teens a Reading while I was visiting in Cranbrook BC this fall. What I found particularly impressive is that both these young men paid right out of their own pocket and both were stoked with appreciation and empowerment so I was inspired right then and there to offer them a dynamic 1 hr reading for ½ the usual price. These Readings can be done in person or over the phone and are always recorded digitally and sent by email along with their Astrology Charts.

• I also offer Astrology Reports. These are computer generated yet are very affordable and are a nice addition to what you may already know about yourself from Astrology from previous Readings and/or as introductions to Astrology from family and friends. With Reports, the more you get the less each costs. In other words, I offer great package deals and these make for unique and even profound gifts that can easily be stuffed in a stocking since they come in a Gift Certificate format. I outline all of the Reports on my site HERE and for each one an example report is available so either you or the recipient of the Report Gift Certificate can decide which report is most suitable at this time.

Now, back to the theme of planetary influence mentioned at the outset.

The first thing you should know is that whatever is happening in terms of planetary alignments, the real question people usually ask is: “how are these influencing me”? The best answer is: “it depends on your whole chart” and not just your Sun Sign. Oh, that is valid enough alright. But Astrology is best understood from a holistic perspective. That is the paradigm to which it belongs. The holistic perspective on reality can otherwise be called the Perennial Philosophy. Our current world view or paradigm remains mechanistic. The basic difference is that the holistic paradigm perceives reality from wholes to parts whereas the mechanistic paradigm perceives reality from parts to wholes. Both have their place and may even be said to need each other for completeness, like men and women, right and left and so on… We are all always undergoing a steady and sure rhythmic relationship with creation and specifically with the planets in our solar system. These include the Sun and our Moon, of course. Real Astrology begins with a deep assessment of ones Birth Chart. Until this is done, deciphering the influence of planets remains exoteric or based on outside influence. With a deeper appreciation of how we embody the cosmic archetypes, then the awareness is intrinsic, intimate and relational. So, how are the planetary alignments working in your chart/life? Well you have to really want to know or else you will remain on the outside looking in. A deep read of your natal chart will give you insight that few other resources, if any, will be able to match.

We are living at what might well be deemed a very special time in history, if stressful. What is most important about this time is that we have come full circle and are on the verge of an exciting new Global Paradigm. Some refer to this as a New World order, but not everyone will agree on what that means. There are probably some who believe that they know what is best, but probably they do not. What is best for us all is that we learn to accept and celebrate our differences and our similarities. A balance between the sexes and a greater degree of balance in the distribution of wealth is more than ideal; it may prove to be necessary for our very survival. Many major cycles are coming to a close at this time. The upsurge in Mayan Astrology and the 2012 theme has ignited the imagination of people all over the world. What is not emphasized enough is the reality of cycles. Too may people are focused on events and outcomes and not enough on processes and flows. Anyway, the ending of one cycle always marks the beginning of the next. Something big and powerful and probably wonderful as well is being born, yet we must also accept that the birth process can be and is often painful. That is the overall biggest challenge of all. The story behind Era 2012 is helping to bring attention to this fact by breaking the trance of the daily grind. This is a powerful time and our consciousness participation matters and counts. That is the purpose of this Newsletter and of my weekly Horoscopes, to consistently offer insights that keep people awake and actively participating, even by simply by being more aware in your own life. But there is more we can all do as well and I feel confident in saying that the events of the turn of the New Year and those of 2011 in general will push us to do just that.

Thank you for being here!
P.S. - I will bring more attention to the meaning of the eclipses in the next Newsletter.
Happy Winter Solstice.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Moon in Scorpio - November 5, 2010

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - November 5, 9:52 pm PDT
Next Full Moon - November 21, 9:27 am PDT
Next New Moon - December 5, 9:36 am
Link to last month's newsletter

Happy New Moon in Scorpio!

Please follow the hyperlinks throughout this post for further articles of interest.

Before I update you on some of the more current and upcoming cycles and delve deeper into some reflections on Scorpio, arguably the most mysterious of all Zodiac Signs along with Pisces, I want to make a few announcements.

1. First, the progression of technology and digital recording, which makes Wave and MP3 files and so on, has become the norm - even steadily pushing CD’s towards the Dodo bin of extinction. So, digital recording is how I record all my sessions. The good news is that I can easily keep a copy in my archives and I can also easily send the wave file to anyone in the world by email. The problem arises when people are not familiar with how to handle wave files and/or if the email I send (via a carrier company called yousendit (check it out - you may find use for it too!) ends up being filtered or sent to a Spam / Junk folder. So, the main message is that if you are one of those people who has had a Reading with me over the past couple of years and have not been able to open or have lost or believe you have not received your wave file, please send me an email as I probably have a back-up file and will re-send it to you.

2. Second, the next "Live in-Tune with the Sun and Moon" WEBINAR - "How to Effectively Read an Astrology Calendar" begins on November 15 and runs for 4 evenings over the course of a month. If ever there is a time in the year when most people have more time, this is one of them. Learning how to use an Astrology calendar is practical and enriching. To learn more follow this link HERE, which also has the Register link via PayPal. All you need is a computer with internet connection and a phone; the rest is easy and I will guide participants through the 3 simple steps to be connected.

3. Third, I am on my way to Sandpoint Idaho from November 11 – 14 and will offering an evening presentation at Zero Point Crystals.

In addition to offering Personal Readings, I will also be giving an evening slide show Presentation called "Astrology, Era 2012 and the Great Awakening". I have come along way since my initial studies of this important time period theme. Among other key understandings, I bring attention to 2012 as an era we are already in and not simply a single date. Yet I also bring attention to what is particularly significant about the 12/21/2012 date. By way of a rich visual slide show presentation, I will also help people to better understand Astrology in general and Mayan Astrology in particular as as the valuable tools they are for greater self-awareness and deepened resepct for nature. Words like prediction, prophesy, fate and destiny hold great sway over many people’s minds. The fact is that the future is probable, due to the reality of cycles of time, but it is not certain and the key to realizing outcomes of higher possibility rests in being aware of the probability. Call it living consciously and in-tune with the rhythms and cycles of life. The entire theme surrounding the 2012 end date is quite large and complex and I have come to realize that very few people seem to really understand it all. I feel confident that I have a better than ever grasp of the facts, realities, probabilities and possibilities of it and I look forward to sharing this information.

So, if you live in Sandpoint Idaho or nearby or know anyone else who does, please come down to Zero Point Crystals next weekend to gain some valuable and profound insights by way of a personal reading and by attending the evening presentation,

4. I will be offering a showing of this updated Presentation in Nelson BC on Wednesday December 8th from 7 – 9:30 pm at the New Grand Hotel. Even if you did attend my presentation in April, please consider attending again as the theme focus is much sharper and precise to the particulars of this important time period of change. As ever, our conscious participation is the key to realizing a more promising future.

5. For those of you who live elsewhere in the world who clearly cannot attend any of my presentations in person but would like to see this Presentation, I have decided to also offer it online as a Webinar. So, please mark your calendars for November 21, 2010 - the day of the next FULL MOON. In order to accomodate people on the East Coast of North America and in other countries in Europe, this Presentation of "Astrology, Era 2012 and The Great Awakening" will take place on Sunday November 21st at 12 Noon - Pacific Time. If you would like to know what time that will be where you live, please send me an email. The cost for this event will be $10.00 (Canadian). To Register follow this link.

Thank you and now to back to the New Moon in Scorpio theme...

True to the nature of Scorpio, this stands to be a deep time for many. Of course, what deep actually means is relative. For some it could prove to be profound – a time to go within, to be still and silent. For others, this could prove to be an extra depressing time. An added intensity and passionate exchanges of every kind are likely. Here in the Northern hemisphere, the decreasing hours of daylight and the steady drop in temperature can be subconsciously interpreted to be a negative. (If you live in the Southern hemisphere, I would be interested to hear your experience of this time of the year – it may not be so dark and mysterious but stands to be intense somehow.)

The inner message behind this New Moon seed is the opportunity and perhaps need to establish new modes and lines of communication. Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter and Uranus closely aligned in Pisces are contributing aspects of this keynote theme, in addition to the New Moon itself. This is an example of loking to the whole chart rather than simply a single aspect like Moon conjunct the Sun forming a New Moon. I will bring more attention to this spiritual process currently unforlding in future newsletters. The Webinars mentioned above are great opportunities for you to tune-in to these higher frequencies and the changes they are bringing. Beyond the importance of making sincere efforts to communicate and exchange ideas, information and feelings with others in such a manner as to be understood and understanding, is to tune-in to higher frequencie where the realities of our personal and collective evolution in consciousness is the main intention. We are at a major turning point in our collective evolution and while our conscious participation by way of attunement is ideal and beneficial, it is happenning anyway and so we can see this is an opportunity. Life is ever evolving at every level, with or without our conscious attunement and by doing so we keep pace and perpetuate balance, health and a strong intuitive flow with realities beyond the mere bump and grind of material life in the market place and so on. This is where a deep Personal Astrology Reading can help significantly. In daily life we get influenced, distracted and confused by outer realities and lose touch with who we are in a more authentic sense and with what our deeper purpose and destiny in this lifetime is all about. This is perhaps the main reason why I am so passionate about the work I do. I help people with all levels of enquiry from relationships to career, life changes, timing and so on but at the deeper end of my passion for Astrology is to activate people to tune-in to their core nature and purpose. Once this is established, navigating the turns and changes of life gets clearer and more satisfying in such a manner as to transcend our dependence on outer events, circumstances and outcomes.
Self enquiry is a major feature of Scorpio, especially in as much as the process is linked to self-mastery. Learning to master our body, mind (imagination), emotions (fears) are linked to personal power.

Mastery and power are main themes for Scorpio. So too are sex, death and taxes central Scorpio themes. Imagine that - all 3 classics and linked to this one sign in particular. Of course the signs of the Zodiac are archetypes and we each have all them woven into our psyche and therefore get to participate in all of the above. The other side of Scorpio is regeneration and rebirth.

Scorpio has 2 ruling planets and the planets in Astrology are the real deal – the players whereas the signs are the themes, the aspects between the planets represent the plot and the Houses are the setting. Scorpio’s planets are Mars and Pluto. Mars is specifically about assertion and action of any all kind. In a personal Horoscope it represents one’s style of approach. Pluto is not just about change, but transformational change where something that once was one thing becomes another. Okay, Pluto has been re-classified. Many would say demoted. Perhaps there is some hidden ‘elitism’ (another Scorpio theme) in those who think this is what happened - demoted. Actually, Pluto has been given a new special status, a reclassification. Read more HERE from Wikipedia and I encourage you to read all the way down to the bottom… also, take note of the color scheme of Pluto to gain some insight on its characteristics.

Consider the following Astronomical and Astrological facts about Pluto (The Astronomical facts actually translate into the Astrological implications of any planetary body in the solar system):

• It has the most eccentric orbit of all the main bodies in the solar system. A couple of interesting features of this eccentric orbit is that occasionally it comes closer to Sun and Earth than Neptune. This is called Aphelion and Perihelion. It is worth noting here that both Pluto and Chiron in 1996 achieved perihelion in their respective orbits in Era 2012.

• It is the only planet-like object, (now officially classified as a Dwarf Planet), in the solar system that shares a special relationship with its Moon wherein Pluto and Charon basically rotate around each other! (Charon is Pluto’s big Moon - Nix and Hydra are Pluto’s small Moons). I liken this metaphorically to be the grinding drill that tends to be the effect of Pluto when it aspects another planet – scouring and removing of debris of any sort that has served its time and purpose. This may include your body. (Don’t worry you are a soul first and foremost and as soon as death comes you will find yourself in another dimension – generally the Astral unless you are more pure and advanced - meaning you vibrate at a higher level wherein you will find yourself in one of the Heaven Worlds. These ‘worlds’ by the way, are dimensions and are just like a radio or television station co-exiting with others.)

• Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration, death and rebirth, purging and purification. Elimination and completion or death may seem nasty and the processes of it can certainly be frightening and painful, yet the consequences of non-elimination would be nastier, at least in this physical dimension... Besides, just as the great spiritual teachers have reminded us throughout the ages: ‘death is simply the end of one state and the beginning of another’ – as dramatic as that ending may be. (The key is to be aware of the nature of the change and the duration of it, and this Astrology can help with very well.)

• Regardless of Pluto’s size or the reasons why Astronomers (some – not all were or are in agreement) have decided to re-classify Pluto, it is very potent. It may seem natural to assume because Pluto/Charon – I like to refer to them as a pair - is so far away and small it does not have a major impact. However, a single cell is also very small but by splitting it we realize just how much power it contains, defying what might seem natural. Plutonium, the highly radioactive element which is used for nuclear energy and bombs is so named for a good reason. Furthermore, when we view reality in general and the solar system in particular - holistically, we can begin to see how size and distance are not so important. For example, the ignition mechanism on a car is not very large either… and both Mars and Pluto are activating and igniting!

• Pluto may best be considered the first among equals because in its reclassification Pluto now stands at the forefront of many other small planet like bodies – Dwarf Planets – located in the Kuiper Belt which is a vast region of dust, debris and yes Dwarf Planets beyond the orbit of Neptune, which therefore includes Pluto, yet it sometimes comes closer to the Sun than Neptune, as mentioned. The first among these planets is Iris.

• In Natal Astrology (one’s base chart determined by the date, place and time of birth), Pluto is the planet most closely linked to the processes of personal evolution. (The term evolution has been somewhat usurped by biologists beginning popularly with Charles Darwin, however, there is also the reality of the evolution of the soul.) Astrologer Jeffrey Green has dedicated most of his career to clarifying this fact and has even started a school called Jeffrey Green’s Evolutionary Astrology. I have read Mr. Green’s books and have attended his seminars and I include his techniques as a usual aspect of my work and have done so for many years. (Technically, I consider myself to be a humanistic Astrologer which is more person centered than event oriented, and Jeff Green’s work weaves into it very comfortably.)

Key Planetary Activity for this Lunar Cycle:

Both Venus and Jupiter – the two ‘benevolents’ in traditional Astrology - turn direct on the same day, November 18th! The sudden lift of weight will feel quite welcome.

Venus still in its retrograde motion moves from Scorpio back to Libra on November 7 and this suggests that some of the steamy intensity or frustrated desire of Venus retrograde in Scorpio will be lifted. Venus will then re-enter Scorpio on November 29 – lusty wanton hussy, can’t get enough when in Scorpio! >;) Venus will finally enter Sagittarius in January 7, 2011 so her romp through Scorpio is quite a long one indeed. Scorpio is generally considered to be one of the worst placements for Venus due to the lusty, seductive and secretive nature of this combination. Of course, not everyone will share the same opinion….

Jupiter has been in close alignment with Uranus since May 2010 and due to their respective retrograde motions will remain so until late January 2011. It is also worth noting that Jupiter will form the last of 3 conjunctions with Uranus on January 4th right on the exact day of the first New Moon of the year which is also a Solar Eclipse! See Chart HERE. 2011 will sure begin with some powerful and, I am happy to report, auspicious alignments indeed. Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces may generally be regarded as a very spiritual influence.

Mercury Retrograde alert!

Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 8 then enters Capricorn on November 30. Yet due to its third of three tri-annual retrograde periods beginning on December 10th, Mercury will re-enter Sagittarius from its beginning point retrograde in Capricorn on December 18th and remain retrograde until December 29 and then only re-enter Capricorn on January 13, 2011.

Mercury moves quickly, completing an orbit in 88 days and if it were not for turning retrograde 3 times/year it would appear to travel around the Sun 4 times, which it does in fact but not from the perspective of Earth. Mercury is the planet most closely linked to perception which is very significant from the standpoint of Astrology, wherein our perceptions are directly linked to our co-creative function as human beings.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd.

The Next New Moon is December 5th and occurs at 13 Sagittarius. See Chart HERE.

Thank you again for tuning in! I hope the insights offered are interesting and may prove useful. Of course, these facts and insights are not as intimate and personally accurate as when I look specifically at a client’s actual Birth Chart and measure the current cycles of change. I invite you to take a closer look at your chart with me sometime soon. The experience can be truly life changing in a positive way and healing and inspirational as well. I keep my rates lower than average because I want Astrology to be very accessible to everyone. On a final note, Gift Certificates make for a valuable and cherished gift.

Monday, October 4, 2010

New Moon in Libra - October 7, 2010

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon – October 7, 11:44 am PDT
Next Full Moon - October 22, 6:37 pm PDT
Next New Moon - November 5, 9:525 pm PDT
Link to last month's newsletter

Hello everybody, Happy New Moon in Libra!

Please follow the hyperlinks throughout this post for further articles of interest.

Before I offer insights about this New Moon in Libra and some other themes of interest like Venus Retrograde in Scorpio and a listing of Current Planetary Activity (link below at the bottom), I want to extend a warm welcome to all the new subscribers.

Thank you all for your interest and in advance for telling others you feel might be interested and could benefit from this kind of knowledge. Of course, if for whatever reason you would like to unsubscribe even temporarily, you can simply click on the link up on the top right of this newsletter and email me to be removed. Of course, my goal is to keep you interested and provide information and insight that will prove insightful, useful, beneficial and entertaining.

In last months’ newsletter, I asked to hear back from my subscribers who wished to tell me where they are located in the world. Considering there are over 3,000 of you out there that subscribe to this newsletter, I was curious to see what response would come back. And wow! It’s exciting to hear from many of you from both local and far-reaching international locations. Subscriber locations include British Columbia and all over western and eastern Canada, the US; including California, New Mexico, South Carolina and Texas, and Europe; such as Belgrade, Serbia and the UK, various locations in South America and even Malaysia and Australia too! It’s an honour and privilege to be reaching out to all of you around the globe, and thank you for the positive feedback and encouragement from many of you. I can’t always reply to every email that comes in as I’m fairly busy these days and just got back from a 3 week road trip. Please re-send if I haven’t answered something!

For those of you who have not yet, but would like to let me know where you are located (city and country perhaps and your name even just the first as it is not always clear from the emails), please do so. I will create a complete list soon of all the cities and countries in the world represented. Please rest assured that none of your personal information will ever be given to a third party for any reason without your clear consent. It is not the nature of my business nor is it my intent to contact you other than for the sake of sending the newsletter or to share your information with any other party. Rather, I wait for you to contact me.

People do contact me for obvious readings like to book a Reading. Thanks to modern technology, communication with anyone in the world is as quick and easy as if they were down the street and the cost of doing so is lower than ever. Hopefully it will remain this way but possibly not, so let’s take full advantage of this opening to co-create the global village that our very future might depend on. People also send emails commenting about what I write. On that note and in the spirit of sharing, so strongly symbolic of Libra, I want to extend a special invitation to all of you to let me know what you love about Astrology or what interests you, or what confuses or frustrates you, or what you would like to know more about.

I would like to stimulate a bit more live interaction. I will create a section to post questions and will provide names and locations only when these are given. I will then offer answers either directly, indirectly through the newsletter or by directing you to articles I or others have written or to books and videos. I also welcome any leads on any of the above resources that you feel I might benefit from knowing about.

In addition to booking Personal Readings, other reasons people contact me is to register for a webinar. The next webinar begins on November 17 through to the 23. Read all about it HERE.

Yes, there is still time to register and plenty of room for anyone interested, especially since you simply have to be at home. A webinar works by way of people calling a special number to access a party line and thanks to computer technology; you will see my computer screen where I will guide you through the course material with easy to follow visual images. Each evening course is 90 minutes and includes notes for review a few simple exercises that I send to participants by email.

In just 4 evenings over 7 days you will learn the basic language code of Astrology and be able to make use of it by way of reading an Astrology Calendar. In addition to being fun, interesting and useful, learning Astrology is very stimulating for ones imagination and higher mind in general.

The course is only $80 & includes a Pocket Astrology Calendar. As a Special Bonus I make the option of reviewing the course the next time it takes place for FREE. (The next webinar will take place in January 2011). Some people need and like this while others do not need it and they find after the webinar is complete, they have enough understanding "How to Effectively Read & Follow an Astrological Calendar".

I also offer slide show presentations and various lectures and workshops that are extensions of my work as an Astrologer. I am currently offering an evening Presentation called "Astrology, Era 2012 & the Great Awakening". I have several locations already booked close to home here in British Columbia including:

OK Falls BC - October 9, 7:00 to 9:00 at Kenyon House
Cranbrook BC - October 21, 7:00 to 9:00 at Exhale Yoga Studio
Creston BC – October 28, 7:00 to 9:00 (location TBA)
Sandpoint Idaho – November 11, 6:30 to 9:00 at Zero Point Crystals

If you or anybody else you know might be interested please send me an email and I will forward a flyer to you or you can get more details HERE.

For those of you who live elsewhere in the world, who might be interested in seeing one of my Presentations with live audio in a webinar format, please let me know. If there are enough people interested I will schedule a couple of dates and times to accommodate the time zones of those interested as best I can. The Presentations last for about 2 hours and are packed with knowledge, insight and imaginative and intuitive inspiration. There would be a small fee of $5. I will post any replies I get at the next New Moon Newsletter along with dates and times for each presentation. PS I have made about 8 of them!

Click HERE to read about the Major Aspects and Planet Activity – New Moon in Libra Lunation Cycle

Thank you everyone!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Moon in Virgo - September 8, 2010

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon – September 8 – 3:30 am PDT
Next Full Moon - September 23 - 2:17 am PDT
Next New Moon - October 7 - 11:44 am PDT
Happy New Moon in Virgo!
As we close in on the last quarter of 2010, the urge to pack in what is left of summer and prepare for the new season is a major theme. The planetary alignments these days are quite exciting indeed. The major aspects of the summer have come and gone. The big oil spill back in late spring was one of the bigger indicators of dramatic turning points. Peace talks in the Middle East are a promising sign. The struggling economy comes as no big surprise due to the synchronicity of the last square between Saturn and Pluto. The good news in that respect is that a new wave of consciousness is brewing to offset the changing economic climate.

In the short term, people may be reacting but I am confident from what the charts say that it will produce a new set of priorities and values in terms of what is important. This will become especially apparent over the next 6 months. With Jupiter and Uranus forming a conjunction in Pisces on September 18 and on January 4th – yes twice – due to the first one with both planets retrograde, we may well see the emergence of a new collective attitude towards spiritual realities. When the times get tough people turn to divinity for help and guidance. The close conjunction of Neptune and Chiron which has been active for many months is an indication that some healing is occurring in that regard. T hese things do take time and no longer can we simply defer to pat dogma.

The signs of the times suggest that we are collectively ascending to new levels of consciousness. With Uranus this can happen rather quickly, yet given the spectrum of consciousness on the planet, it will take time yet. So, we do what we can by tuning in ourselves and in so doing, contribute to the collective awakening. That is a primary focus of this newsletter, to help tune you in to the cosmic realities as revealed by Astrology. My webinar on how to read and follow a pocket Astrologer would accelerate your comprehension and ability to tune-in this way quite considerably. Please consider the next 4 part evening webinar coming up in October 13.

Part 1

Virgo is the most analytical and detailed of all the signs in the Zodiac. This faculty of critical thinking is an important function of human nature. It is the principle of discernment and of differentiation and of critical analysis where details do matter. Virgo is symbolic of the writer and the analyst, the teacher and the engineer and all aspects of life where the factual details allow us to live, create, and function with degrees of precision where approximations and estimates simply will not do.

Only 3 Signs of the Zodiac reveal a person as its symbol; Gemini the twins, Aquarius the Water Bearer and Virgo, the ‘virgin’ maiden. Not surprisingly, these signs do share interesting associations yet the relationship dynamics are not easy at all, as is the case with people in relationship with one another generally. While purity and hygiene are important to Virgo, the ‘virgin’ should not simply be interpreted as chaste, celibate and sexually innocent or inexperienced. The deeper meaning of this symbol is independence and wholeness where learning to be more whole unto ourselves is important. By extension, Virgo is the holistic sign where the whole is understood to be greater than the sum of the parts. (Click here to read more about Virgo...)

Part 2
Well, this is the last official New Moon of the summer. To many, summer ends on Labor Day, but the official ending is always at the Autumn Equinox which occurs this year on September 22nd at 8:09 pm PDT. This is the exact day when the hours of light and dark are equal. If you think about it, there is nothing arbitrary about this fact at all. It is a fact based on the measurement of time and is expressed as exactly 12 hours of sunlight in an official 24 hour day period where the day begins at midnight. The only other day of the year when this occurs is Spring Equinox. Dividing the year into 12 equal parts based on the Solstice and Equinoxes is both a reflection of the practical science and the inherent spirituality that comprises Astrology. (Click here to read more...)

Part 3
Major Aspects and Planet Activity

* Note: The following is a generic overview of planetary activity over the course of the lunation cycle. To really know how the planets will affect you, it is probably necessary to get a personal reading. The scope of a reading can cover a period of one month to many years. I explain a bit more about the way Astrology works in regards to the planets actually making aspects to one’s own chart or to any official location like a country, city or town or to a company or institution in an article called Cosmic Chemistry.

** Note: The Moon enters a new sign about every 2.5 days and, because it completes a full cycle every 27.3 days, it makes many aspects over the course of the month. Some days are busier than average to be sure. This is based on the amount of aspects to the planets from the Moon on any given day. While the Moon’s aspects are the most superficial in terms of larger life cycles, currents and events, it is these aspects that we can feel the most on any given day.

I teach people how to read and tune-in to the flow of the Moon in my webinars. It can be very rewarding to have this knowledge because in addition to knowing the basics of the language of Astrology, you can also feel and watch the synchronicities more clearly. Further, you can learn to watch the rhythmic and regular tone of influence in your own life when the Moon is in any given sign. Beyond realizing that Astrology works you can learn to make practical use of it.

Overview of each planet over the course of this lunar cycle:

Sun: From 15 Virgo on September 8 to 14 Libra at the next New Moon on October 7.

Mercury: From 6 Virgo and Retrograde, Mercury turns Direct on September 13 and by the next New Moon will be at 6 Libra.

Venus: From 29 Libra to 13 Scorpio

Mars: From 26 Libra to 15 Scorpio

Jupiter: From 0 Aries to 26 Pisces Retrograde

Saturn: From 5 Libra to 8 Libra

Chiron: 27 Aquarius to 26 Aquarius RetrogradeUranus: From 29 Pisces to 27 Pisces Retrograde

Neptune: 26 Aquarius 48 to 26 Aquarius 11

Pluto: 2 Capricorn 48 to 2 Capricorn 55 (Turns direct on September 13)

All times given below are in Pacific Daylight Time Zone.

- September 8, 2010
* Moon conjunct Sun in Virgo = New Moon in Virgo at 3:30 am at 15Virgo 41
* Venus enters Scorpio 8:45 am. Venus in Scorpio stimulates desire and obsession. This is when the pretty lady wears black leather, reveals claws and may even carry a whip.
* Jupiter re-enters Pisces due to retrograde motion at 9:51 pm. Jupiter in Pisces can prove to be a very spiritual influence. Mysticism and imagination flights reach beyond established limits. Negatively, it can stimulate fanatical sentiments often leaning to religious fervor and therefore cause divisions and contradicting the unity that is otherwise implied.

- September 9
* Mars trine Neptune at 6:18 pm. Mars and Neptune actives ideals and deliberate action to achieve them. Sometimes these ideals are very romantic and ungrounded.

- September 12
* Venus sextile Pluto at 3:41 am. Any aspect to Pluto has the affect of bringing what is hidden or ready to be eliminated to the surface. With Venus it could prove to be a very sexual combination. Money issues and the prospect of seizing opportunity is also quite likely especially since Venus is in Scorpio.
* Mercury turns Direct at 4:09 pm after 3 weeks of retrograde motion.

- September 13
* Pluto turns Direct after 6 months of retrograde motion and will remain so all year advancing to 5 Capricorn by the New Year.

- September 14
* Mars enters Scorpio at 3:38 pm.

- September 18
* Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 6:07 pm (both retrograde).
* Mars stextile Pluto at 7:48 pm.

- September 21
* The Sun in Virgo in Opposition to Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces.

- September 22
* The Sun enters Libra at 8:09 pm making it the official time of Autumn Equinox and the official beginning of Autumn.

- September 25
* Sun Square Pluto. This squaring off can produce a lot of energy and an extra emphasis on personal determination to succeed. Make the most of it yet beware of excess assertions from self or others.

- September 30
* Sun Square Saturn. Saturn brings restriction and delay at worst and discipline and concentration at best. Better to be busy with realistic projects that seek idle pleasures today.

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Moon in Leo - August 9, 2010

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – August 9 – 8:08 pm PDT
Next Full Moon - August 24 - 10:05 am PDT
Next New Moon - September 8 - 3:30 am PDT

Transformation, new beginnings, passion and drama are key words that best describe the overall picture on the seed packet presentation by the exact time and date of this New Moon. Before I lead you into a deeper understanding of the details and implications of the planetary positions and alignments for our times, here are a few important announcements.

First, I will be in Victoria from September 3 to 7. I am offering Personal Readings and an Evening Presentation on Friday, September 3rd from 7-9:30 pm at the Church of Truth. "Astrology, Era 2012 and the Great Awakening". This slide show offers a cosmic perspective on the subject of Astrology itself as a basis for current culminating cycles and illustrated in both Mayan and Western systems of Astrology and how these together indicate a great awakening; truly a renaissance rebirth in consciousness active now in our times.

From September 8 to 13, I will be visiting Salt Spring Island. I will be offering the same as above with the Evening Presentation on Friday, September 10th at Lion’s Hall.

To book a Personal Reading for either location, please send me an email to or call Toll Free 1.888.352.2936

From September 24-26 I will be in Penticton at the Body, Soul & Spirit Expo. At the Expo I will be offering 30-60 minute Readings and three Lectures. Follow this Link to learn more.

I am still taking Personal Readings now and am available in Nelson, BC or I also do sessions by phone which are recorded for you and include your charts. I can do Readings over the phone almost anytime, but during the time periods like above when I am travelling and doing Readings and Presentations, there is less time but sometimes there are some openings.

On a final note, please feel free to send me an email with any comments you may have on anything I write in the Newsletter. A simple hi or cheers feels good too!

Now I will more fully explain both a bit how Astrology works and what is going on now. As usual, I provide a variety of links for you to follow if you would like additional insights and details on the themes and events covered below. I finish the Newsletter with a listing of key dates when exact powerful planetary alignments will occur over the course of the current Lunation Cycle or 29.5 days. So, if you are really curious you can go there first.

The exact date and time of the New Moon ‘was’ Monday, August 9 at 8:08 pm PDT. Leo is the Zodiac sign that is ruled by the Sun. When it is a New Moon, the Sun and Moon share the same place in the sky. Occasionally, this produces an eclipse, like last month. So, within a new Moon is the archetypal symbol of the Moon eclipsing or in front of the Sun. It can also be seen as a conjunction aspect, which occurs when two planets share the same position in the sky, from the Earth’s perspective. A conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle between any two ‘planets’. In the case of the Sun and Moon, which are technically referred to as the “Luminaries”, (and there are only two luminaries), a special cycle called a “Lunation Cycle” begins. Read more about the New Moon and the Lunation Cycle here: Part I and Part II.

In fact, I have posted a series of articles in the Library of my site in Top 20 Tips that offer useful insights to better understand the importance of the cycles of the Sun and Moon. Also, I teach 2 webinars designed to quickly educate people in a user friendly manner how to work with the Sun/Moon cycle and the basic cycles in their life – culturally uplifting and practical too! I have posted various articles about it in this section of the Library on my website.

You can also read some interesting background on Leo in the Library of my website in Articles or simply click HERE. (Simply scroll down until you see the title, “The Sun is the Single Most Important Factor in Astrology”. There are about 5 or 6 articles there with a few extras in between.)

Now, the really big news for this particular cycle is the powerful aspect pattern called a T-Square. Such an aspect occurs when two or more planets are in close Opposition Aspect (180 degrees apart or directly across from each other), and then a third planet sits 90 degrees away or Square from both ends of the Opposition. T-Squares are considered one of the most powerful aspects in Astrology, whether they are found in a person’s birth chart or whether they are current and actual in the sky, like now!

To gain some overview on the powerful Opposition Aspects of our times, go HERE. The Saturn/Uranus Opposition (July 27) and the Saturn/Jupiter Opposition (August 16) are two of the most important aspects of our times.

That the planets involved are the bigger players in the Astrological pantheon naturally indicates a big theme. That all the planets are in action-oriented Cardinal signs implies that the entire aspect is even more potent in terms of action, than it would otherwise be if the planets were in one of the other two modes – Fixed or Mutable. Cardinal signs are those that begin the seasons and so the exact Solstice and Equinox dates indicates that the Sun has just entered one of the four Cardinal Signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. In other words, the beginning of each Cardinal Sign occurs at the Solstice and Equinox event dates – usually on the 21st day of December, March, June and September. These are all reflections of the turning points in the cycle of the Sun’s light on the planet. How important do you suppose the light cast by ‘our own’ star onto our planet is to us, practically, psychologically and spiritually? After all, we are speaking about the Sun’s LIGHT. The Sun is the Single Most important factor in Astrology. On the other hand, the mapping of the planets onto an Astrological Mandala presents the more esoteric part of the story yet. The planetary positions and even the Sun’s light are reflective of our relationship with the cosmic reality and is in many respects an exoteric reality, albeit one that is subject to our collective perceptions of time and space from the perspective of the Earth, the fact that the Sun is actually at the center of the Solar System aside... Yet, it is the geometry and the geometric Mandala and aspects and the plotting of the planets in symbolic code that connect with the esoteric and archetypal reality.
All too often, people overlook the metaphysical aspect of Astrology. Some even romantically allude to our relationship to the stars or our lost connection to the stars in some form of criticism to how and why Astrology works or that because Astrologers in the West in particular pay special attention on the sunlight, as though dismissing the movement of the stars, though they do not really. In other words, few people seem to understand the esoteric side of Astrology and many critics, even published authors embarrass themselves with thinking they know what they are talking about when they criticize the validity of Astrology. I will bring more attention to this theme in the New Moon in Virgo Newsletter.

Namely, the planets involved in the T-Square are Jupiter and Uranus closely aligned in Aries, in Opposition to Saturn conjunct Venus in Libra and powerful and transformational Pluto is 90 degrees away, or in Square aspect to both. In other words, Pluto is the Apex Planet between two pairs of planets each closely aligned and opposing each other.

Whatever planet is at the apex determines how the other energies will be ‘channeled’ or directed, (in the sense of energetic current and not in the sense of mediumship.) So, since Pluto, which is better understood as Pluto/Charon now since Pluto was re-classified and given its own special designation, is at the apex, we can expect nothing other than change, transformation and regeneration. How this will occur depends on how the exact position of Pluto and the entire T-Square itself activates the birth charts of the various countries, cities, companies and other ‘individuals’.

Here in British Columbia we now have the HST; as a strong synchronistic example of the impact of this aspect. From a wider perspective, the entire global economy is undergoing massive change and this process will continue for some time yet, even as much as five years, before the full measure of this change has occurred and a new economic reality is established. Just pay attention and you will see that the higher taxes will eventually sweep our entire country, step by step. More immediately, watch for noticeable changes on economic fronts over the course of this New Moon or ‘Lunation Cycle’.

The other big news for this time is that Venus is also closely aligned to Mars, both of which are now in Libra. Since Venus is the faster of the two planets, it is customary that she appears to be chasing Mars or catching-up to ‘him’ about every 9 to 11 months, depending on the particulars of each planet in their respective retrograde cycles. So this time Venus will conjunct or catch Mars on August 20th. Libra is the sign of relationships and can therefore be seen as one, of if not the most romantic signs of the Zodiac, next to Leo and Pisces which are pretty romantic as well. Since Venus is in ‘her’ own sign, the emphasis on creating harmonious connections will be higher yet. Currently however, Venus is conjunct Saturn which has the tendency to dampen, restrict and/or delay the otherwise passionate desire nature of Venus. So, once she is free of Saturn’s grip by mid August, the heat of her chase to catch and embrace Mars will ensue. It is a little like the young lovers enjoying the chase encountered some official who tends to want law and order over fun and games, causing them to slow the pace and even coyly pretend that it is not even happening. Then once far enough away to be seen or stopped by the official, the chase begins again. The ‘official’ in this story is an example of the nature of Saturn.

The following is a listing of the most powerful generic aspects that will occur over the course of the current lunation cycle. Again, these are generic aspects meaning that they are active now yet how they will specifically affect any person, place or institution depends on the birth date of any such ‘person’. Yet, we can still see the synchronistic flow of the affect of the current planetary alignments. If you are more into the flow mood and feel of the aspects, it is the aspects the Moon is making to mthe Sun and all the planets that you want to follow. As there at an average of about 4 per day there is too many to list in a Newsltter. Learning to effectively follow the aspects the Moon makes each day, week and month is what my webinar is all about. The next one begins October 13, please let me know if you are interested. You can also learn more about learning how to read an Astrology calndar and effectively Learn How to Live In-Tune with the Sun and Moon Here.

Friday, August 13 Uranus in its retrograde motion will re-enter Pisces after just over 2 months in Aries. Uranus will remain in Pisces until April 2011. I will be bringing more attention to Uranus in Pisces especially since it will form two conjunction aspects with Jupiter over the course of the next 4 months. This stands to spark mass spiritual awakenings…

Monday, August 16 - Jupiter and Saturn will form an exact Opposition Aspect. The cycles of Jupiter and Saturn are directly linked to the economy. This aspect will spark many changes and endings of our current economic status quo over the course of the next 2-3 years.

Friday, August 20 - Venus will conjunct Mars and Mercury will turn retrograde, both on the same day. Relationships in general and especially those that begin in accordance with these aspects will involve deeper communication themes and potentially a good deal of confusion in that area as well. As always, every case must be approached on its own ground and with awareness we can overcome more than when we proceed blindly, as is often the case.

Saturday, August 21 - Saturn and Pluto will form a powerful exact Square Aspect (see Chart here). This is another major indication of change in the economy and the laws surrounding it, and global civilization in general. This is especially so since the Square is an Upper Square verses a Lower Square, which implies that the cycle is coming to a close and the impact it was destined to make is now in affect or in the final stages of the evolutionary changes to be consolidated and brought to their next effective level of expression. (In a cycle there are two possible 90 degree square aspects. The first occurs after the conjunction of the two planets – the Saturn Pluto Conjunction, which indicates the core themes of the entire cycle and which occurred in November of 1982 (see Chart here).

The 1st Square afterward, which reveals the fruit, like a pregnant woman occurred in March 1993 – the year the WWW became public domain (see Chart here). This event was critical in terms of how our entire planet now does business and increasingly has done so since. The chart reveals that the World Wide Web is the key to a more balanced and just economy on our planet. The Opposition, which follows the 1st Square Aspect between these two power players, occurred in May 2002. Does that year, and the few that followed, ring a bell in terms of key events and turning points in the economy? Wasn’t that when the .com economic bubble burst? I am receptive to any input on this matter. This current Square aspect is the 2nd of two or the Upper Square which reveals the final outcome of processes sparked by the first Square aspect, and specifically of new relationships and especially of new priorities and social rhythmic patterns. In other words, look for changes in the social scene for new interests and priorities especially in terms of what people choose to spend their money on.

August 22, 2010 – The Sun enters Tropical Virgo.

September 4, 2010 – Venus Trines Neptune. This will bring a sensual and romantic influence to this year’s Labor Day Weekend. (that is the weekend I do my Evening presentation in Victoria)

Next New Moon in Virgo is September 8 and on that very day, Venus will enter Scorpio and Jupiter will re-enter Pisces due to its retrograde movement.

Thank you for being here and your interest!

I look forward to connecting with and/or Reading for you personally in the near future.

Michael O’Connor