Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - December 5, 9:36 am PDT
Next Full Moon - December 21, 12:13 am PDT **Lunar Eclipse
Next New Moon - January 4 **Solar Eclipse
Link to last month's newsletter
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!
Please follow the hyperlinks throughout this post for further articles of interest.
Sagittarius is the sign of BIG energy. Click HERE to learn more about the New Moon seed in general. The spotlight on the New Moon is not all that is exciting at this time. 2010 is going out with some extra sizzle with Mercury Retrograde, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the solstice, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and Uranus close to the third conjunction (Jan 4, 2011), Mars in Capricorn where it is exalted, Chiron and Neptune conjunct in the late degrees of Aquarius… And 2011 will come in with about as much spark, and perhaps even more. The Solar Eclipse New Moon on January 4th includes the third and final exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This is a very spiritual and auspicious aspect. It is also noteworthy that all of the planets will be direct, with no Retrogrades at all at the next New Moon. This is not extremely rare, yet that it is happening at the beginning of the year is the main point. But first, we must undergo the Mercury retrograde storm which stands to get progressively worse before it gets better. Fortunately, Mercury turns Direct before the turn of the New Year on December 29th. So, 2011 stands to be extra exciting indeed and there is good reason to believe we will need all the inspiration we can get – individually and collectively.
Before you leave frustrated that you do not know the lingo of Astrology, don’t worry I will explain in a moment.
First, I would like to make a few important announcements!
• You can learn the basic language code of Astrology quickly and easily. I will teach you and I am offering 3 ways for you to do so in January 2011. The first is a webinar which you can participate in wherever you live and the second is a 1-Day class, but you would have to be here in Nelson BC in person for the second one. If neither of these work for you, you can also learn it on your own by way of an ebook I have created for you. In each case, participating includes a Pocket Astrologer. In addition to learning the language code of Astrology – a universal, archetypal language of the soul, that is fun, illuminating and easier to learn than you might realize – you will also learn how to make practical use of it. Further, by tuning in to the Sun/Moon cycle, you are contributing to bringing humanity back in tune with natural time. Clocks are great but, at worst, they represent an artificial, mechanical and linear division of the flow of time. So, start the New Year off with some extra insight and contribute to the healing of our world.
• Winter Solstice is on 12/21/2010. This year, winter solstice will be accompanied by a Full Moon Eclipse (lunar eclipse) - this will make the event itself very lively and exciting. It also lends an auspicious tone to the entire cycle until the next winter solstice in 2011. To celebrate, I am hosting an evening event here in Nelson BC on December 21st at the New Grand Hotel from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. I will be offering a 75 minute Visual Presentation called "Era 2012" which will begin at 7:45. I have invited some other local Astrologers and enthusiasts as well to share some insights. There will also be a Solstice Ceremony followed by a meditation at 7 to 7:30 pm. This is a free event and donations will be accepted in the way of money and food contributions and these will be in-turn donated to our local food bank. For those of you who live elsewhere or cannot attend for any other reason, we hope to offer a live audio/visual stream of the evening which you would be able to watch on your computer. And it would be recorded as well to view anytime thereafter. Once this is confirmed, I will forward the URL for you to access the live stream before the event.
Winter Solstice literally marks the beginning of a new Earth/Sun relationship cycle. Basically, it is the angle of the earth and its annual orbit around the Sun, which is elliptical by the way, that measures a rhythmic and cyclical process of changing distribution of sunlight. As arbitrary and unimportant as that might seem to some, it is deeply woven into our consciousness and our very DNA because this cycle has been active before life on earth even began! Of course, all of nature responds to the changing distribution of sunlight on the planet and the seasonal round. That it is also the source reason for the rhythmic change of the season, not to mention the Solstice and Equinox quarter turning points which divide the year tidally into 4 equal season is further reason to appreciate the Earth/Sun relationship.
• I am also currently offering a 50% discount for 1 Hr readings, Just for Teens. I believe teens can benefit immensely from an Astrology Reading, as can most anyone. Yet teens are susceptible to influence from the peers more than other age levels and can greatly benefit from some insight and inspirational vision of who they are, what their strengths and challenges are and what stands to be a promising career path (parenthood is its own special category of career…) and when that will begin. (Not all of us are destined to get going with bigger commitments at the same time.) I was inspired to create this offering recently when I gave a couple of male teens a Reading while I was visiting in Cranbrook BC this fall. What I found particularly impressive is that both these young men paid right out of their own pocket and both were stoked with appreciation and empowerment so I was inspired right then and there to offer them a dynamic 1 hr reading for ½ the usual price. These Readings can be done in person or over the phone and are always recorded digitally and sent by email along with their Astrology Charts.
• I also offer Astrology Reports. These are computer generated yet are very affordable and are a nice addition to what you may already know about yourself from Astrology from previous Readings and/or as introductions to Astrology from family and friends. With Reports, the more you get the less each costs. In other words, I offer great package deals and these make for unique and even profound gifts that can easily be stuffed in a stocking since they come in a Gift Certificate format. I outline all of the Reports on my site HERE and for each one an example report is available so either you or the recipient of the Report Gift Certificate can decide which report is most suitable at this time.
Now, back to the theme of planetary influence mentioned at the outset.
The first thing you should know is that whatever is happening in terms of planetary alignments, the real question people usually ask is: “how are these influencing me”? The best answer is: “it depends on your whole chart” and not just your Sun Sign. Oh, that is valid enough alright. But Astrology is best understood from a holistic perspective. That is the paradigm to which it belongs. The holistic perspective on reality can otherwise be called the Perennial Philosophy. Our current world view or paradigm remains mechanistic. The basic difference is that the holistic paradigm perceives reality from wholes to parts whereas the mechanistic paradigm perceives reality from parts to wholes. Both have their place and may even be said to need each other for completeness, like men and women, right and left and so on… We are all always undergoing a steady and sure rhythmic relationship with creation and specifically with the planets in our solar system. These include the Sun and our Moon, of course. Real Astrology begins with a deep assessment of ones Birth Chart. Until this is done, deciphering the influence of planets remains exoteric or based on outside influence. With a deeper appreciation of how we embody the cosmic archetypes, then the awareness is intrinsic, intimate and relational. So, how are the planetary alignments working in your chart/life? Well you have to really want to know or else you will remain on the outside looking in. A deep read of your natal chart will give you insight that few other resources, if any, will be able to match.
We are living at what might well be deemed a very special time in history, if stressful. What is most important about this time is that we have come full circle and are on the verge of an exciting new Global Paradigm. Some refer to this as a New World order, but not everyone will agree on what that means. There are probably some who believe that they know what is best, but probably they do not. What is best for us all is that we learn to accept and celebrate our differences and our similarities. A balance between the sexes and a greater degree of balance in the distribution of wealth is more than ideal; it may prove to be necessary for our very survival. Many major cycles are coming to a close at this time. The upsurge in Mayan Astrology and the 2012 theme has ignited the imagination of people all over the world. What is not emphasized enough is the reality of cycles. Too may people are focused on events and outcomes and not enough on processes and flows. Anyway, the ending of one cycle always marks the beginning of the next. Something big and powerful and probably wonderful as well is being born, yet we must also accept that the birth process can be and is often painful. That is the overall biggest challenge of all. The story behind Era 2012 is helping to bring attention to this fact by breaking the trance of the daily grind. This is a powerful time and our consciousness participation matters and counts. That is the purpose of this Newsletter and of my weekly Horoscopes, to consistently offer insights that keep people awake and actively participating, even by simply by being more aware in your own life. But there is more we can all do as well and I feel confident in saying that the events of the turn of the New Year and those of 2011 in general will push us to do just that.
Thank you for being here!
Please follow the hyperlinks throughout this post for further articles of interest.
Sagittarius is the sign of BIG energy. Click HERE to learn more about the New Moon seed in general. The spotlight on the New Moon is not all that is exciting at this time. 2010 is going out with some extra sizzle with Mercury Retrograde, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the solstice, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and Uranus close to the third conjunction (Jan 4, 2011), Mars in Capricorn where it is exalted, Chiron and Neptune conjunct in the late degrees of Aquarius… And 2011 will come in with about as much spark, and perhaps even more. The Solar Eclipse New Moon on January 4th includes the third and final exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This is a very spiritual and auspicious aspect. It is also noteworthy that all of the planets will be direct, with no Retrogrades at all at the next New Moon. This is not extremely rare, yet that it is happening at the beginning of the year is the main point. But first, we must undergo the Mercury retrograde storm which stands to get progressively worse before it gets better. Fortunately, Mercury turns Direct before the turn of the New Year on December 29th. So, 2011 stands to be extra exciting indeed and there is good reason to believe we will need all the inspiration we can get – individually and collectively.
Before you leave frustrated that you do not know the lingo of Astrology, don’t worry I will explain in a moment.
First, I would like to make a few important announcements!
• You can learn the basic language code of Astrology quickly and easily. I will teach you and I am offering 3 ways for you to do so in January 2011. The first is a webinar which you can participate in wherever you live and the second is a 1-Day class, but you would have to be here in Nelson BC in person for the second one. If neither of these work for you, you can also learn it on your own by way of an ebook I have created for you. In each case, participating includes a Pocket Astrologer. In addition to learning the language code of Astrology – a universal, archetypal language of the soul, that is fun, illuminating and easier to learn than you might realize – you will also learn how to make practical use of it. Further, by tuning in to the Sun/Moon cycle, you are contributing to bringing humanity back in tune with natural time. Clocks are great but, at worst, they represent an artificial, mechanical and linear division of the flow of time. So, start the New Year off with some extra insight and contribute to the healing of our world.
• Winter Solstice is on 12/21/2010. This year, winter solstice will be accompanied by a Full Moon Eclipse (lunar eclipse) - this will make the event itself very lively and exciting. It also lends an auspicious tone to the entire cycle until the next winter solstice in 2011. To celebrate, I am hosting an evening event here in Nelson BC on December 21st at the New Grand Hotel from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. I will be offering a 75 minute Visual Presentation called "Era 2012" which will begin at 7:45. I have invited some other local Astrologers and enthusiasts as well to share some insights. There will also be a Solstice Ceremony followed by a meditation at 7 to 7:30 pm. This is a free event and donations will be accepted in the way of money and food contributions and these will be in-turn donated to our local food bank. For those of you who live elsewhere or cannot attend for any other reason, we hope to offer a live audio/visual stream of the evening which you would be able to watch on your computer. And it would be recorded as well to view anytime thereafter. Once this is confirmed, I will forward the URL for you to access the live stream before the event.
Winter Solstice literally marks the beginning of a new Earth/Sun relationship cycle. Basically, it is the angle of the earth and its annual orbit around the Sun, which is elliptical by the way, that measures a rhythmic and cyclical process of changing distribution of sunlight. As arbitrary and unimportant as that might seem to some, it is deeply woven into our consciousness and our very DNA because this cycle has been active before life on earth even began! Of course, all of nature responds to the changing distribution of sunlight on the planet and the seasonal round. That it is also the source reason for the rhythmic change of the season, not to mention the Solstice and Equinox quarter turning points which divide the year tidally into 4 equal season is further reason to appreciate the Earth/Sun relationship.
• I am also currently offering a 50% discount for 1 Hr readings, Just for Teens. I believe teens can benefit immensely from an Astrology Reading, as can most anyone. Yet teens are susceptible to influence from the peers more than other age levels and can greatly benefit from some insight and inspirational vision of who they are, what their strengths and challenges are and what stands to be a promising career path (parenthood is its own special category of career…) and when that will begin. (Not all of us are destined to get going with bigger commitments at the same time.) I was inspired to create this offering recently when I gave a couple of male teens a Reading while I was visiting in Cranbrook BC this fall. What I found particularly impressive is that both these young men paid right out of their own pocket and both were stoked with appreciation and empowerment so I was inspired right then and there to offer them a dynamic 1 hr reading for ½ the usual price. These Readings can be done in person or over the phone and are always recorded digitally and sent by email along with their Astrology Charts.
• I also offer Astrology Reports. These are computer generated yet are very affordable and are a nice addition to what you may already know about yourself from Astrology from previous Readings and/or as introductions to Astrology from family and friends. With Reports, the more you get the less each costs. In other words, I offer great package deals and these make for unique and even profound gifts that can easily be stuffed in a stocking since they come in a Gift Certificate format. I outline all of the Reports on my site HERE and for each one an example report is available so either you or the recipient of the Report Gift Certificate can decide which report is most suitable at this time.
Now, back to the theme of planetary influence mentioned at the outset.
The first thing you should know is that whatever is happening in terms of planetary alignments, the real question people usually ask is: “how are these influencing me”? The best answer is: “it depends on your whole chart” and not just your Sun Sign. Oh, that is valid enough alright. But Astrology is best understood from a holistic perspective. That is the paradigm to which it belongs. The holistic perspective on reality can otherwise be called the Perennial Philosophy. Our current world view or paradigm remains mechanistic. The basic difference is that the holistic paradigm perceives reality from wholes to parts whereas the mechanistic paradigm perceives reality from parts to wholes. Both have their place and may even be said to need each other for completeness, like men and women, right and left and so on… We are all always undergoing a steady and sure rhythmic relationship with creation and specifically with the planets in our solar system. These include the Sun and our Moon, of course. Real Astrology begins with a deep assessment of ones Birth Chart. Until this is done, deciphering the influence of planets remains exoteric or based on outside influence. With a deeper appreciation of how we embody the cosmic archetypes, then the awareness is intrinsic, intimate and relational. So, how are the planetary alignments working in your chart/life? Well you have to really want to know or else you will remain on the outside looking in. A deep read of your natal chart will give you insight that few other resources, if any, will be able to match.
We are living at what might well be deemed a very special time in history, if stressful. What is most important about this time is that we have come full circle and are on the verge of an exciting new Global Paradigm. Some refer to this as a New World order, but not everyone will agree on what that means. There are probably some who believe that they know what is best, but probably they do not. What is best for us all is that we learn to accept and celebrate our differences and our similarities. A balance between the sexes and a greater degree of balance in the distribution of wealth is more than ideal; it may prove to be necessary for our very survival. Many major cycles are coming to a close at this time. The upsurge in Mayan Astrology and the 2012 theme has ignited the imagination of people all over the world. What is not emphasized enough is the reality of cycles. Too may people are focused on events and outcomes and not enough on processes and flows. Anyway, the ending of one cycle always marks the beginning of the next. Something big and powerful and probably wonderful as well is being born, yet we must also accept that the birth process can be and is often painful. That is the overall biggest challenge of all. The story behind Era 2012 is helping to bring attention to this fact by breaking the trance of the daily grind. This is a powerful time and our consciousness participation matters and counts. That is the purpose of this Newsletter and of my weekly Horoscopes, to consistently offer insights that keep people awake and actively participating, even by simply by being more aware in your own life. But there is more we can all do as well and I feel confident in saying that the events of the turn of the New Year and those of 2011 in general will push us to do just that.
Thank you for being here!
P.S. - I will bring more attention to the meaning of the eclipses in the next Newsletter.
Happy Winter Solstice.
Love your articles! Thank you for this information.