New Moon – February 13 – 6:51 pm PDT - 25 Aquarius 18
Next Full Moon - February 28 - 8:38 am PDT - 9 Virgo 59
Next New Moon - March 15 - 2:01 pm - 25 Pisces 10
Happy New Moon in Aquarius and Gung Hey Fat Choy or Happy New Year and happy Valentine’s Day! Wow, what a line-up. The Year of the Metal Tiger also known as the White Tiger begins at midnight tonight. The Aquarius New Moon each year determines the beginning of the New Year for the Chinese and other oriental countries that follow this system of Astrology. They may not actually acknowledge Aquarius as a sign as they have their own totems, but it corresponds that way in our calendar. So, in a strange sort of way, this can be seen to be the third New Year of 2010 with the first beginning at Winter Solstice and the second on January 1st and the New Moon in Aquarius or Chinese New Year. It makes me wonder if this 'co-incidence' of events does not actually hold an inner message that the Chinese culture is growing in influence.
Before I offer a more colorful picture of the Year of the Metal Tiger and an over view of the current cycle of the Moon, I would like to bring a few important announcements to your attention:
1) I will be in Bellingham at Wise Awakening on the weekend of February 26 – March 1 offering an Evening Presentation called The Great Awakening plus Personal Readings and a 1-Day workshop on Saturday on how to effectively read and follow an Astrology Calendar.
2) Starting Tuesday March 9 through to March 18, I am also offering the same workshop as above but instead of in one a 1-day class in person, as a 4 part Webinar that you can do from home, each part consisting of 90 minutes. The big advantage of the webinar is that you can study a bit between each class. By the time this accelerated course is over you will know how to read the language code of Astrology and make practical use of it. This is an excellent way to learn Astrology and may be all the Astrology knowledge you will ever want or need. (Learn More) or Register Now.
3) The Moon Cycle Club is building momentum and is a great means of working with your own personal Moon Cycle and can be successfully combined with the generic cycle of the Moon.
All Readings can be done in-person or by phone and are digitally recorded for you. A reading also makes a profound gift for someone you care about. Gift Certificates are also available.
Now back to the Tiger and the Moon…
The Metal Tiger actually corresponds very well with the planetary line–up this year. The Tiger can basically be described as a passionate and daring adventurer, a vivacious and impulsive humanitarian and something of an unpredictable hell raiser. An arouser of emotions seeking attention, the Tiger can be reckless and impatient and therefore a disrupter of the peace often due to lofty ideals. Often a champion of the underdog and of bohemian temperament, the Tiger is often a very colorful and paradoxical performer. The translation of Chinese Astrology to Western Astrology shows the Tiger to have strong correspondences with Aquarius and Gemini in the solar calendar and Leo and Sagittarius in the lunar. Other words can and will be used to describe the dramatic events that will unfold this year but the basic themes of the Tiger do a pretty good general job. The Metal Element increases the passionate and aggressive tendencies. Problems will be tackled in direct and even radical ways… Impatience can definitely be an issue. Sudden, unpredictable, unorthodox and quite possibly over ambitious behavior is likely and we may see some of this as early as at the Full Moon in two weeks (which I briefly will outline below) but especially in the summer months of June through September. At worst a self-centered, competitive and rebellious vibe will be evident throughout the year. We may see some of this during the Winter Olympics.
As for the specifics of the New Moon in Aquarius (see chart) some very interesting themes are presented. A line-up of planets in Aquarius including Mercury, Sun, Moon, Chiron and Neptune activate the themes of the sign quite strongly. Read more about Aquarius in general, and the current New Moon HERE. Aquarius is positively symbolic of sudden awakening, illumination, revolution, individuality and humanitiarian clubs, organizations and movements. This chart illustrates these positive themes. To learn more about Aquarius in general and at this time read more here.
The Venus/Jupiter conjunction will be even closer at the Full Moon. The culmination of the seed of a New Moon is always at the Full, for the short term which occurs 2 weeks later. Below I outline the alignments that will occur at the Full Moon. Given the otherwise revolutionary themes present especially linked to the Tiger, there is strong evidence that the potenstially selfish and audacious attitudes of the tiger, at worst, will be offset by a conscious and even spiritual air of humanism and unity. Sometimes these come about as a consequence of negativity and catastrophe etcetera and this may well occur again. Big changes are definietly brewing but may be exactly what we need to shift consciousness enough to break the collective trance of business as usual.
The Full Moon chart for February 28 2010 (see chart) also presents an auspicious planetary line-up worthy of mention. It includes a few auspicious and even rare alignments. First, the Sun will form an exact conjunction with Jupiter at 9 Pisces on February 28, just hours before the Full Moon in Virgo. This aspect confers a religious/spiritual/mystical energy pattern. Which one you tune into depends on how you are destined to relate to reality in general. In All cases, it can prove to be very uplifting and inspirational feeling of unity and communion. Yet, fanatical over- zealous attitudes are also possible so be aware… the tiger. Less than a day prior Mercury will conjunct Neptune and Chiron at 26 Aquarius. This rare triple conjunction will not occur again for centuries! Back in May of 2009 it was Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius and at the same degree. Generally, it also indicates a mystical union where high ideals, rich imagination and transcendent realizations, concepts and feelings are more available. Chiron’s presence in the mix implies a healing theme. At worst, it suggests over imagination and unrealistic ideals and fantastic notions that are too whimsical for appreciation. Delusions, denials and deceptions are also possible. That these are exactly conjunct the Moon in the Birth Chart of the United States may be seen to be reflected in Barack Obama’s attempt to create a more equitable and humane health system. Then on March 3rd Venus will conjunct Uranus at 26 Pisces. This union is generally considered very favorable for uplifting social events. Venus is exalted in Pisces and brings forth the full sweetness of this sign. Tune-in and embrace the fullness of this time for its best offerings.
The Winter Olympics reminded me of Vancouver. My first & only visit there. Of a free newspaper handed out in a local shop. Of the Astrology column you wrote. Dont remember exact words but remember each word was as if spoken directly to me. Thanks for the memories...Derek SF