Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Moon in Pisces - March 15, 2010

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – March 15 – 2:01 pm PDT - 25 Pisces

Next Full Moon -March 29 - 7:25 pm PDT - 9 Libra

Next New Moon - April 14 - 5:29 am PDT - 24 Aries

Happy New Moon in Pisces everyone!

The beginning of spring twenty-ten is less that a week away. The official date and time is March 20 at 10:32 am PDT. Amidst a host of powerful aspects poised to align by late in the season, there is reason to believe that we will collectively achieve some victories on the larger scale of things this spring. Even amidst the dramas of the world and our increasing awareness of them at each instant, thanks to the WWW, this is a time of awakening and realization. There is little that can or will stop it, though there will be those who may try.

I am specifically referring to a collective rise in consciousness. Just look around and you will see that this is happening. If you do not notice it, I invite you to check out my Facebook Astrology Group. I offer various links to interesting networks of people who are actively awakening humanity to new and higher levels of awareness and consciousness. This is not a religion or religious movement, but it is spiritual. In other words, the focus is diverse and wide ranging and is less based on belief and more on awareness and inspiration. Some of it does pose challenges to our habitual ways of thinking and assumptions. Exposing oneself to new knowledge can require courage. Our ego mind is oriented to comfort, familiarity and security by reaction. Knowing this can help you to be aware if you reject new knowledge from this place. There are many voices and no one is more important than any other necessarily and there is therefore something for everyone. This is truly a time of awakening and expansion. The internet is the most obvious material source of this yet it is itself a synchronistic reflection of deeper realities.

The Astrological angle on it now shows that Neptune and Chiron at the later degrees of Aquarius is the main indicator of this. Don’t worry that you do not understand what this means. Unless you have studied Astrology and the layered meaning of the symbols, which is just like learning another language, admittedly, with a psychological and spiritual accent, it will remain foreign an perhaps intimidating. That is why after I indicate the ‘geek’ of the Astrology, I spell it out for you like so: The deeper story is that the healing theme stems from and reaches to the subconscious mind, yes both. Creation comes from both within and without. This is part of the awakening. The scientists have laid the new foundation for this ancient knowing.

By the way, Poseidon is Greek for the Roman Neptune. There is much more to Poseidon than the God of the oceans and seas. These outer manifestations represent the deeper realities of the oceans of consciousness. Like the oceans, there are many layers, levels and dimensions.

Dreams, illusions, the subconscious mind, ideals, imagination, fantasy, communion, compassion, and psychic weaving to achieve deep compassion are core themes linked to Neptune. Other themes for Neptune include the great dissolver, transcending the illusions of perception.

Negatively, excess escapism, denial, delusion and addiction are the challenges to overcome. We all have some of each. The god's are not prejudice; they are part of all of us.

The dissolving power of Neptune can certainly manifest as earthquakes and Tsunamis and other such disintegrations. What is magnitude to the archetypal powers? Our planet is but a tiny precious bubble in a cosmic ocean.

In its deepest reaches, Poseidon/Neptune is the collective mind that encompasses many dimensions. Many refer to it is unconscious, yet it is conscious and it is we who are unconscious to it. Endless infinite unity and divine consciousness is the deeper beauty of this truth. We may simply refer to it as unconditional love.

Further, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius at 26 Pisces, the sign of the subconscious or the collective ‘unconscious’, is the indicator of this process. By summer, Uranus will have entered Aries and will be conjunct Jupiter. I spoke of this in my last two Newsletters and you can simply follow the link above to go back to it and the same in last months and so on. In short, it indicates a big and sudden surge forward and it is scheduled to occur this summer. Remain skeptical if you like and feel the need to but pay attention and you will soon see and the signs will become clearer throughout the Spring season.

I will add some more insights on this below. But for now, just want to outline the themes of this new Moon in Pisces for you:

This New Moon shows a close alignment of planets spanning Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The overall energy patterns suggest a very imaginative seed theme. The geek: Mercury exactly conjunct Uranus in Pisces and Sun and Moon 1 degree prior and Neptune as the planet of highest degree in the chart indicates this – powerful Pisces theme. I will explain more about the overall picture below. but first, i will offer a peak at the more specific themes for each sign.

How anyone will experience the effects of the New moon or any aspect, depends on their chart. Basically for each sign, here is an outline:

Aries: Clearing debris from the subconscious. Pay attention to your moods, feelings, emotions, dreams. Aim to clear blocks and fears preventing confidence.

Taurus: Join groups, network, meet with friends. Expect a boost in your social life. Remind yourself and others that you are here and alive. Let your individuality shine.

Gemini: Some extra attention in your career, social status and reputation will come forth this lunar month. Interactions with authority figures is likely. Get productive!

Cancer: Higher minded perseptives will be stimulated this month. Philosophy, spirituality, foreign intersts & travel will gain special importance. See The Big Picture!

Leo: Some of the deeper aspects of life, like sex, death and taxes will gain your attention. Inheritances are possible now. Take an assertive approach. Big possibilities!

Virgo: Your relationships are about to undergo some changes. Your scope of connections is about to increase. Intend to face your fears, defeat enemies with love.

Libra: The health of your lifestyle linked to your work and vice versa will come into focus this month. Are you ready for a change? Break through to something new.

Scorpio: Your creativity will soar thanks to this New Moon. This is a good time to take a 'how to' workshop or to give one. Time for you to shine your light, brightly!

Sagittarius: Changes close to home will become evident now. It is time to make some changes here. You may have to push through resistance. New love is nearby...

Capricorn: Your curiousity will peak during this lunation cycle. You will feel extra passionate about everything. You will want to create beauty in your home as well.

Aquarius: A review of your values and priorities and sense of direction will occur this month. Assessing your financial picture will guide your decisions. Create more $.

Pisces: This is a pioneering time for you. Take the intiative to express yourself in new and dynamic ways. Your enthusiasm and charisma will be high. Get started!

So, looking back to the big picture again, the line up of planets from Aquarius to Aries with 4 planets within 1 degree of each other in Pisces is pretty dramatic.

Metaphorically speaking, the seas are hardly calm and Poseidon is stirring the waters excitedly. See an image of heaving seas and gusty winds with dramatic clouds ranging from dark grey to billowing steel blue and purple hues.

This impressive alignment of planets also points to a needed focus on healing of our collective awareness and thinking. Our imaginations can work for or against us. Conjured fears are the negative pole of imaginative thinking. Pluto in Capricorn and Squaring Saturn in Libra, symbolically link to the leaden skies and refer more pragmatically to the economic uncertainties. Venus in Aries and Mars in Leo lend a more playful image, like a colorful boat boldly and bravely riding the waves. Yet, Venus in opposition to Saturn and both Square Pluto lends a restrictive theme whereby confidence levels are lowered – tacking against the wind.

That Mars is Direct again after about 3 months of retrograde motion is worthy of mention. It is interesting that due to the slow turn from retrograde to direct, Mars has hovered at 0 Aries since March 1st and will finally move to 1 degree on March 22nd. You can choose to work with this Mars energy while it hovers at this degree. Interestingly, it will be especially auspicious on Spring day, and the day before and after because Mars will be forming an exact Trine Aspect to the Sun – very harmonious, inspirational, creative and fun. Tune-in to this energy pattern and gain a boost of energy and momentum. Given the stresses of the times, it will prove more valuable then ever.

Mars in our Birth Charts indicates action and style of expression. Mars acts upon the desires and relationship interactions (Venus), emotional reactions and instinctual responses (Moon), practical needs and orientations to balance (Earth), thoughts, ideas, perceptions and interpretations (Mercury) and our will and spirit to be (Sun).

Mars in Leo is athletic, heroic, dramatic and exciting. This will coincide with a rise in determination to achieve goals and ambitions. Sometimes the odds are against and we have to push and work harder than at others and this is one of those times. It is not a good time to be passive or resistant to the flow, now or ever, but perhaps especially now. Those who are in this state now may have experiences that serve to push them out of their complacency and/or denials. The presence of Uranus and Aquarius will activate strongly individualized responses. At worst, these could produce blatant selfishness while at best it will reflect brilliance and genius.

The Aquarius and Uranus ruled Tiger is the master of ceremonies this year. I painted a brief portrait of the Tiger last month so link back from this Newsletter at the top if you want to review it. I also wrote an article on the translation of Chinese and Western Astrology that will offer you even more angles of insight on the Tiger and on all the signs.

Pisces is the sign of the mystic and of communion with source and all, at its highest vibration. This includes having control over and making use of the imagination verses getting lost in it. Imagination positively used in this respect, engages in intentional aspiration to achieve a goal and includes visualization. This does not have to be elaborate and sensational. It could be, but beware of getting lost in the imagination realm. This is one of the greatest challenges for Pisces and this archetype is not limited to whether it is just your Sun or Moon sign. We can manifest things and love opportunities. Doing this in alignment with our deeper spiritual and evolutionary goals is wise. This is where Astrology can help a lot. When people say, “I know who I am”, I sometimes say, "I bet you don’t." In saying this I do not want to insult. In fact it is a compliment to the fact that we are more complex and sophisticated than we commonly realize. Astrology brings clarity to core themes and lessons of destiny and allows us to truly evolve amidst our participation in the game of life. This brings peace and fulfillment and loosens the grip of attachments which causes suffering. Siddhartha the Buddha did not say "have no desires". Rather keep them moderate and do not become attached to them.

In the bigger picture, true to the nature of Pisces, there is a mix of energies pulling people in different directions these days. On one hand are the escalating stresses of world affairs linked especially to the economy, steadily growing population and earth quakes. That 2010 is the year that all the children born in 1945 officially retire indicates that we will see a steady stream of baby boomers enter into retirement and this will bring its own economic stresses and a changing social demographic. Alternatively, there is the call to ascension, to rise in consciousness. Not everyone will be tuned-in and aware of this process. The 2012 Sun / Galactic Equator/Center Alignment, from the perspective of the Earth, are the main indicator of the ascension opportunity.

What I was saying throughout 2009 and previously as well regarding this time where the 2012 hovers ominously, is that it is the lead-up years initially when the real drama will occur. Afterwards and through until 2016 it will be a powerful square aspect between Uranus and Pluto. The root conjunction of this power house of revolutionary change was in 1965! Remember the 60’s? This could be a big thing in a positive sense spiritually, yet there is a darker theme as well. The dark side is reflected as the old order trying to maintain its grip of control and the power structures of the world, the monetary system in particular. Sadly, although it is commonly believed that the government prints the money, it is actually the privately owned banks. This is a deep root to this ‘secret’. The link on my Facebook group that leads you to the documentary site and the specific one called Magical Egypt will lead you to learn more about it. That one hints at the reality that there are ‘secrets’ being kept and that is why there are so many conspiracy theories, the secrets. What I love about Magical Egypt is the way its narrator, John Anthony West, reveals how the ancients were far more advanced than we have come to believe. This perspective leads us to review and even to rewrite our history and doing so is part of the awakening of our times. Think of it like a stone dropped into calm water. The ripples go out in all directions, right? So, the awakening of our times will not only change the way we envision the future, but also the way we interpret the past. There are other documentaries in there, many others, and while I would not call any of them absolute truth, collectively they stimulate awareness via high quality entertainments. Check it out!

That the roots of higher consciousness are ancient is one of the main features of this awakening. The world view of our ancient ancestors (us) was deeply reverent to nature and aspired to recognize, tune-in and emulate it. Among the more basic realizations was that of the fact that all life in the universe is cyclic. Yes, everything is in motion and the motion is cyclic and spirals because it is in motion and this is true from the cosmic to the molecular. The day, lunar month and year cycle are the more commonly known but there are many more and some are very long. The Precessional cycle of 26,000 years has gained a lot of attention over the last 20 years or so and especially the last 10 as it is directly linked to the end of the Mayan calendar. All advanced cultures that have systems of Astrology are aware of this cycle.

Although Western Astrology does recognize the 26,000 year Precessional Cycle, “The Great Year” according to Ptolemy, the alignment with the Galactic center was either lost, deeply buried and obscured or never was really a part of Western Astrology, but the way. Yet by synchronicity, the powerful alignment of planets tells its own story of change and transformation. On this note, it is worth considering that from the Mayan perspective, the 5125 year cycle that is about to end is what they refer to as a ‘world’. So, regarding that date and the Great Alignment with the Galactic Equator and Center, it is the "end of the world", the "world age", to be more precise. In Western Astrology the 26,000 year "Great Year" is divided into 4 seasons and 12 Great Months each adding up to an average of 2150 years or so. The seasons then would be approximately 6450 years. That would bring us back to about 4500 BC. Since we are currently at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, by popular vote at least, that would have been about the beginning of the Age of Taurus. Interestingly, Egypt rose to prominence in that period and there and in India the bull was held to be very sacred. We also see the Scorpion, Lion and Human celebrated at that time. That is because the ancients were very aware of Astrology already. They new the cosmic date. Interestingly, that was a Fixed Age with Taurus at the central focus and now it is the Fixed Age of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.

As has ever been true, Ascension is based on cultivating heart centeredness. This is the true "root" Chakra. The base Chakra, often referred to the root is the root of the earth, yet the Sun or Heart chakra is the root of spirit. We are spirit in essence and in our core root. Simply acknowledging this choosing to center in the heart is the key. Trust will lead you there and when centered this way, trust will increase. This represents an upward spiral. As this occurs, issues will arise. Accepting these with gratitude and patient determination to overcome them, as a priority, represents the attitude of a spiritual warrior. Judgmental attitudes towards self and others and other separation consciousness perspectives are overcome in this process. It is not about conquering the world or defeating one’s enemies or winning in the competitive arena, not to say these things do not have their place. It is about simply clearing your own energy field and strengthening your connection to your own source and to source consciousness in general. Whatever means you use to achieve this is fine, do it your way! Just remember that the means are not the truth. Such thinking will lead you back into judgment and separation.

The powerful transits that are set to occur starting as early as May and continuing all through September will certainly bring in their own mix of new energies. How these will influence us individually and collectively is relative to who we are and where we live. But everyone will at least bear witness to pivotal synchronistic events certain to occur this summer.

There are other factors and in particular I am referring to the advances in modern science. We have come to realize that not only is everything in the universe a form of energy, it is conscious. In other words, reality is consciousness made manifest in myriad ways. This can be hard for people to conceive. It is common for us to disbelieve what we cannot conceive. Our modern way of thinking is such that unless and until we prove something, it must not be true. Discovery, realization and awakening actually happen the other way around. The main point is, that as conscious beings, not only are we one with this consciousness made manifest, we too are conscious of it and we also co-create with it. This is the Great Awakening of our times.

The roots of this awakening go way back, to ancient times even. Yet, the Renaissance and then the scientific revolutions especially, which were something of revival of classical thinking where reason and logic was brought back into focus. The tricky part is that these have lead us to mystical understandings. Science has penetrated so deeply into matter using the light of reason and logic that it has transcended the limitations of both. In so doing, it is bring back the value of imagination, intuition and feeling. It is also giving credence to holistic consciousness. Penetrating to the deeper levels of the science of holism takes us down a metaphysical rabbit hole, as it were, yet we arrive at the same place as the findings and proof of science.

Yet both is the scientific community and more prevalent yet in society, this has yet to really take root. There are many leaders making valiant efforts to introduce and explain and establish this new paradigm of consciousness, yet it will take time. So there remain those who assert that creation stems from a fixed point in space and in time in the past. Although this linear model has been challenged, it persists. The challenge to it rests on a more mysterious, magical matrix. This perspective supports a more cyclic perspective on time and reality. Yet, the mechanistic and linear model perpetuates a Darwinian "survival of the fittest" mentality. Not only is this model of thinking limited in light of the new discoveries, it is a dangerous model in a world where we have access to powerfully destructive technologies.

It is our responsibility therefore, and we are challenged to tune-in to the new consciousness, the ascension. More than ever before, this challenge is one we all have to recognize and embrace. Leaving it to the few will no longer do. Never before in history does the prospects of apathy stand to create pain and suffering for everyone.

This is where Astrology makes important contributions. Now only does it work, but it also offers perspectives and useful insights that strike a balance between spiritual and practical. As a holistic science, Astrology actually addresses our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical lives. The main point is that it works on the basis of a holistic paradigm and in this respect actually offers its own form of "scientific" proof. The old model of science endeavored to take the person out of the experiment. Albert Einstein sparked a revolution by proving that this cannot be done to achieve objective truths, yet we still function with the same thinking. In other words, while some of the physical sciences certainly require strict precision, in the bigger equation and from a holistic perspective, we must re-introduce the person (people) into the equation. In so doing we must create from the standpoint of a more holistic perspective where emotional, intuitive and feeling human beings are given the priority of consideration that we are due.

This introduces a spiritual perspective and this is the basis of the ascension. In other words, creating with our science without this serving people directly is a reflection of an old model of science clashing with the needs of our modern world. Science has given us much and we can be grateful for that. But now it must meet with people on the level of humane consideration or we will use it to create a hell world for ourselves and others. A lot of science fiction movies have served to illustrate this negative possibility. There are many examples of how we have and are heading in that direction. Modern warfare, toxic waste, environmental decay and the subsequent extinction of precious species are examples. Yet, as we wake-up and open our heart and minds to learn new things and communicate and share our discoveries, a higher level of consciousness will emerge. However, knowledge alone is not enough. The awareness that will truly help us is that of our true nature which is spiritual.

This is the march of our times and of humanity. We have the opportunity to truly create a higher civilization yet it is we who are invited to do it and now is the time. Do not leave it to they and them; you do have a role to play, you do count. Honour your quality of being above your quantity. In so doing, you will increasingly honour that of others and so on. This is how love works and it invariably raises our vibration and this is how ascension works. It is all science, spiritual science that is and it is quite simple.

Astrology is a main tool of this science. It is certainly not the only one nor is it or any tool, the truth. Yet, it is a tool which when used well illustrates and in effect proves the deeper realities of our spiritual roots of creation. I invite you to take a closer look and experience it for yourself. Within just a few minutes of speaking with you about your Astrology, you will see that I can use it to see you, at an archetypal level. My interest in using this tool and in offering insights to my clients is to simply empower them to be more centered, aware, fulfilled and healthy in the whole sense of the word.

Thank you for being here!


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