Friday, January 15, 2010

New Moon in Capricorn - January 14, 2010

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – January 14 – 11:11 pm PDT - 25 Capricorn 01,
Solar Eclipse

Next Full Moon - January 30 - 1:18 am PDT - 10 Leo 15

Next New Moon - February 13 - 9:51 pm - 25 Aquarius 1
"Chinese New Year of Metal Tiger" (begins)

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!

Can you feel the energy of the New Moon? If not, you can learn to tune-in. Doing so will increase your energy levels and health in general. Doing so is also reverently respectful of the celestial realities within which we exist and it can be fun too. Astrology helps us to tune into the wholeness of life. Whether through the readings I offer, or the online webinars or my visual presentations that will soon be presented online as well as the webinar, I can help you tune-in more fully to yourself, your life and destiny and to the deeper realities which are our source. If interested please contact me. I am open to your comments and feedback and if you would like to add your link to this post, send me an email and if it is a good fit for us both, I will do that for you.
(By the way, all the highlighted words and phrases below are links to articles that deepen and elaborate the themes presented.)
Blessings on this New Moon, it is in some respects the beginning of the year as it is the first New Moon after Winter Solstice.
This is actually a Solar Eclipse New Moon and occurs at 25 Capricorn 01 at 11:11 pm PST (see chart). Put simply, a Solar Eclipse is like a super charged New Moon. The seed it will sow is more powerful than the more common New Moon and is part of a larger family of eclipses called a Saros Cycle. (see chart) That this eclipse is occurring early in the year lends its own extra stamp on the entire year and, as mentioned, 2010 will prove to be very eventful. Solar Eclipses do occur twice a year on average, so they are not entirely rare. Yet, they do have a special significance and can be measured to reveal seeds that bring about more measurable changes. In the Horoscope for January 15, I offer insight on it and an overview for each sign. This will not prove to be as accurate as if you look at its effect in your own actual Birth Chart, but you should be able to notice it over the next few months anyway, especially if it aspects sensitive points in your chart. If it does, the changes with which it will synchronize will be life changing. Such is life and it is not about if change, but when change. Knowing when is a foundational feature of Astrology. So, in addition to empowering insights about our own core nature and character and our gifts and talents and our challenges and life lessons and the cycles that are active in your life now, Astrology also looks to what and how and where and who will likely be involved. Astrology provides insight and probable timing and themes that are destined to occur in our life. In this respect it is a map that shows the territory. Yet, it is also a clock, a calendar and weather forecaster.
I offer a variety of ways you can access this knowledge. It does not tell you what will certainly happen or even what you should do, but it can help you to better know what will probably occur and when and what you could do about it. In other words, it helps you to be more strategic in the game. Astrology and Numerology readings that I offer are the easiest and more common means for you to gain access to this knowledge and insight. The readings I offer are often done live over the phone. But I can also simply record my insights for you and I also take appointments at my home office. In all cases, the sessions are recorded for you.
Capricorn is a sign of practical and strategic intelligence. The image of the mountain goat climbing to greater heights is akin to each of us following our own path to success. Of course, there are many types and levels of success. Yet, as life offers many challenges, including among them competition from others, we all need help to make best use of our time, energy, and choices of action. What helps us make use of our practical intelligence is practical information and knowledge. Some of this refers to everyday events, activities, goals and dreams. Relationships are another area of obvious significance and Astrology can assist us to be true to our own nature, respectful of that of others and therefore authentic in our character and conduct verses simply slick and pleasing. There is a lot of that in society these days. The reasons are deep and complex, yet we can begin with our own life and relationships and character and conduct. Astrology can help you tune-in deeply and this itself brings clarity, confidence, even healing and peace. After all, how much do you think disease is a consequence of stress? It is sad but true that entire industries profit hugely from the fact that we are out of tune with ourselves, others and nature and consequently this causes stress. Conflict and confusion too emerge from our lack of inner attunement and it is a sad irony that modern society functions on dysfunction, even profits from it. Yet, can we really afford to do so much longer? We can hope and pray and visualize for peace and solutions to these problems. And we can also act deliberately with vision and intelligence and inner attunement, following our own path and truth and this is where Astrology can help measurably.
I also teach Astrology. I realize that not everyone is destined to become an Astrologer. However, I also realize that many find it fascinating and useful and spiritual too. Consequently, I have designed a webinar that allows me to easily reach you and you to easily reach me. Learning how to effectively read and follow an Astrology Calendar is an excellent way to go. In addition to learning the language code, you also get to make practical use of it. The second decade of the New Millennium has begun. The first one has certainly been eventful. The light has grown brighter, yet the dark has increased as well. Which is stronger is debatable but I will cast my vote to the light.
This year, Twenty-Ten will prove to be pivotal. The tide is turning and many are making sincere efforts to support a positive momentum where our similarities outweigh our differences. Yet, the problems we share are escalating daily as well. Every day millions of tons of emissions pollute the air and water. Peak oil remains a reality. World population increases daily. Plague, famine, war, natural disasters and pestilence I am sure. It sure does sound apocalyptic and I do want to keep it positive. Questions about what to do abound! There are answers coming in fast and furiously as well. Following through on these is another thing. Gratitude for life is actually a solution. Yet, so too is discipline. But what kind of discipline do we need? No one wants the government to make us do things. There are not many Gorbachev’s out there willing and able to yield and surrender their power, or are there? If there are, where are they? Do we go for more or less? Should we fight or pray or both and what else? Either way, it is time to act. Such is the tone of Capricorn and the complexities of our time.
With Pluto in Capricorn as of 2008 and until 2023, we will see givernments undergo a lot of changes. With focus and sincere efforts these will be to honour humanity as a whole and not simple succumb to the pressures ofm powerful elites and thier private interests. This is the challenge of our times. I have said before and will again for the benefit of new subscribers to my Newsletter, this millennium stands to usher in the wisdom of the feminine. We are collectively agreeing that it is 2010. Does anyone really know what time it is or the date? Not really or in any way that will help us socially. That it is 2010 may seem arbitrary, but it is the date we are using and agreeing upon and in this respect it has its own power. This can be difficult to appreciate unless one accepts the holism of life, which renders what we call hard reality to actually be much more fluid that we realize with our five senses.
In the Horoscope for the Year for 2010 I offer more insights into this paradoxical fact. What is most exciting about it is the fact we are co-creators of the reality that we are experiencing. This is true individually and collectively. This notion, supported by modern physics, neuroscience even advanced biology has actually re-introduced the qualitative factor back into reality. We may still use numbers for the sake of designations in society, yet we can no longer be reduced to quantities. There is more in this statement than it might seem. Not all of humanity has caught up to it or society’s structures, yet it is now a scientific fact. This is one of the more important lights that science has produced. How it will evolve and grow in the awareness of humanity is another question.
Yes, humanity has arrived at something of a stalemate in the game. On a more positive note, this is precisely what we need. The business as usual attitude must shift. The time has come to shift towards a new bottom line. One where people come before profits and the planet counts more than our selfish plans. The patterns in the charts measuring the planetary alignments suggest that this year is a major turning point and with our intentions we can help direct the outcome to the positives that we all desire.
Thank you for being here and many blessings in 2010!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,
    When does Mercury go out of retrograde? I know it has been in it for awhile....
    Dulcy Wilson
