Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Moon in Sagittarius - Dec.16,2009

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – December 16 – 4:02 am PDT - 24 Sagittarius 40

Next Full Moon - December 31 - 11:13 am PDT - 10 Cancer 15, Lunar Eclipse

Next New Moon - January 14 - 11:11 pm PDT - 25 Capricorn 01, Solar Eclipse

New Moon Newsletter for Sagittarius
December 16, 2009.

The New Moon in Sagittarius this year indicates a very special and important time indeed. By this time next year, the world will have changed measurably. In the larger scheme of things, this Lunar Cycle (New Moon to next New Moon) will serve to activate some important planetary energy patterns. The list of events that are active now and will be in the near future as we enter the New Year include the following:

* A major triple planetary conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune
* Winter Solstice
* Sun conjunct the Galactic Center
* Mercury Retrograde
* Mars Retrograde
* The Lunar North Node in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Libra
* A Lunar Eclipse on New Year’s Eve
* The Solar Eclipse of January 14, 2010
* The New Year and a Universal 12/3 Year
* Hard Aspects Between the Far planets in Cardinal Signs in 2010

Before I continue to explore and explain these for you more fully, I wish to bring some exciting announcements to your attention. I have created some new and original services to bring Astrology to you in a variety of ways. Having a live Astrology reading with me, in person or by phone, is at the core of my business and remains my main offering. Yet, I also want to make Astrology available to you in other ways as well.

Gift Certificates for Astrology Readings make for exciting and cherished gifts.

Learn Astrology online! This 4 part webinar teaches you how to effectively read and follow an Astrology Calendar. (Read more) Next class begins January 21, 2010.

Join the Moon Cycle Club – In addition to an introductory package that outlines valuable background information about your Moon Sign and Phase at birth, for half the usual cost you will receive a report each month when the Moon returns to the Sign degree it was when you were born. This Lunar Return Report outlines all the planetary activity for the month with extra emphasis on daily rhythms and events. You will be amazed at how accurate it is.

Lunar Life Guide – This special report offers you even deeper personal insight into the cycles of the Progressed Moon. (Read more)

Astrology Reports are a great way to gain detailed insight into your self, your relationships, your children, where you live, where you might like to travel and what is going on at this time. Reports don’t actual replace the depth and quality of insight one can gain from a professional Astrologer, but they do offer a great introduction and detailed account of whatever area they are focused upon and are an extra affordable way to add to your self knowledge with Astrology.

Thank you for taking the time to look closer at this list of new products and services I am offering.

Now, back to Current Events!

In the shorter term, we are on the eve experiencing a series of exciting if challenging planetary cycles. These include Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn starting on December 26, 2009 until January 15, 2010. Generally, this will stir insecurities in the market place. Because it is part of the New Year Chart, these insecurities may well continue throughout 2010. Each sign will experience the impact differently and the insight is that much clearer when one’s actual Natal Chart is considered.

Mars also is turning retrograde and it will occur on December 20th and will continue until March 10, 2010. Like Mercury, Mars turning retrograde is fairly common – about every 2 years. Mars is in and will remain in Leo for the duration and so will hover, so to speak in Leo until about June 8, 2010! Generally, Mars retrograde indicates lower energy levels overall or at least more noticeable fluctuating energy levels with highs occurring largely due to necessity. In other words, it tends to make people procrastinate. As with any planet retrograde, deciphering its impact is best done on a person to person basis. (see chart)

Some Astrologers assert that the annual alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Center offers its own influence for the year cycle that follows. As I review the past couple of years I would generally agree. What this years Sun/G.C. alignment poses as a challenge is the will and courage to create a new cultural attitude. Saturn in Libra implies new laws. Some of these may prove restrictive. People will complain and may even rebel. However, it would seem that necessity will provoke these changes. Pluto Square Saturn is a core feature of this theme.

Winter Solstice is another key event that many Astrologers will look to decipher the general themes of the coming year. This type of consideration is based on the perspective that such charts are seed events as well, just like conjunctions. This is valid because a New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. This conjunction is the archetypal basis of seed events, from a cosmic perspective. A New Moon is fairly common, yet it does have a cosmic significance. This in turn has a psychological effect and influence on life on earth. Yes, the planets and the alignments of the planets represent archetypal principles. Archetypal means it is part of our very blue print. This is of course, the domain of metaphysics and is not so understood or appreciated by physicists and /or main stream science. In as much as Winter Solstice is symbolic of a New Moon itself and is the official natural New Year start date, we can look to it with confidence as well for deciphering the overall themes for the coming year.

What the Winter Solstice chart suggests is similar to the Sun/G.C. conjunction yet with an even more positive note yet. With the Moon closely conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, this chart gives reason to believe that people will make efforts to contribute to the needed changes. I would imagine that many realize that we are privileged in our culture and that the larger issues of the world must be met with awareness and positivity and that is what this chart basically suggests. The rather strong Aquarian tone also indicates that there may be a measurable increase in metaphysical subjects. Astrology especially stands to experience an upsurge in popularity, and rightly so! On the other hand, Aquarius is also a revolutionary sign and we may well also experience revolutionary change. With the Sun in close alignment with Pluto this revolutionary tone stands to bring powerful leaders to the fore. Whether these will hold the interests of the larger in their ambitions is another story and the bag, as ever, is likely to be mixed.

Then, right on New Years Eve there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. The date of this event is raising brows of curiosity and concern. People instinctively know that important celestial events on key dates signify change. Given the larger picture at this time, this one certainly does. Many people are referring to it as a Blue Moon. The phenomenon of a Blue Moon is not actually significant to most Astrologers. In other words, from the standpoint of Astrology, it does not offer special significance. Upon closer examination, this Moon is not technically a Blue Moon anyway. However, since this Lunar Eclipse will take place right at the turn of the New Year, it may well hold lasting significance beyond its usual measure. This is so because, like the preceding examples, the official New Year event can also be seen to carry its own imprint for the coming year. (see chart). In as much as this is true the picture is not so rosy. First of all, the moon is full in Cancer. This may well be considered the wildest and moodiest Full Moon of the year! Further, the overall chart is very challenging with virtually every planet in hard aspect save for Uranus forming a Sextile to Mercury and the North Node. If this chart holds the greatest weight in terms of what 2010 holds in store, then we really do have some work to do. Lunar Eclipses are usually more internal in their effect, so this one suggests a real likelihood that a lot of people will be doing some real soul searching as the New Year turns and prospectively throughout the year.

The Sagittarius New Moon will Activate the Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus Triple Conjunction

Now, in regards to this New Moon in Sagittarius, it will prove to activate the triple conjunction. I am referring to the stellium of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius. This rare aspect is symbolic of a mass healing that is already underway. But please note that in Astrology, conjunctions are best understood as seed events. So, although we can expect some external synchronicities related to this three planet alignment, it is actually the beginning of the healing that it will bring. Interestingly, the alignment is close to exact conjunction with the Moon in the U.S. chart (Sibley). The H1N1 controversy is a reflection of this conjunction. There are many who believe that it is a money and power ploy that is actually leading to deaths. This reflects the sickness of attitude in the world where corrupt corporate interests jeopardize human lives for the sake of profit. This is an old story but this controversy is stirring anger and lack of confidence towards governments that turn a blind eye or who actually support such antics from the private sector.

As the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter’s influence is being strongly activated at this New Moon and will culminate at the Full Moon on the turn of the New Year. This will be the first activation of this kind since these ‘three wise ones’ (Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune are linked to our spiritual nature) formed the rare triple conjunction back in late spring this year. Jupiter is currently positioned at the exact midpoint between Chiron – the wounded healer – and Neptune, the planet symbolic of transcendence and dissolution of karma. (See chart)

The entire pantheon of current planetary alignments signifies measurable change.

Many of these will become much more apparent in 2010. The foundations of these are already here and have deep roots; yet significant new growth began in 2008 – the first 1 year of the New Millennium. The new U.S. government is a reflection of this change. Of course, change is the law. How any person, political state or region and so on will be affected by the changes reflected in the planetary cycles is relative. Generally, each case must be approached on its own ground. This is where personal readings offer people the deepest and most practically useful insight. Yet, sometimes the changes that are suggested will have enough strength of impact to influence people and nations collectively. There are strong indications that this is exactly the sort of change that we will all experience in 2010 and 2011 especially.

In the long term picture for 2010 there are many pivotal transits that indicate sudden and radical change. July and August of 2010 stand to be especially dramatic as Jupiter and Uranus closely aligned in Aries Oppose Saturn in Libra, and both of them Square Pluto. Much mention has been made about these powerful aspects and this time of change. Now it is here and we will soon experience its effects. The deeper story is and will continue through to 2023 is Pluto in Capricorn. (read more).

Pluto in Capricorn and now Saturn in Libra – both action and initiative oriented Cardinal sign. Pluto is about power and its main focus is about regeneration, transformation, purging and cleansing. With Pluto now with a new status as the first of a legion of Plutinos, due to the fact that it and its Moon Charon are now recognized to be a binary planetary system, we might begin to better assess its function. Pluto/Charon is a more accurate description of its unique quality and function. Whatever Pluto/Charon touches undergoes a process of purification. Like a good cleanser, it lifts the dirt to the surface to be clearer. Blisters and blemishes, rashes and other irruptions of toxins coming to the surface of the skin are traditionally linked to Pluto function in medical Astrology. Of course, medical Astrology is so ancient that the far planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were known… How the ancients knew about these is another story with at least diverging perspectives and both equally interesting.

Uranus will enter Aries, also enter a Cardinal Sign like Capricorn and Libra on May 27, 2010. By this time Jupiter will have raced through Pisces and will also enter Aries on July 6 at 6:00 am Greenwich time. (6:00 am is symbolically linked to Aries). By June 8 at 9:00 am Greenwich time, Jupiter will be in exact conjunction with Uranus and at 0 Aries. Zero Aries is simply the most important and powerful point in Astrology. Although a circle may fairly be said to be without beginning or end, if one were to draw a circle, it would begin somewhere, at some point. This is why 0 Aries is called the Aries Point and is understood among Astrologers who have a deep understanding of Astrology to be so powerful. That 0 Aries is symbolic of Spring Equinox which is the exact moment when the hours and day and night are equal. Since Astrology has so much to do with the sun’s actual light on our planet, it is worthy of utmost respect. There is much to say about 0 Aries, volumes. Suffice to say at this moment as the 6 am point it is also symbolic of due east and of the rising of the Sun above the horizon in the morning. Without going into too much detail, you might appreciate what this might imply in terms of synchronistic events that will occur in the world. (read more)

By about July 4th Jupiter will carry the seeds of the Uranus conjunction in Aries to form an exact opposition aspect.

Clearly, there is quite a lot happening right now as revealed by the planetary alignments.
Astrology offers us the ability to looks behind the scenes of outer events on both individual and collective levels. This ‘insight’ is a golden key to the value of Astrology.

Are you in-tune with the times? Do you feel you could use more insight about who you are and how to best navigate through the changing tides of our times?

I can assist you to gain valuable insights that will guide you with timing to navigate your future probabilities and possibilities.

Make an appointment today: 1.888.352.2936

Blessings for the Holidays and for Health and happiness in 2010!

Thank you for being here!

Michael O’Connor

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