Current Moon Activity:
New Moon – November 16 – 11:14 am PDT - 24 Scorpio 34
Next Full Moon - December 1 - 11:30 pm PDT - 10 Gemini 15
Next New Moon - December 16 - 4:02 am PDT - 24 Sagittarius 40
Scorpio New Moon Newsletter
New Moon Newsletter for Scorpio – November 16, 2009.
The Balsamic Moon in Scorpio is living up to its reputation, here on the West coast anyway. A fiercer wind than usual sweeps the trees too and fro allowing rain to reach the inner reaches of the trunks. The cool shimmering dark of this late Waning Moon is revealing of Scorpio. In fact it is the phase of the Moon symbolized by Scorpio and this time of the year. The New Moon combined with the shorter days and the rain casts a darker shadow than ever now. Wispy wraiths in the air blow like phantoms against the background of thick layers of low lying cloud. It is simple to imagine how such nights can over stimulate imaginations and stir fears. For others, it is a call to prayer and meditation for mystics et al wishing to commune with the light within. Each New Moon is ‘symbolic’ of a Solar Eclipse, by the way, where the Moon passes between Earth and Sun, that is why it is dark.
The magic moment of the New Moon is symbolic of an exact eclipse. At this moment the full life giving power of the Sun shines its complete glory on the dark side of the Moon. Just the opposite occurs when it is Full Moon. Yes, that side that is always dark to us due to the marvelous fact that the Moon’s orbital rotation matches her axial rotation. How wonderful a design! Yet do not be fooled, it transcends mere phenomenological events. Call it magic if you like, or esoteric or occult. In the end it is simply the mystery of celestial occurrences that are woven into our very DNA and psyche. Astrology is the science of this natural psychology.
Happy New Moon in Scorpio! Given that the Moon is said to be in its detriment in Scorpio, some would consider this statement to be an oxymoron. The signs of the season offer all the reasons why our ancient forebears associated the symbolic themes lined to each Zodiac Sign the way they did. Scorpio time is deep and mysterious, seemingly cold and unforgiving. Scorpio is truly the shadow sign. However, it has long been said that behind the shadows we may encounter angels as well as devils. In modern understanding, these refer to inner psychological complexes or complexities that produce genius and other extra ordinary qualities. Despite all the darkness surrounding Scorpio, it is actually a sign of healing.
In addition to Readings and writing numerous Astrology columns and articles. I also teach an exciting class called Living in-Tune with the Sun and Moon. In January I will be giving this class as a webinar. You can also join my Moon Cycle Club for a small monthly investment and receive a great deal in return. It weaves in wonderfully with this free New Moon Newsletter. Yes the Horoscopes are free and the articles too. With all my Horoscope columns and articles and Newsletter I aim to educate you to appreciate what Astrology is and how it works and I have been doing so steadily for 17 years. I was a student of Astrology already for a dozen years prior to that.
It is not in my interest to simply convince you simply, but to offer you the opportunity to sample Astrology for yourself. Of course I can do that or you by way of an Astrology Personal Reading. I combine my readings with Numerology, some Mayan and Chinese Astrology, a deep grasp of the Psychology of Birth Order in which I am certified and a well exercised psychic, intuitive and practical awareness of evolutionary psychology. Astrology is not meant to be some mere fortune telling device, it is a tool that can greatly assist us to be self aware and in tune with natural cycles, the basis of our evolutionary progressions and lessons of our lives. Astrology is a sophisticated tool however, and while easy and fun to learn, it does require some background of experience to appreciate. It does not have to take long or cost much. I have made sincere efforts to make that so.
Here is an outline of services and products that I offer that are designed to assist you to make better use of the rich insights that Astrology offers:
Personal Astrology/Numerology Readings.
Learn Astrology Quickly, Easily and for Practical Use
7 Astrology Reports to choose from. (Child STAR reports make amazing Xmas gifts, and come with a full coloured chart)
Slide Show Presentations Live Online (I'm planning to present the first online slideshow Dec. 20 - "Astrology & the Great Alignment of 12/21/2012". If interested, send me an email to sign up!
The Lunar Return Reports that come with your subscription to the Moon Cycle Club are amazing! You can see a sample HERE. Or you could sample one for just $20.00. Or you could subscribe for just $12.99 a month and get a whole lot more as well. This includes a monthly audio recording with an overview of the New Moon seed in general and for each sign individually! This 22 minute audio file is For Moon Cycle Club members only.
Another wonderful report package I am offering is called the Lunar Life Guide. This comprehensive guide is personalized by me as opposed to being a computer report. Each has their great merits and the reports cover a lot of ground, however the Lunar Life Guide is much deeper, intimate and powerful in terms of the depth, breadth and scope of your character and destiny that it offers. I encourage you to check it out. For a relatively small investment you gain profound insights about your character and life cycles that you can put to practical use and for deepening you self-awareness and for making better choices and decisions. The Progressed Moon travelling at exactly 1 degree per month is truly a main hand on Mother Nature’s clock. Along with the root themes of the Natal Moon, you will know much better ‘where you come from’ in terms of your lunar roots and where you are now and what is coming next. You gotta give this a try!
In last months New Moon Newsletter, I brought attention to the Saturn/Pluto Square that is exact right now, November 15, 2009 to be precise. Click HERE to read that article. In the following link I have added a few extra insights about it and have simply given it the title of The Waning Saturn-Pluto Square on November 15, 2009 Part II
Before I continue to explore some of the deeper reaches of Scorpio, power and the responsibility it implies, I want to make a few announcements!
Starting in January 2010 I will be offering Astrology classes online. To date, the most practical tool I have discovered for teaching people how to read the symbols and work with Astrology is via an Astrological Calendar. The reason is simple, because I teach you how to use it and when you know how you will regularly and therefore you will have practice and experienctial knowledge. Whether in the format of a calendar, a day timer, or a pocket sized booklet, learning to watch and tune into and feel the influence of the waxing and waning Moon as it makes aspects to other planets in its 29.5 day cycle from New Moon to New Moon is at least as practically useful, as it is thrilling. To learn the symbolic language of Astrology you have to use it. (Read more HERE & register)
The Moon Cycle Club is also alive and well. Whether on its own or as an extension of working with the Astrology Calendars, gaining an even more intimate overview of the influence of the Moon and Sun and planets in your chart each month can and will prove to be a very useful tool. You will be amazed at how accurate your Lunar Return Chart truly is. Subscription is only $12.99 per month. In addition to a rich introduction package filled with useful and interesting insights, fact, lore and tools associated with the Moon member ship entitles you to a 20 to 40 page Report that regularly retails for $20.00. Each month a day or two prior to the Moon returning to the exact degree it is in your Natal Chart I will send you your Report by email.
PLUS!! Now Moon Cycle Club members only will receive a live recorded overview of the New Moon each month on the day of the New Moon. This 15-20 minute insight and forecast for each sign in general will also bring attention to the Eclipses and how it will generally influence each sign. This feature will keep you updated and in-tune with the flow so you are better able to make more attuned and conscious choices and decisions.
As you can see I am making diligent efforts to awaken, guide and educate you to what Astrology is, how it works, how easily you can learn the basics and make it work for you. In this respect, Astrology is like an instrument. Yet, the music that you can play with it is not so much the kind you can hear literally, as much as it is the kind you can feel deep within your body, mind, heart and soul.
So, I am inviting you to take closer look at what I am saying and especially to what I am offering you. It is all outlined above so come on, take the next step and help me to better serve you and I promise you will go away satisfied that your investments were worth every cent and more.
Thank you again for being here,
Michael O’Connor
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