Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Moon in Sagittarius - Dec.16,2009

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – December 16 – 4:02 am PDT - 24 Sagittarius 40

Next Full Moon - December 31 - 11:13 am PDT - 10 Cancer 15, Lunar Eclipse

Next New Moon - January 14 - 11:11 pm PDT - 25 Capricorn 01, Solar Eclipse

New Moon Newsletter for Sagittarius
December 16, 2009.

The New Moon in Sagittarius this year indicates a very special and important time indeed. By this time next year, the world will have changed measurably. In the larger scheme of things, this Lunar Cycle (New Moon to next New Moon) will serve to activate some important planetary energy patterns. The list of events that are active now and will be in the near future as we enter the New Year include the following:

* A major triple planetary conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune
* Winter Solstice
* Sun conjunct the Galactic Center
* Mercury Retrograde
* Mars Retrograde
* The Lunar North Node in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Libra
* A Lunar Eclipse on New Year’s Eve
* The Solar Eclipse of January 14, 2010
* The New Year and a Universal 12/3 Year
* Hard Aspects Between the Far planets in Cardinal Signs in 2010

Before I continue to explore and explain these for you more fully, I wish to bring some exciting announcements to your attention. I have created some new and original services to bring Astrology to you in a variety of ways. Having a live Astrology reading with me, in person or by phone, is at the core of my business and remains my main offering. Yet, I also want to make Astrology available to you in other ways as well.

Gift Certificates for Astrology Readings make for exciting and cherished gifts.

Learn Astrology online! This 4 part webinar teaches you how to effectively read and follow an Astrology Calendar. (Read more) Next class begins January 21, 2010.

Join the Moon Cycle Club – In addition to an introductory package that outlines valuable background information about your Moon Sign and Phase at birth, for half the usual cost you will receive a report each month when the Moon returns to the Sign degree it was when you were born. This Lunar Return Report outlines all the planetary activity for the month with extra emphasis on daily rhythms and events. You will be amazed at how accurate it is.

Lunar Life Guide – This special report offers you even deeper personal insight into the cycles of the Progressed Moon. (Read more)

Astrology Reports are a great way to gain detailed insight into your self, your relationships, your children, where you live, where you might like to travel and what is going on at this time. Reports don’t actual replace the depth and quality of insight one can gain from a professional Astrologer, but they do offer a great introduction and detailed account of whatever area they are focused upon and are an extra affordable way to add to your self knowledge with Astrology.

Thank you for taking the time to look closer at this list of new products and services I am offering.

Now, back to Current Events!

In the shorter term, we are on the eve experiencing a series of exciting if challenging planetary cycles. These include Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn starting on December 26, 2009 until January 15, 2010. Generally, this will stir insecurities in the market place. Because it is part of the New Year Chart, these insecurities may well continue throughout 2010. Each sign will experience the impact differently and the insight is that much clearer when one’s actual Natal Chart is considered.

Mars also is turning retrograde and it will occur on December 20th and will continue until March 10, 2010. Like Mercury, Mars turning retrograde is fairly common – about every 2 years. Mars is in and will remain in Leo for the duration and so will hover, so to speak in Leo until about June 8, 2010! Generally, Mars retrograde indicates lower energy levels overall or at least more noticeable fluctuating energy levels with highs occurring largely due to necessity. In other words, it tends to make people procrastinate. As with any planet retrograde, deciphering its impact is best done on a person to person basis. (see chart)

Some Astrologers assert that the annual alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Center offers its own influence for the year cycle that follows. As I review the past couple of years I would generally agree. What this years Sun/G.C. alignment poses as a challenge is the will and courage to create a new cultural attitude. Saturn in Libra implies new laws. Some of these may prove restrictive. People will complain and may even rebel. However, it would seem that necessity will provoke these changes. Pluto Square Saturn is a core feature of this theme.

Winter Solstice is another key event that many Astrologers will look to decipher the general themes of the coming year. This type of consideration is based on the perspective that such charts are seed events as well, just like conjunctions. This is valid because a New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. This conjunction is the archetypal basis of seed events, from a cosmic perspective. A New Moon is fairly common, yet it does have a cosmic significance. This in turn has a psychological effect and influence on life on earth. Yes, the planets and the alignments of the planets represent archetypal principles. Archetypal means it is part of our very blue print. This is of course, the domain of metaphysics and is not so understood or appreciated by physicists and /or main stream science. In as much as Winter Solstice is symbolic of a New Moon itself and is the official natural New Year start date, we can look to it with confidence as well for deciphering the overall themes for the coming year.

What the Winter Solstice chart suggests is similar to the Sun/G.C. conjunction yet with an even more positive note yet. With the Moon closely conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, this chart gives reason to believe that people will make efforts to contribute to the needed changes. I would imagine that many realize that we are privileged in our culture and that the larger issues of the world must be met with awareness and positivity and that is what this chart basically suggests. The rather strong Aquarian tone also indicates that there may be a measurable increase in metaphysical subjects. Astrology especially stands to experience an upsurge in popularity, and rightly so! On the other hand, Aquarius is also a revolutionary sign and we may well also experience revolutionary change. With the Sun in close alignment with Pluto this revolutionary tone stands to bring powerful leaders to the fore. Whether these will hold the interests of the larger in their ambitions is another story and the bag, as ever, is likely to be mixed.

Then, right on New Years Eve there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. The date of this event is raising brows of curiosity and concern. People instinctively know that important celestial events on key dates signify change. Given the larger picture at this time, this one certainly does. Many people are referring to it as a Blue Moon. The phenomenon of a Blue Moon is not actually significant to most Astrologers. In other words, from the standpoint of Astrology, it does not offer special significance. Upon closer examination, this Moon is not technically a Blue Moon anyway. However, since this Lunar Eclipse will take place right at the turn of the New Year, it may well hold lasting significance beyond its usual measure. This is so because, like the preceding examples, the official New Year event can also be seen to carry its own imprint for the coming year. (see chart). In as much as this is true the picture is not so rosy. First of all, the moon is full in Cancer. This may well be considered the wildest and moodiest Full Moon of the year! Further, the overall chart is very challenging with virtually every planet in hard aspect save for Uranus forming a Sextile to Mercury and the North Node. If this chart holds the greatest weight in terms of what 2010 holds in store, then we really do have some work to do. Lunar Eclipses are usually more internal in their effect, so this one suggests a real likelihood that a lot of people will be doing some real soul searching as the New Year turns and prospectively throughout the year.

The Sagittarius New Moon will Activate the Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus Triple Conjunction

Now, in regards to this New Moon in Sagittarius, it will prove to activate the triple conjunction. I am referring to the stellium of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius. This rare aspect is symbolic of a mass healing that is already underway. But please note that in Astrology, conjunctions are best understood as seed events. So, although we can expect some external synchronicities related to this three planet alignment, it is actually the beginning of the healing that it will bring. Interestingly, the alignment is close to exact conjunction with the Moon in the U.S. chart (Sibley). The H1N1 controversy is a reflection of this conjunction. There are many who believe that it is a money and power ploy that is actually leading to deaths. This reflects the sickness of attitude in the world where corrupt corporate interests jeopardize human lives for the sake of profit. This is an old story but this controversy is stirring anger and lack of confidence towards governments that turn a blind eye or who actually support such antics from the private sector.

As the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter’s influence is being strongly activated at this New Moon and will culminate at the Full Moon on the turn of the New Year. This will be the first activation of this kind since these ‘three wise ones’ (Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune are linked to our spiritual nature) formed the rare triple conjunction back in late spring this year. Jupiter is currently positioned at the exact midpoint between Chiron – the wounded healer – and Neptune, the planet symbolic of transcendence and dissolution of karma. (See chart)

The entire pantheon of current planetary alignments signifies measurable change.

Many of these will become much more apparent in 2010. The foundations of these are already here and have deep roots; yet significant new growth began in 2008 – the first 1 year of the New Millennium. The new U.S. government is a reflection of this change. Of course, change is the law. How any person, political state or region and so on will be affected by the changes reflected in the planetary cycles is relative. Generally, each case must be approached on its own ground. This is where personal readings offer people the deepest and most practically useful insight. Yet, sometimes the changes that are suggested will have enough strength of impact to influence people and nations collectively. There are strong indications that this is exactly the sort of change that we will all experience in 2010 and 2011 especially.

In the long term picture for 2010 there are many pivotal transits that indicate sudden and radical change. July and August of 2010 stand to be especially dramatic as Jupiter and Uranus closely aligned in Aries Oppose Saturn in Libra, and both of them Square Pluto. Much mention has been made about these powerful aspects and this time of change. Now it is here and we will soon experience its effects. The deeper story is and will continue through to 2023 is Pluto in Capricorn. (read more).

Pluto in Capricorn and now Saturn in Libra – both action and initiative oriented Cardinal sign. Pluto is about power and its main focus is about regeneration, transformation, purging and cleansing. With Pluto now with a new status as the first of a legion of Plutinos, due to the fact that it and its Moon Charon are now recognized to be a binary planetary system, we might begin to better assess its function. Pluto/Charon is a more accurate description of its unique quality and function. Whatever Pluto/Charon touches undergoes a process of purification. Like a good cleanser, it lifts the dirt to the surface to be clearer. Blisters and blemishes, rashes and other irruptions of toxins coming to the surface of the skin are traditionally linked to Pluto function in medical Astrology. Of course, medical Astrology is so ancient that the far planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were known… How the ancients knew about these is another story with at least diverging perspectives and both equally interesting.

Uranus will enter Aries, also enter a Cardinal Sign like Capricorn and Libra on May 27, 2010. By this time Jupiter will have raced through Pisces and will also enter Aries on July 6 at 6:00 am Greenwich time. (6:00 am is symbolically linked to Aries). By June 8 at 9:00 am Greenwich time, Jupiter will be in exact conjunction with Uranus and at 0 Aries. Zero Aries is simply the most important and powerful point in Astrology. Although a circle may fairly be said to be without beginning or end, if one were to draw a circle, it would begin somewhere, at some point. This is why 0 Aries is called the Aries Point and is understood among Astrologers who have a deep understanding of Astrology to be so powerful. That 0 Aries is symbolic of Spring Equinox which is the exact moment when the hours and day and night are equal. Since Astrology has so much to do with the sun’s actual light on our planet, it is worthy of utmost respect. There is much to say about 0 Aries, volumes. Suffice to say at this moment as the 6 am point it is also symbolic of due east and of the rising of the Sun above the horizon in the morning. Without going into too much detail, you might appreciate what this might imply in terms of synchronistic events that will occur in the world. (read more)

By about July 4th Jupiter will carry the seeds of the Uranus conjunction in Aries to form an exact opposition aspect.

Clearly, there is quite a lot happening right now as revealed by the planetary alignments.
Astrology offers us the ability to looks behind the scenes of outer events on both individual and collective levels. This ‘insight’ is a golden key to the value of Astrology.

Are you in-tune with the times? Do you feel you could use more insight about who you are and how to best navigate through the changing tides of our times?

I can assist you to gain valuable insights that will guide you with timing to navigate your future probabilities and possibilities.

Make an appointment today: 1.888.352.2936

Blessings for the Holidays and for Health and happiness in 2010!

Thank you for being here!

Michael O’Connor

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Moon in Scorpio, November 16, 2009

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – November 16 – 11:14 am PDT - 24 Scorpio 34

Next Full Moon - December 1 - 11:30 pm PDT - 10 Gemini 15

Next New Moon - December 16 - 4:02 am PDT - 24 Sagittarius 40

Last month’s Newsletter Link

Scorpio New Moon Newsletter

New Moon Newsletter for Scorpio – November 16, 2009.

The Balsamic Moon in Scorpio is living up to its reputation, here on the West coast anyway. A fiercer wind than usual sweeps the trees too and fro allowing rain to reach the inner reaches of the trunks. The cool shimmering dark of this late Waning Moon is revealing of Scorpio. In fact it is the phase of the Moon symbolized by Scorpio and this time of the year. The New Moon combined with the shorter days and the rain casts a darker shadow than ever now. Wispy wraiths in the air blow like phantoms against the background of thick layers of low lying cloud. It is simple to imagine how such nights can over stimulate imaginations and stir fears. For others, it is a call to prayer and meditation for mystics et al wishing to commune with the light within. Each New Moon is ‘symbolic’ of a Solar Eclipse, by the way, where the Moon passes between Earth and Sun, that is why it is dark.

The magic moment of the New Moon is symbolic of an exact eclipse. At this moment the full life giving power of the Sun shines its complete glory on the dark side of the Moon. Just the opposite occurs when it is Full Moon. Yes, that side that is always dark to us due to the marvelous fact that the Moon’s orbital rotation matches her axial rotation. How wonderful a design! Yet do not be fooled, it transcends mere phenomenological events. Call it magic if you like, or esoteric or occult. In the end it is simply the mystery of celestial occurrences that are woven into our very DNA and psyche. Astrology is the science of this natural psychology.

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! Given that the Moon is said to be in its detriment in Scorpio, some would consider this statement to be an oxymoron. The signs of the season offer all the reasons why our ancient forebears associated the symbolic themes lined to each Zodiac Sign the way they did. Scorpio time is deep and mysterious, seemingly cold and unforgiving. Scorpio is truly the shadow sign. However, it has long been said that behind the shadows we may encounter angels as well as devils. In modern understanding, these refer to inner psychological complexes or complexities that produce genius and other extra ordinary qualities. Despite all the darkness surrounding Scorpio, it is actually a sign of healing.

In addition to Readings and writing numerous Astrology columns and articles. I also teach an exciting class called Living in-Tune with the Sun and Moon. In January I will be giving this class as a webinar. You can also join my Moon Cycle Club for a small monthly investment and receive a great deal in return. It weaves in wonderfully with this free New Moon Newsletter. Yes the Horoscopes are free and the articles too. With all my Horoscope columns and articles and Newsletter I aim to educate you to appreciate what Astrology is and how it works and I have been doing so steadily for 17 years. I was a student of Astrology already for a dozen years prior to that.

It is not in my interest to simply convince you simply, but to offer you the opportunity to sample Astrology for yourself. Of course I can do that or you by way of an Astrology Personal Reading. I combine my readings with Numerology, some Mayan and Chinese Astrology, a deep grasp of the Psychology of Birth Order in which I am certified and a well exercised psychic, intuitive and practical awareness of evolutionary psychology. Astrology is not meant to be some mere fortune telling device, it is a tool that can greatly assist us to be self aware and in tune with natural cycles, the basis of our evolutionary progressions and lessons of our lives. Astrology is a sophisticated tool however, and while easy and fun to learn, it does require some background of experience to appreciate. It does not have to take long or cost much. I have made sincere efforts to make that so.

Here is an outline of services and products that I offer that are designed to assist you to make better use of the rich insights that Astrology offers:

Personal Astrology/Numerology Readings.

Learn Astrology Quickly, Easily and for Practical Use

Join the Moon Cycle Club.

Lunar Life Guide.

7 Astrology Reports to choose from. (Child STAR reports make amazing Xmas gifts, and come with a full coloured chart)

Slide Show Presentations Live Online (I'm planning to present the first online slideshow Dec. 20 - "Astrology & the Great Alignment of 12/21/2012". If interested, send me an email to sign up!

The Lunar Return Reports that come with your subscription to the Moon Cycle Club are amazing! You can see a sample HERE. Or you could sample one for just $20.00. Or you could subscribe for just $12.99 a month and get a whole lot more as well. This includes a monthly audio recording with an overview of the New Moon seed in general and for each sign individually! This 22 minute audio file is For Moon Cycle Club members only.
Another wonderful report package I am offering is called the Lunar Life Guide. This comprehensive guide is personalized by me as opposed to being a computer report. Each has their great merits and the reports cover a lot of ground, however the Lunar Life Guide is much deeper, intimate and powerful in terms of the depth, breadth and scope of your character and destiny that it offers. I encourage you to check it out. For a relatively small investment you gain profound insights about your character and life cycles that you can put to practical use and for deepening you self-awareness and for making better choices and decisions. The Progressed Moon travelling at exactly 1 degree per month is truly a main hand on Mother Nature’s clock. Along with the root themes of the Natal Moon, you will know much better ‘where you come from’ in terms of your lunar roots and where you are now and what is coming next. You gotta give this a try!

In last months New Moon Newsletter, I brought attention to the Saturn/Pluto Square that is exact right now, November 15, 2009 to be precise. Click HERE to read that article. In the following link I have added a few extra insights about it and have simply given it the title of The Waning Saturn-Pluto Square on November 15, 2009 Part II

Before I continue to explore some of the deeper reaches of Scorpio, power and the responsibility it implies, I want to make a few announcements!

Starting in January 2010 I will be offering Astrology classes online. To date, the most practical tool I have discovered for teaching people how to read the symbols and work with Astrology is via an Astrological Calendar. The reason is simple, because I teach you how to use it and when you know how you will regularly and therefore you will have practice and experienctial knowledge. Whether in the format of a calendar, a day timer, or a pocket sized booklet, learning to watch and tune into and feel the influence of the waxing and waning Moon as it makes aspects to other planets in its 29.5 day cycle from New Moon to New Moon is at least as practically useful, as it is thrilling. To learn the symbolic language of Astrology you have to use it. (Read more HERE & register)

The Moon Cycle Club is also alive and well. Whether on its own or as an extension of working with the Astrology Calendars, gaining an even more intimate overview of the influence of the Moon and Sun and planets in your chart each month can and will prove to be a very useful tool. You will be amazed at how accurate your Lunar Return Chart truly is. Subscription is only $12.99 per month. In addition to a rich introduction package filled with useful and interesting insights, fact, lore and tools associated with the Moon member ship entitles you to a 20 to 40 page Report that regularly retails for $20.00. Each month a day or two prior to the Moon returning to the exact degree it is in your Natal Chart I will send you your Report by email.

PLUS!! Now Moon Cycle Club members only will receive a live recorded overview of the New Moon each month on the day of the New Moon. This 15-20 minute insight and forecast for each sign in general will also bring attention to the Eclipses and how it will generally influence each sign. This feature will keep you updated and in-tune with the flow so you are better able to make more attuned and conscious choices and decisions.

As you can see I am making diligent efforts to awaken, guide and educate you to what Astrology is, how it works, how easily you can learn the basics and make it work for you. In this respect, Astrology is like an instrument. Yet, the music that you can play with it is not so much the kind you can hear literally, as much as it is the kind you can feel deep within your body, mind, heart and soul.

So, I am inviting you to take closer look at what I am saying and especially to what I am offering you. It is all outlined above so come on, take the next step and help me to better serve you and I promise you will go away satisfied that your investments were worth every cent and more.

Thank you again for being here,


Michael O’Connor

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Moon in Libra, October 17, 2009

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon - October 17 - 10:33 pm PDT - 24 Libra 59
Next Full Moon - November 2 - 11:14 am PDT - 10 Taurus 30
Next New Moon - November 16 - 11:14 am PDT - 24 Scorpio 34

Last month’s Newsletter Link

Libra New Moon Newsletter

Autumn sure seemed to fall upon us hard and fast this year. The enduring warmth of Indian summer is scarcely to be seen, in the North West anyway. Over in the Rockies they have endured snow and frigid temperatures well below average. Looking at the planetary aspects current at this time, the weather is actually an accurate match. Even so, the Autumn season reveals its own special beauty. The changing colours of the trees is as poetic a spectacle is it needs to be to inspire writers, painters and song writers to capture its beauty. Strolling lovers often share even closer embrace where the early darkness invites the crackling fires wine and cozy romance. These are all Libra themes, the sign most sensitive to color, the sign of romantic love.

My schedule of late has been very busy. The year of the Earth Ox sure has me working hard. The inclusion of my Visual Presentations, this New Moon Newsletter and the Moon Cycle Club and my usual 1-2 Day Astrology Workshops about how to read and follow a Pocket Astrologer, this year has certainly contributed to a steady pace. This is partially so because the presentations require that I travel more. I like going to new places and meeting new people and sharing my work and passion for Astrology and how much I know it helps people. I plan to continue as well. However, in fairness to my readers who live in places afar where I will not likely visit any time too soon, I have decided to offer my presentations and workshops online, in webinar format, in addition to the readings I do over the phone. If you are interested, please send me an email and I will be making this clearer on my site as well very soon. The first ones will begin in December. In the meantime, check out my Updates from either this Newsletter or directly on my site to learn more about upcoming events in various locations and/or to book a private reading. I hope you will enjoy and learn from the articles I have written for this newsletter which you will find as links below. (If you have trouble with any of these links, please inform me.) My goal, of course, is to educate you to better understand how and why Astrology works and why it can prove to be of such value for creating fulfillment and success in your life.

Life is all about relationships. Unless our attitude is that we share and create relationship verses ‘have’ relationships, is the extent to which we are likely to take others, our relationships in general, for granted. This is the beginning of many problems that subtly sneak in and take over our lives. Libra is the sign more closely associated with the many themes associated with the reality of relationship. Beyond the relationships we have with our self, and then with others, we also share relationships with our home, neighbors and neighborhood, community, society, the environment and so on. But how often to we acknowledge that we are sharing relationship? To the extent that we are not sharing, we are either giving or taking. Some give a lot and some take a lot. This is a rather complex theme but understanding it begins with recognizing how we identify how we relate to our self and the world. Because the relationship we share with our very own self is not so recognized, appreciated and consciously cultivated, the ones we have with others are often less clear and satisfying and, in fact, are often unbalanced and/or taken for granted. This is why The Primary Relationship is Always with One’s Self.

Libra is the sign most closely related to the principle of relationships. In this respect, Libra can be seen to be very romantic. On the other hand, Libra is also a very realistic sign; herein lies some of the mystery behind Libra. As much as Libra is all about love relationships, they are also soberly aware that maintaining balance and harmony in an ever changing status quo requires a realistic perspective. For this reason, balancing such seemingly opposite realities, Libra will often swing from one extreme to another and quickly. This can confuse others and frustrate Librans, who counter balance as a matter of course. Libra is an Air sign and in this respect, they are very interested in the relating principle. At deeper levels yet, a main interest surrounds the very real nature of the chemistry that two people share. Read more about this all important theme is my article, The Chemistry of Relationships.

Another exciting feature of Astrology charts is that they clearly indicate the quality and types of relationships we are likely to experience in our lives. We can learn to see what constitutes one’s best match – the type of person that will complement their nature. It can also show the challenges one is likely to encounter along with the goodies we all see in a mate. Within this perspective we can also more clearly assess what is our responsibility in terms of our projections. Often in relationships, when things go wrong, the tendency is to blame the partner or one’s self. Blame is generally a bad attitude to take because it simply causes more confusion and problems. As important as our close relationships are to us and with all the efforts we make to fulfill our desires for love, affection, harmony and a suitable mate in general, most people continue to grope in the dark, take blind risks, operate on hopes and wishes for true love and harmonious companionship and often fail and give up on relationships entirely. Part of the reason is that people approach relationships from a purely emotional, sentimental and assumptive perspective. In other words, too often people fail to create a conscious relationship. Again, this includes having a clearer understanding of who we are as individuals as well as what we need in relationship and what would constitute a good match. This is where Astrology can help measurably because Your Relationship Destiny is Written in the Stars.

Balance is the key theme for Libra, the sign of the Scales. Assuming that the scales are ever in balance is erroneous. The fact is that they are in an almost constant state of shifting from side to side. This is because the balance point is dynamic. Another consideration is that since change is the law and material reality is very much a by-product cycles, of cyclic movements. In order to remain balanced, we are challenged to stay in touch with the moving balance points and there is more than one. Just like the waxing and waning Moon, and the advancing and receding tides, the in and out of our breathing, the very rhythmic beat of our hearts and the flow of thoughts, blood and bio-electric chemical currents in our bodies, the flow of change is a constant. Just look at the changing weather and light in each passing day. Paying attention to these and recognizing the changing balance point is a reminder to that of the many subtle cycles that are ever active in our lives. These cycles are natural yet are not so fully recognized and celebrated for what they are.

The balance that Libra represents is undergoing some powerful challenges these days. The scales are tipped significantly and it may take some time before they come into equilibrium again. With Saturn entering Libra on October 29 where it will stay for the next three years, we will see and experience a lot of actions that will aim to correct these imbalances. (Link to Chart and to Article about this important cycle here) The big question is will these be enough? I am referring here to our economically challenging times and even more pressing concerns like the environment. By the way, whenever an Astrological event occurs, like a planet entering a new sign, a chart can be cast. This is true of any new beginning. Look to the Astrology of events is very old and worth knowing more about. For this reason, I wrote the following short article called the Astrology of Events.

This is where Astrology can really help. Astrology is what I call Natural Psychology. For this reason, it is an extremely useful and powerful tool, when used respectfully, to identify and activate alignment and authenticity. This is the deeper expression of this powerful and time honored art, yet too many people use it and see it as just another fortune telling device. This illustrates just how much we have moved away from what is natural. Admittedly, too often people abuse Astrology and therefore render it to mere fortune telling. This is unfortunate because it confuses people and leads them away from what would otherwise clearly prove to be Good Astrology. Those who do look closely enough and make the investment to decipher for them selves what good Astrology can offer, often go away with great results.

Thank you again for being here!

Michael O’Connor


Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Moon in Virgo - September 18, 2009

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - September 18, 2009 - 11:44 am PDT - 25 Virgo 59
Next Full Moon - October 3, 2009 - 11:10 pm PDT - 11 Aries 10 (Harvest Moon)
Next New Moon - October 17, 2009 - 10:33pm PDT - 24 Libra 59

Happy New Moon in Virgo!

September 18 at 11:44 am PDT is the New Moon in Virgo. The last days of summer are here and we are on the eve of Autumn Equinox which occurs this year on September 22, 2009 at 2:19 PDT. These are the minor details of our very exciting, if stressful, times.

To look at a range of charts of the New Moon in Virgo, the Autumn Equinox chart, the major aspects current and more, please follow this link.

If you would like the Virgo highly condensed outline of current planetary activity, go HERE. This outline includes a fair bit of Astrology language, but by reading it you will at least get a feel for the pace of things from the planetary standpoint. Since life here is a synchronistic reflection of events ‘out there’ it might be worth having a quick read. Besides, you will practice your ‘astrologese’.

Among the more important events that Mother Nature has planned for this time in history is a powerful square aspect between Saturn and Pluto. This is the main indicator of the social and economic changes we are and will be experiencing over the next several months especially. The other is the Saturn/Uranus Opposition. Mercury is still retrograde and will be for another week, but as it is in Virgo, one of the two signs it rules, and it may not feel so pronounced and difficult as it does when in certain other signs. Observe that you are not noticing as much. But, I bet you have noticed a few Mercury Retrograde slips.

Due to the larger and deeper cycles of my destiny, I am doing a lot of writing and reading and travelling these days. I have created 8 exciting slide show presentations over the spring and summer. This LINK will offer you an overview of them. I have received excellent reviews on these wherever I have shown them so I am inspired to persevere. Showing visuals makes explaining much of the complex themes that I enjoy sharing, the metaphysics, philosophy, spiritual psychology, and the poetry of it all and so on, much easier and satisfying for both me and the audience.

I have quite a full schedule this autumn, beginning with presentations in Nelson, BC. Nelson is very much home in my heart and it is the place where ‘I cut my Astrological teeth’, so to speak. I have many dear friends there whom I consider family and I feel very grateful to the city and area in general and to the many people who I have shared rich experiences and matured and evolved on many levels. I am currently living in Gibsons BC, the Sunshine Coast near Vancouver . Shari and I chose to be here for a variety of reasons and strategic positioning for our many travels was among the main reasons. However, we do return to Nelson at least once a season. I will be working with my dear friend Carol, Stewart and her mystery School students next week and will be sharing one of my most favorite slide shows called "Journey into the Heart and Soul of Astrology". Read more about this visual presentations HERE. I will also be enjoying a day of Astro Drama with her group which thrills me as I have not done it for several years. Enacting people’s chart with costumes and props is fun and can prove very powerful, healing and revealing. Please let me know if such an activity interests you and I will definitely look into bringing it to your city or town.

Then on Saturday, September 26 I am hosting a visual presentation at the Capitol Theatre called "Astrology, the Great Alignment and 12/21/2012", which you can learn more about HERE. Since I am an Astrologer I bring unique and detailed elements to the fore that no one else to my knowledge is doing. I hope to see you there! (Another way to access these outlines and overviews is to go the Library on my site then select Endorsements). Offering a presentation at the Capitol is a pretty big leap for me as I usually offer my talks and presentations at smaller venues. So, please come out and support the important message I am sharing with people. I feel confident that you will be glad you did!

I will remain in Nelson for another 4 days to offer personal readings and to visit with friends. So, if you live in Nelson or the area and would like a reading in person please contact me right away. Of course, I do much of my work over the phone so that possibility is ever available as well.

Then on the afternoon of October 30th Shari and I will visit Sandpoint , Idaho through to Sunday. I am offering two presentations there at Zero Point Crystals. The people there helping us, Renee, Kathy and Bill are really great and very supportive. I will be presenting both shows mentioned above there on Thursday October 1st and Friday October 2nd. Interestingly, while I was writing an article all about the symbolic meaning of zero and the zero point, the decision to go to Sandpoint and work there at Zero Point Crystals was made. There is a lot to say about this topic – a favorite of mine.

Without getting into it, I would like to say just these two things. First, it is not about the earth stopping in its rotation. Gregg Braden presents this idea but I wonder if he actually knew about the deeper meaning of the zero point in Astrological symbolism? I did not detect from his writings that he did. As exciting and sensational as his theory linked to a polar axis shift is, the symbolism of zero point in Astrology is much more powerful and, in my opinion, important, even though Braden’s theory is very exciting and epic. The other point I wish to make is that if a science asserts, ‘everything comes from nothing, then nothing must be quite something!’ Yes no thing is the main message and it hints at inner dimensions. By the way, the point is a portal out of which the every thing emerged.

After Sandpoint, we will journey to Bellingham , Washington for a few days again. We were there in August. Then after about week home, Shari and I will be attending an evening talk by Gregg Braden in Vancouver on October 15th. We are very excited about that. I feel Gregg is truly a kindred spirit. From there we will embark on a journey for another couple of weeks that will include 100 Mile House, Kamloops , Revelstoke, Nakusp, Penticton , possibly Kelowna and Vernon . To learn more about dates and places please go to Events on my site.

Now that you have a basic breakdown of our current schedule of events, I will tell you about some of the other articles I have written for your ‘edutainment’ purposes. First, the Horoscope for the Autumn Season is now posted. It is pretty brief as the weekly column I write keeps people updated. You might also review the year up to now and read the Horoscope for the 2009. All of these are free and available for you on my site and can be accessed from several locations.

I am also on a campaign to send the Horoscope to businesses that would like to offer a quick read to their clients so if you are interested and own a business, please let me know and I will add your name to the list. This service will be free. The only thing I will request is that the local publication that runs it be added on the page somewhere in fairness to them.

Thank you again for your interest. I hope you enjoy the articles and horoscopes I have written for you covering this New Moon Cycle and the Autumn Season. We are living is rapidly changing times and it can be interpreted as frightening or very exciting. I am committed to guiding my readers through the many steps that will take us through this turbulent and powerful yet wonderful time in history. I hope you will continue to follow along. Please tell your friends if you feel they too would be interested and would benefit from my articles, updates and Horoscopes. I hope to see you in person on my travels and please feel free to contact me by email with any comments, questions, and tips and, of course, to book an appointment for a personal reading. On a final note, I have finally joined Facebook. Please come and meet me there as well.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Moon in Leo - August 20, 2009

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - August 20, 2009 - 3:02am PDT - 27 Leo 32
Next Full Moon - September 4, 2009 - 9:03am PDT - 12 Pisces 15
Next New Moon - September 18, 2009 - 11:44am PDT - 25 Virgo 59

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the summer season.

Happy New Moon in Leo!

My summer has been quite busy with travel, work and play. This includes doing Personal Astrology Readings in person and by phone, writing articles, presenting an exciting slide show about Astrology and the Planetary Cycles from now through to that now key date of December 21, 2012 – the end of the Mayan Calendar. I have learned that as exciting as that date is in terms of the birth of a ‘New World’ that it implies, what is at least as exciting and important are the major planetary cycles and powerful aspects that will occur prior to then. Many of these have already begun like the alignment of Pluto with the Galactic Center over the past few years. More recently, the very rare alignment of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius has gained the attention of Astrologers all over the world. This aspect is still active and there are others like the exact Opposition Aspect of Saturn and Uranus that occurred on November 4th 2008… Pluto in Capricorn where it is currently hovering, so to speak at 0 degrees is another major factor coinciding with the economic and political shifts and changes. It is exciting to learn about and be a part of these events, convergence of paradigms, cosmologies and systems of Astrology. I have also been reading some exciting books on evolutionary psychology, spiritual awakening, Atlantis, Crop Circles and yes Astrology. Amidst all of this I am doing my best to take the time to have some fun in the sun. My partner Shari and I have more of the same planned for the next couple of months. Read all about it here on my Events Page.

Leo is the Zodiac Sign ruled by the Sun making this month’s Newsletter special indeed. The reason is quite simple; the Sun is the single most important factor in Astrology. Coming to understand the deeper spiritual realities of the Sun can prove to be deeply rewarding. This begins by cultivating a spiritual reverence for the sun, as opposed to simply regarding it as 'an object in the sky'. The Sun in our charts is one thing and the ancient notion that we are one with the Sun is even more mystical and exciting yet. Each is a reflection of the other. By way of a deeper appreciation of the central importance of the Sun in Astrology, I am among those Astrologers who has learned to connect to some of the magical, non-linear functions in our lives. One aspect of this is revealed in the Horoscopes which is based on the Solar chart wheel.
Leo, the sign of the Lion King brings with it fun, play, passion and drama. Leo is about personal power to co-create with life. Gold is its metal. Scarlet is its colour. Royal is its nature. Proud is its style. The parts of the body ruled by Leo are the heart and spine. In this respect, Leo can be considered a very spiritual sign if not the most as it represents creativity. “To Love the creator, love the creation; to be like the creator, create!” We can do this in many ways and there is a secret way that almost seems elementary and it is but it works and I like to refer to it as elementary magic. The heart and therefore the heart chakra –portal of the soul – is linked to Leo. From Leo we are reminded that life is a game. Yet we also learn that it takes courage to be alive. Leo is also the sign most closely associated with the ego. The pride of lions is legendary and it is apt that a family or group of lions is called a pride.

For most people summer is the favorite season of the year. There are exceptions of course. I personally like them all, almost equally. However, a day at the beach on a sunny day is sure hard to beat. This summer has been pretty hot and dry however. There have been a record amount of forest fires here in British Columbia. 700 on any given day was the figure reported in the newspapers. Sadly, many houses burned to the ground and people even died, children in fact. Kelowna was severely hit. So, before continuing I would quickly like to invite you to take a moment to send a prayer of compassion to all those who suffered so severely from these tragic events or to anyone else you desire to direct light and love and healing. To do so, simply imagine a heart to heart connection, feel the connection from one human being to another. Imagine for a brief moment the sadness sorrow and pain, without taking any of it on. Now send light love for 12 seconds to complete a fractal time round. Trust that blessings will be received by those who suffered losses and grief and by you as well. There is co-creative power in such intentions. The ancients probably knew this and we are remembering again. Every moment in heart connection is a reward in itself.

As usual, I have provided many links for you to explore and enjoy some further reaches of what a holistic approach to Astrology has to offer. You can also access the various areas of my website to learn more about Astrology in general and my services specifically by way of following the many internal links available, each of which will lead you to other articles and other useful information to make your experience and understanding more comprehensive. As a student and professional practitioner of Astrology, the holistic nature of reality has long been a subject dear to my heart. I am confident by following these links you will gain a greater appreciation of holism and how Astrology works and why it is so important to see us through our troubled times and how it can help you to live your life more consciously.

On a final note, every year since 2003 an email has been circulating saying that Mars will be very close to the Earth in August and will appear as big as the Full Moon and this event will not occur again for hundreds of years. Actually, Mars made its nearest approach to Earth back in 2003. Sorry if you missed it. (Read more here).

Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the articles that I have enjoyed writing for you. Please fell free to contact me by email and better yet set up an appointment for a personal reading. I will make every effort to sound your core nature and guide your future probabilities and possibilities from the standpoint of your destiny. If you live in any of the areas that I will be visiting over the next month, I hope to see you then.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Moon Newsletter - July 21, 2009

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - July 21, 2009 - 7:35pm PDT - 29 Cancer 27 - TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE
Next Full Moon - August 5, 2009 - 5:55pm PDT - 13 Aquarius 43 - LUNAR ECLIPSE
Next New Moon - August 20, 2009 - 3:02am PDT - 27 Leo 32
Happy New Moon in Cancer… again!

Yes, this is the second in a row in the same sign in a one month period. This can happen as the time interval between New Moons is 29.5 days and there are 30-31 days save for February in a month. You'll discover alot of links below to articles I've written recently. I'm open to your feedback. Also, a quick reminder of my itinerary for the upcoming weeks and months is below.

More importantly, this is a Total Solar Eclipse - click HERE to learn more. Two weeks ago we had a Lunar Eclipse and we will have another in 2 weeks from now. That makes this an eclipse season. These lunation cycles (New Moon to Full and back again) that are eclipses bring an added spike to the punch, so to speak. This powerful Solar Eclipse at the critical degree of 29 Cancer 27 in the Tropical Zodiac, is one of the reasons that I will refer to this Newsletter as a Special Edition. The other reason is that the Newsletter is now in a new format. With this approach my goal is to create easy to access layers of insight that I believe will be easier for you to understand. My primary goal with this Newsletter is to help you understand the importance of the Moon and the Sun/Moon cycle in particular. There is much more to the Moon than a lifeless orb. Poetic verse aside, the Moon archetype has many layers, as is the nature of archetypes. True symbols are also many layered since they represent the archetypes. To learn more about it, you can follow this link.
Cancer, which today's Solar Eclipse takes place in, is all about feelings and emotions, and in this respect is a very important sign in Astrology. Not surprisingly, it is the sign ruled by the Moon itself. Learn more about it HERE, and discover how feelings and emotions are the key to co-creation and the manifestation of your desires.
Isn't a Solar Eclipse an amazing occurance? What miracle of chance is it that causes this event to occur? The phenomena that Astronomers closely observe are what Astrologers recognize to be deeply woven into our psyche. We can call this "Natural Psychology".

In tune with the Moon, my partner Shari and I are embarking upon a 3 week road trip today! Our journey begins here in Gibsons BC then we will travel via Pemberton near Whistler to Kamloops until Sunday, then to Salmon Arm for an evening, then to Revelstoke for a couple of nights then to Alberta first to Jasper for the day before heading to Edmonton to visit with two nephews followed by a visit with Khoji Lang, my brilliant Astrologer friend for the weekend, then to Cochrane to visit with Shari’s Brother. Then, back over to BC through the east Kootenays stopping briefly in Golden, Invermere, Kimberly and Cranbrook before spending a couple of days in Creston, then the weekend of August 8th in Nelson, then to Grand Forks on August 11th and 12 before returning home again. This 3 week tour mixes work with pleasure. I will be offering Astrology Readings and Evening Slide Show Presentations at a few places – all about Astrology and 12/21/2012 and the many powerful aspects and planetary activity leading up to it.

Shari offers a wonderful holistic healing approach and will be bringing here gifts to the people in the above mentioned locations as well. To learn more about Shari and her work, please visit her web site at . For a complete listing of upcoming events during this three week period and later this summer in August and September and even looking further down the road to October, please follow this link to my Event Listings.

A quick reminder before I continue. The next meteor showers are the Perseids. The Moon will be just prior to its last quarter so will be pretty bright. However, from midnight to sunrise on the 12th (the late, late night of the 11th…) should offer at least a sweet glimpse of some of the brighter meteors.

Another quick reminder is that July 25th is a "Day out of Time" in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. July 26th then is the first day of the new one year round, from this perspective. This date corresponds with an important alignment with Sirius, by the way. The Dog Star as it is popularly regarded. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians revered this star among others. Yes, there are closer ties to the Mayan and Egyptians than is popular considered. Both cultures share roots to a far distant past. I will write more about this in the future. For now here is the poem for the New Year round:

Yellow Self-Existing Seed (Wavespell: Dragon)
I define in order to target
Measuring Awareness
I Seal the Input of Flowering
With the Self-Existing Tone of Form
I am Guided by the Power of Universal Fire

The basic message refers to developing one’s authenticity with seed actions and choices.

I will be taking appointments again on the Sunshine Coast from mid to late August. As you will learn from my Events and Updates page, I will then go to Bellingham Washington , for the last weekend of August, followed by a visit to Saltspring Island for the Labour Day Weekend then Hornby Island before returning home again for a few weeks.

After the Equinox weekend I will return to Nelson to work with Carol Stewart at her Mystery School . There, In addition to personal Astrology readings, I have the pleasure of leading the group of 10 people involved through a day of Astro Drama. This is where by way of masks, costumes and props to create an astrological setting, we explore the magic of spontaneous and synchronistic expressions as the archetypes come to life.
Finally, here are 3 creations that I wrote over the past few months, and I hope you'll enjoy these inspirations as well:
1. All About Time
2. Tips for Tuning In to Life
3. Timeless Wisdom for Everyday Living

Thank you everyone, and enjoy the sun!