Monday, May 30, 2011

New Moon in Gemini - June 1, 2011

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - June 1, 2:03 pm PDT ** Solar Eclipse
Next Full Moon - June 15, 1:14 pm PDT ** Lunar Eclipse
Next New Moon - July 1, 1:54 am PDT ** Solar Eclipse

Link to previous newsletter

Please follow any links throughout for further reading if you wish, and either open in a new window, or hit the back button to continue this newsletter.

Happy New Moon in Gemini Solar Eclipse! Or at least I hope it proves to be happy. This New Moon on June 1st 2011 is special in several ways. First, it is a Solar Eclipse followed by a Lunar Eclipse and then another Solar Eclipse. This rhythm is somewhat rare, but not overly, and it might best be described as having a very significant extra charge to the already super charge of an eclipse. It should also be noted that every ‘event’ in Astrology is unique, though it shares common denominators with other events. For example when referring to a New Moon, it is accurate to refer to it as ‘a’ New Moon and not simply ‘the’ New Moon. In doing so, attention is brought to bear on the specifics of it.

Where does this eclipse fall in your chart and will it make any close conjunctions with planets or angles?

I can and am willing to help you know and what it might imply and how you can consciously work with the energies. Here is a quick link to make an appointment.

We certainly are living in exciting if dramatic and many would even agree, apocalyptic times. My goal in this month’s newsletter, in addition to bringing more specific attention to this eclipse season and the implications for each sign, is also to offer a summary overview of some of the major shifts and movements occurring at this time in the world. I have written several articles and which you can link to from this newsletter page and in each of those are other links. So, there is a lot here for you to review over the coming days and perhaps weeks. I am open to comments, suggestions and perhaps any other website and video links that might add to my own list. Please know that while I have my own convictions, I also appreciate there are many possible interpretations and am quite open and receptive to reviewing more. After all, we are living in very exciting times of ‘biblical’ proportions, as some have recently been commenting. In addition to the ending of the Mayan Calendar we are also hearing a lot about an extra body in our solar system and soon to be visible to all. (read More) What is perhaps most important and exciting is that we are undergoing an accelerated evolutionary process which has been referred to as the Quickening. Others yet call it an ascension process while I am sure many will refer to it as the Great Tribulation. Basically, I appreciate the power and importance of cycles and feel confident that despite various differences of opinion and interpretation on the matter, all the voices presented in this newsletter agree on one thing, something very major is unfolding and the best and perhaps the worst and most challenging is yet to come. Gain an overview of this ascension process and the science and mysticism behind it HERE.

Eclipses are often called ‘super charged’ new or full Moons and they bring bigger waves of change than usual new and full Moons. Whether a person will be specifically impacted or how and when exactly requires a closer examination of their birth chart. Everyone is impacted at least indirectly due to the web of life. The duration of the effect of an eclipse is about six months, until the next eclipse season, whereas a normal new or full Moon only lasts until the next lunar cycle. Of course, where the impact is life-changing, we may say the impact lasts a lifetime. This is the main focus for this newsletter, and it comes at a time of other great predictions as well. You can also learn more about the science of eclipses and how they work HERE.

Before I elaborate, I would like to say my coast tour this May was a success and a big Thank You to all of you who had readings with me and for the sincere support I received from some very special people. You know who you are and I am grateful to you. There were a few complications as well. To those of you who experienced these and you reading this newsletter too, I would like to remind you that having a reading in-person is its own special occasion to be sure. However, the meeting can also occur by phone and is more often the case these days. Thanks to modern technology doing readings at a distance is easier than and just as effective as meeting in-person. While on tour, appointments were missed by a couple of people due to a location I was working out of in Sechelt, B.C. From a look at testimonials on my site, most of which are from phone sessions, people are pleased with the results. So, why wait until, and if I visit your location in person? The insights and guidance that Astrology can and do offer are just as clear over the phone or internet. A good Astrology reading can prove very healing as it reinforces attunement to what is and could be verses what is lurking in our subconscious as confusion and un-accessed potential

So, the New Moon on June 1st is in Gemini (see chart) (see solar chart) and the next New Moon in this eclipse season is in Cancer (see chart). Due to other interests I will bring attention specifically to the Gemini New Moon in this newsletter and to the Cancer Solar Eclipse New Moon on July 1st (Canada Day) next month. Of particular interest for this eclipse is the fact that the star Aldebaran, which constitutes the very eye in the constellation of Taurus is in almost exact alignment with this New Moon at 11 Gemini 02. (The constellational and the seasonal Zodiacs are currently 23 degrees apart, thus the overlapping). A rosy red star located in the left ‘eye of the Bull’ is considered one of the 4 Royal Stars, also called watchers of the heavens linked to the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – the legendary Bull, Lion, Eagle and Man. Aldebaran therefore is of prime importance. It bestows high aims, honour, intelligence, eloquence and integrity. Study, writing and reform are some of the best modes of expression for Aldebaran. However, the downside of this star is arguments, jealousy and making enemies. So, Aldebaran’s contribution to the influence of this eclipse tends to be a rich exchange of ideas and information and integral action towards reform, especially education and the distribution of knowledge and information, yet potentially to big arguments, debates and increased conflict.

The Air Sign Gemini, the archetypal twins, is the 3rd sign of the Natural Zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. Of Mutable modality, Gemini is flexible, versatile and detail oriented yet potentially scattered, unreliable and shallow. Basically, Gemini is about communications, exchanges of information and knowledge, short distance travels, the daily realities of relationship between siblings and neighbors, translation, speech, teaching, intellectual thought processes and interpretations of people and events. At a core basic level Gemini is all about perceptions. Read more about the archetype of Gemini and Human Psychology HERE. Yes, consciousness in duality is full of riddles, complexities and challenges that we are collectively destined to understand and overcome.

The actual Solar Eclipse Chart in Gemini hosts Mercury, Venus and Mars in Taurus. This indicates that much thought will be given to priorities and to what truly holds value and meaning to us, individually and collectively. Jupiter at the last degree of Aries suggests that people will push to gain an advantage. This may well include the inspiration and/or the necessity of entering into and exploring new territory both literally and figuratively. A bucket chart formation with Saturn in Libra on the handle indicates the need for commitment and perseverance. Pluto high in the Natural Zodiac chart these days is all about power. Since Pluto is a determined agent of cleansing, purging and transformation, we are destined to experience a steady and sure raising of the bar in terms of integral action. The Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Mars in Taurus energy pattern will produce stiff competition, even revolutionary assertions. Yet, Pluto will win so on a variety of fronts opposing sides are rising to peaks and confrontations like those we have witnessed in the Middle East over the past six months will not only continue, they will escalate yet, to achieve inevitable changes of a lasting sort where what once was, even for many years, is suddenly no longer. Also, the focus may not solely remain ‘over there’. Finally, Neptune in Pisces in the position of lowest degree and conjunct Chiron will continue to activate spiritual voices from all sectors seeking to activate people’s hearts and souls to connect to their conscious awareness. It will also stimulate a greater overall sense of compassion for others. Since this chart pattern is a Solar Eclipse, we can expect it to continue until the next eclipse season beginning in late November.

It is important to understand that the eclipses of early 2011 and now these ones generally host some of the most difficult eclipses of all the 38 Saros Series. It therefore comes as no surprise that the last six months have been very dramatic. The same will be generally true of the next six months quite possibly with the intensity of things much higher yet! Then the plot will thicken at the end of this year and throughout 2012 until almost the end of that year when we will begin to experience some very welcome reprieve.

This is what the science of Astrology and of Eclipses in particular has to say about the matter. I have heard other opinions about how things will transpire. Some take a much more lofty perspective and indicate that we will enter into elevated states of consciousness before the year is out. This may be true but according to the charts I cannot agree that people will feel peaceful or enlightened about it all. Rather, I would say we may well be in for a series of rude awakenings and things stand to get worse before they getter better yet. I do believe we will get through this narrow, rapid and turbulent stretch, but it will be dramatic and eventful. Some are making claims that this is it – the world will soon end altogether. I do not subscribe to these. I see the process taking on a much more social, political, economic and spiritual process, which will ensure for years to come. I do not believe that we will be wiped out by natural and geological events. However, I neither would say with clear confidence that we will not experience any of these at all. I fact, I would venture that we will just as we have especially over the recent months.

According to Astrologer, Bernadette Brady, the last and this eclipse season especially indicates “expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavour. (…than the previous one in early 2011). An urge to expand is experienced, but the expansion contains frustration, inhibitions, and loss or separation. Well, there certainly have been some victories and breakthroughs this past six months, yet there has been at least as many casualties and issues come to the surface. The next two eclipse seasons (Nov 2011 and May 2012) suggest a measurable deepening of these issues yet! Some may refuse to believe this yet it is what the eclipses now and later this year suggest, according to the science of Astrology. Yes, from this standpoint is quite likely that matters will get worse, potentially much worse before they get better. Interestingly, it is the eclipse season of late 2012 which will activate a reprieve from all the tension over the 2 years leading up to it – the time frame we are in now! Some deem 2011 to be the ‘big one’ and not 2012. Personally and from my studies of the charts and from an intuitive level as well, I do not believe this to be the case. (Read More).

Jupiter entering Taurus on June 4th (see ingress chart) is the other big news. It will remain there for one year and will contribute to the establishment of new values and priorities. The growing trend towards gardening stands to increase measurably and business that focus upon this should do well. Since Taurus symbolizes personal wealth and Jupiter is symbolic of expansion and increase, this could prove good for the economy. Perhaps we will see a leveling of the playing field where the middle class re-gains some lost ground over the past decade. However, all this occurring amidst other much bigger and deeper themes may prove to overshadow the benefits of this influence, at least for many and at least probably over the next several months, unless one is particularly in-tune with the cycles and rhythms. Some certainly are but many are not.

In light of all the other dramas unfolding, the worst case scenario with Jupiter in Taurus is that is will coincide with survival instincts, fear, blame, scapegoating, jealousy, greed and violence. These could also give rise to increased levels of competition. Yes material values, interests and priorities could well overshadow those of spiritual unity and sharing. This is the shadowy possibility of Jupiter in Taurus in these complicated times.

With all the articles that stem from this one as well as the video links, you can gain a pretty full spectrum perspective on some of the major evolutionary shifts and changes unfolding in our times. From many perspectives, we are living in apocalyptic times. What these will ultimately bring about is uncertain. It does seem very certain that many changes are imminent. Predictions of an extra planetary body knocking and rocking our magnetic and gravitational fields is among them. Whether these will bring the dire predictions of asteroids is anyone’s guess. There is at least much to be concerned with increased solar activity and the subsequent responses of our own geological structures in flux and reaction to these. The current eclipses and the next two over the course of the next 12-18 months indicate some pretty dramatic themes and I might even say very dramatic.

Some believe that our conscious awareness and heart felt response verses fear based reaction is important and can and will make a difference in our own lives and those of others. This is where Astrology can help a lot. The main goal is to stimulate conscious awareness and attunement followed by guidance that will help you tune in to the deeper needs of your destiny and thereby enter into a flow, free of unconscious resistance to our changing times. Inner and outer attunement and alignment with your self, the world and our times is a wise investment for yourself and the world in general. That Astrology works, and it does very well, is a testimony to our own higher nature and that of our world. Even though there is more than one system of Astrology, they can all be demonstrated to work. When we use the information provided by Astrology in conjunction with our own free will, we become the positive change we hope to see in the world and thereby take a wise lead that will benefit us, one and all.

To gain an overview of the themes linked to this eclipse season for each of the Signs of the Zodiac, go HERE.

Thank you for being here!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Moon in Taurus - May 2, 2011

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - May 2, 11:51 pm PDT
Next Full Moon - May 17, 4:09 am PDT
Next New Moon - June 1, 2:03 pm PDT ** Solar Eclipse

Link to previous newsletter

Please follow any links throughout for further reading if you wish, and either open in a new window, or hit the back button to continue this newsletter.

Happy New Moon in Taurus! And what an exciting Taurus Moon it is. The fact that it is the first official New Moon with Neptune in its own sign of Pisces is one significant feature of it. I wrote a piece a bout this in my most recent weekly Horoscope. Go HERE to read it for added insight. Neptune was (re)discovered on September 23, 1846 in the late degrees of Aquarius. Neptune in Pisces, its own sign, will prove to bring a very spiritual influence to our world especially since everyone will know all about it between now and 2025 when it enters Aries

In there I also commented on the Royal Wedding held on Friday April 29 and a bit on the upcoming Federal Election here in Canada on May 2.

You may want to read below about the candidates; especially if you are a Canadian but for general interest as well. There are a few surprises in the line-up indeed!

That this election occurs prior to the New Moon, in other words a late “Balsamic Moon” (yes like the Vinegar, has ha…..) is noteworthy. In regard to the upcoming election here in Canada , to me it indicates some thing new – a death of the old making way for and committed to the new cycle symbolized by the actual New Moon. That it occurs less than 2 minutes before midnight on the west coast, where the polls will close last, lends a bit of a brow raiser. As convenient as it this synchronicity, there is much more to say.

In this newsletter I will bring attention to the 3 leading runners for Prime Minister of Canada. In addition to offering some insight as to what will be the outcome I will take a peak at each of the candidates from the perspective of the Solar Chart. This is the chart used when the birth time is unknown and that of both Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff are unknown. So even though Jack Layton’s is known, I will look at his chart for the Solar Chart perspective as well. What is of particular interest is that fact that Stephen Harper’s and Michael Ignatieff’s chart share some striking similarities. In general terms they may be deemed “Astrology twins”.

Before I get into a deeper look, I would like to quickly say that I will be visiting the Vancouver region for a spring tour to offer Astrology Readings. I generally do readings by phone and they are always recorded for my clients. In this day and age we can speak to anyone in the world in real time often for FREE, thanks to Skype! That is great and it facilitates communication and people around the world are talking to one another more and more. But sometimes I venture out and enjoy meeting with clients new and old, in person. Here is the itinerary:

Spring Tour:

*Sunshine Coast May 5 - 8
*Saltspring Island May 9 - 12
*Victoria May 13 - 16
*Vancouver May 17 – 18

Offering In-Person Readings - Gain valuable insights about You, Your Relationships, Career, Life Changes, Direction, Next Steps, Strategies, Life Purpose, Destiny...

All Sessions Recorded. 1 hour = $90, 1.5 hours = $125, 2 hours = $160

Deepen Self-Awareness & Attunement to the Cycles & Timing of Your Life.

To Reserve Your Appointment & For Reading Locations, Toll free 1-888-352-2936 or email:

PS: I keep my rates lower than average because I want to make good Astrology affordable for everyone and I even offer a sliding scale, which I generally reserve for students, seniors, single mothers, people on disability or income assistance. If you feel you qualify for another reason, you can bring it to my attention.

Thank you for you time and attention. Now let’s return to the current cycles and events.

I first want to remind readers how much I and other Western Astrologer were looking at March 11, 2011 and predicting that it would prove to be a great turning point. Well, as everyone now knows that was the date of the massive earthquake off the coast of Japan and the Tsunami that followed. Well, the actual wave hit the shores of Japan and the after shock waves continue to wash up on shores all over the world in terms of the economy. Yes, Japan’s economy is especially closely woven with that of the United States and therefore is connected to the entire planet. Any which way you look at it, the prediction has proven accurate.

Unless you live in a world where all synchronicity is idly swept under the coincidence rug, you can appreciate that the world did change on that day. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and so represents the beginning of major cycles. There is much more to say and I will continue to follow up on this since Uranus will be in Aries until 2019. Yet, the initial strike of the match has occurred and from here it will be the unfoldment of this global event and ensuing cycle that has and will continue to affect us all for years to come. The entire event represents a global initiation.
The powerful eclipses on winter Solstice and early New Year (January 4, 2011) have also fulfilled their portended themes. You can link back in each Newsletter to read those and you will see that I was hinting strongly that 2011 was slated to be a major year. In the bigger picture, it is not the only big year and as you might expect by now, 2012 will be very eventful as well.

For now, I want to remind you that we are entering another eclipse season beginning on June 1st, coinciding with next month’s New Moon. There will be 2 Solar Eclipses, the 2nd one on July 1st (see Chart) and right in the middle at the time of the Full Moon June 15 there will be a Lunar Eclipse. I offer a fuller explanation of eclipses in the December 21, 2010 New Moon and January 4, 2011 Full Newsletter so I invite you to link back to those if you would like a review. I will bring more attention to these in the weeks leading up to them in my Weekly Horoscope and in my next New Moon Newsletter. Both these eclipse seasons pack some heavy weight punches and given the events in Egypt then Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East, then the Tsunami and all the freak weather and then the global economic decline, well these are extra eventful times and given the themes inherent in the upcoming eclipses, we can expect a lot more dramatic events and turning points before the year is out.

Looking at the charts of the candidates running for the office of Prime Minister of Canada (names =links to Natal Charts) are the existing Prime Minister – Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party, who has lead a minority government for the past several years, Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party and Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party or NDP.

What is most striking initially is that both Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff share some strong similarities in their charts. For example, both men have their Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio and both are born in the year of the Boar/Pig! I couldn't help but think how each sort of represents a consolation prize in the event of the other winning, from the stand point of larger hidden interests. Stephen Harper has a pretty bad reputation among many Canadians for among other reasons a contempt of government, for which many believe he should have been ousted right away. There were other antics which have painted a rather undemocratic face on Mr. Harper. The fact the Mercury is conjunct the Lunar South Node in Aries is indicative of Stephen Harper’s tendency to make strikingly undemocratic, in fact, self directed decisions on behalf of the rest of the country. The recent and sudden purchase of 25 Fighter Jets estimated to cost tax payers $40 billion dollars is a case in point.

Also, with Jupiter at 29 degrees Scorpio in Harper's natal chart, which is a "critical" degree, there is reason to say he is oriented to cater to the elite and this, with big money especially, at the expense of a wider democratic perspective.

Michael Ignatieff has some redeeming qualities yet he does not seem to have the charisma or the heart that many are seeking. Upon a closer look at the progressed charts of both men it seems to me that out of these two, Stephen Harper is more likely to win despite the fact that many voters simply do not trust to him. (See May 2nd transit charts for Harper and Ignatieff). Mr. Ignatieff’s late waning Progressed Moon does not bode well for his energy and focus for the four year term implied in winning the seat of Prime Minister. Neither does his Numerology seem promising. This is especially so in comparison to Stephen Harper.

The real surprise in the running however is NDP leader, Jack Layton. This is true according to his Astrology chart and to the most recent polls. (See his May 2nd transit chart). The NDP traditionally have served by representing a voice for a more active involvement from the government towards the creation of social programs. Some would say the NDP are positioned closes to center while the Conservative are furthest right as in more capitalistic and big business oriented, like the Republicans in the United States and the Liberal are somewhere in between and waver depending on the party leader. For example former premiere of British Columbia Gordon Campbell presented himself as a Liberal yet behaved much more like a Conservative party leader, yet he leaned even further right than many of them to the chagrin of many in British Columbia these past 8 years.

Anyway, back to Jack! Yes Mr. Layton has stayed the course for some years now as leader of the NDP. Someone said recently, that if everyone eligible to vote in fact followed through and exercised their vote for democracy, the NDP would take 70% of the vote. I am not sure if that is true, but given what else I am seeing I hope a lot of people make it to the polls tomorrow. With a whole line-up of planets in Aries in Mr. Layton’s solar chart, he is actually in a very good position to surprise everyone and gain a large percentage of the vote. In my opinion, Jack Layton seems like a very good and sincere person ready and willing to serve a higher cause.

What is most important about Jack is that he seems to portray both in his Astrology and in his actual character and reputation to heed the will of the people much more fully that the others. In this respect the focus is upon social and environmental laws especially. Whatever the outcome of this election, I think we are going to see an outcome that stands to be something rather unexpected. Whether Mr. Layton will win or not is uncertain to me but I do believe that they will at least gain more seats than many might have imagined. This is especially true if many people actually take the time to vote. Given the state of affairs in the world, this stands to be a much more important election than average.

Until next time, enjoy the Spring Sun and the preparation process for spring planting. With Jupiter entering Taurus on June 4, this year stands to be much more active in this regard. Given the current economic state of affairs, the synchronicity of Jupiter in Taurus, the sign of the farmer/gardener is quite apt. By then we will have a new government here in Canada and that is sure to bring in its own waves of change.