Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Moon in Aries - April 3, 2011

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon - April 3, 7:32 am PDT

Next Full Moon - April 17, 7:44 pm PDT

Next New Moon - May 2, 11:51 pm PDT

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Happy New Moon in Aries!

This New Moon is special for a variety of reasons. Here is a quick list:

• It is the first New Moon of Spring 2011.

• In the base chart there are 6 planets in Aries Along with the Black Moon! (See chart here).

• Among the Aspects is an exact conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and the Black Moon! (one of many sensitive points in Astrology that rarely gain recognition)

• Neptune is at the very last seconds of Aquarius and poised to enter its own sign of Pisces tomorrow, Monday April 4, 2011 (see Chart here).

• The Lunar North Node is conjunct the Galactic Center.

For my upcoming spring road trip, click HERE for the dates and locations I will visit for in-person Readings and presentations.

Overall, this new lunar month indicates a super charged New Moon seed. Of itself, Aries tends to be a very reactive placement for the Moon. At best, it is indicate of a keen interest in esoteric subjects and confers natural ability in this area for those with it in their natal chart. As ever, it depends on the tenor of the whole chart. The Full Moon in two weeks and the days leading to it and following stand to have a definite impact suggestive of dynamic, revolutionary and potentially aggressive, even fanatical initiatives. As I have mentioned in previous writings, a New Moon which is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, is the base prototype, so to speak, for any conjunction which, in turn can be understood to be an ‘archetypal evolutionary seed event’.

So we can look to the New Moon to determine this seed which contains the conjunction or Mars, Uranus and the Black Moon. Or we can look to this triple conjunction which includes a New Moon. In this case, both perspectives contain conjunctions. I mention it just so you can entertain this notion and make the distinction – conjunctions of any kind and the ingress of a planet into a new sign indicate new cycles. With Uranus now in Aries, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto still in the early degrees of Capricorn we most certainly are experiencing powerful new cycles, since the far planets are the most powerful in this regard.

Looking to the world stage and the changes in the ‘very air’ both literally and energetically, we can see how well Astrology works. In this respect, there is another technical yet key factor to consider which also serves to make the point. When we refer to a New or Full Moon, or to any Moon Phase for that matter, it is more accurate to refer to the phase, as with the New Moon for example, as “a” as opposed to “the” New Moon. The reason is because no two New Moons are exactly alike. The same is true of any two moments in time. Yet, from the standpoint of Astrology, conjunctions represent the beginning of cycles and so serve as base charts from which cycles are measured. So, any conjunction or any aspect for that matter is best understood in the context of the whole chart. Statistical studies take this general perspective and do not consider the whole chart or the base chart to which it refers and so consistently arrive at erroneous conclusions, which is why it always fails in its estimation of how powerfully Astrology really works. This oversight on the part of science serves their interest because the paradigm of Astrology is different from that of the current scientific paradigm.

Astrology proves the existence of a conscious and intelligent universe. Woven into this is that fact that we are souls incarnate and evolution is not merely a biological process as the Darwinian advocates seem to assume. By our experiences while in the body, our soul evolves. Our life span is temporary yet it serves a greater purpose and in this respect it is not just for us to do as we will. Such is the attitude of many and why the world is in such a mess. Woven into this understanding, is the spiritual warrior which recognizes the spiritual value of ‘thy will be done’. With the materialistic model we have ‘my will be done’ because why not and herein lies the selfish insanity of short term thinking in ecological exploits, cruelty of scientific experiments on animals, nuclear power plants, particle colliders and so on…. Perhaps it is big business behind science making these calls, yet it is the materialistic paradigm which reinforces it.

If Astrology works, and it does, it throws a wrench in the gears and is why is continues to undergo attack. This rule of looking to the whole chart also applies to reading Natal Charts of people. So, although two people may have the same planet/sign position, how the planet functions will depend on the perspective of the whole chart. If the Sun sign is different then the way a planet functions will be different. For example, if one person’s Sun Sign is Aries and they have Venus in Aries, it will function differently than if another person also with Venus in Aries has the Sun in Taurus, or any other sign. This is the tip of the iceberg yet remains true as a cardinal rule in Astrology and is why cookbook approaches and computer generated perspectives like that of Astrodienst and all computer generated interpretations, for example, will always fall short of the mark and could even lead to confusion. At least they will never replace the full depth of a live Reading with an Astrologer who is practiced and honours this principle. At best these approaches serve as supplemental and may offer some useful insights yet will remain linear and often contradictory. That is why they are freely given on the internet and why Astrology reports are so inexpensive.

The other main consideration is that the planetary alignment active at any given moment will have real value regarding their effect when compared to a Radix Chart (refers to a base chart cast for any person, or other entity like a city or country or company….) Without this all important consideration, the effect of the planets will not be understood. I believe this to be the most common error made by sceptics of Astrology. They simply do not understand the basic principles and attack Astrology from a faulty premise. Such is the way of pride and of conditioned perceptions otherwise called bias. I will also offer that Astrology reveals synchronicities that transcend empirical thinking. How and why Astrology works this way is a larger discussion that is beyond the scope of this newsletter and one which would confound purely materialistic science because it transcends it.

The main point is that the effects or ‘influence’ of planets in transit (their positions at any given time) will have very little personal bearing unless they make close ‘aspects’ to the Natal or Radix chart. Further, there is the understanding of the ‘chart promise’ understood by responsible astrology. To ascertain it we must deeply look to the Natal or Radix chart which is its’ own unique characteristics. This is where the art of interpretation which has meaning and value and not simply some sensational attempt to predict future events comes to the fore as amateur astrologers are prone to do. Sceptics of Astrology, looking from the outside in, do not appreciate this and ‘bad astrology’ simply presents itself as a form of fortune telling. So, in regards to current planetary cycles, these must be cross referenced with a person’s Natal chart and which itself must be considered before a deep and meaningful interpretation can be rendered and sound guidance offered.

I will present an example of the above principles by way of Japan’s current era chart. Given the recent tragedy which continues to unfold and will for many years to come, it is certainly worthy of attention. This heart breaking event has changed Japan forever and there are concerns that it as a country will never fully recover. I offer this example respectfully to the people of Japan and the suffering they are enduring. (See Japan chart here). Such a discussion could prove lengthy so I will keep it short.

Regarding Japan ’s chart, generally I would like to say that it is a rather challenging one. It is quite clear that an Astrologer was not consulted to determine the best time to initiate the country into a new era. (Please note: The chart I am presenting is not one I have deeply investigated. It appears to be popularly supported. The time of 10:30 am on February 11, 1889 seems likely as mid day is a common time for the signing of such documents. A close Astrologer friend has done some investigation on it and feels the time may actually be 11:32 am of the same day. You may be interested to compare.) Regardless of the question of the actual time of the ceremonial signing of official documents that would have occurred, the following planet/sign placements will remain the same. That the Sun is in Aquarius and that Uranus is in the 10th House in Japan’s Solar Chart, are both apt indicators of the fact that Japan is a world leader in science and technology innovation. Jupiter in Capricorn, which is in its Fall position, (least favourable placement), Saturn in Leo, which is in its Detriment position (another least favourable placement), Sun in Aquarius (Detriment), Mercury in Pisces (Detriment) and retrograde, Venus (Chart Ruler) in Aries (Detriment) and intercepted (another challenging karmic condition), Uranus (Sun Sign Ruler) intercepted, and Moon in Gemini, generally considered an unstable position for the Moon together should give you the basic idea of what I mean when I say the chart is challenging.

As for the transiting planet connections on the fateful day of March 11, 2011 there certainly was some major ’hits’. Here is a quick list in order of what I consider significant:

• Uranus in Aries that day forming an exact square aspect (90 degrees and = highly charged energies at cross purposes signifying the end of one condition and the beginning of a new condition - Square aspects are not bad per se’, but often prove difficult) to Jupiter is the most obvious factor.

• Transiting Neptune at 29 Aquarius exactly square natal Neptune at 29 Taurus and also conjunct Mercury retrograde.

• Transiting Pluto square natal Venus.

• Lunar North Node conjunct natal Jupiter and South conjunct Natal Moon.

This is the short list and with Secondary progressions could be much longer. Astrologers familiar with predictive techniques would undoubtedly agree with these factors along with the difficult natal chart. In regard to the Progressed chart, Progressed Mars and Black Moon both on either side of and conjunct Japan’s Natal Moon present a challenging factor as well. Progressed Moon which fast approaching Natal Mars compounds this effect. Moon to Mars and vice versa produces assertive at least and often aggressive events. Renovation is a key word in the most positive sense of this aspect. Finally, Progressed Neptune steady encroaching upon Natal Pluto implies an erosion of power. Does this mean Japan is fated to decline? Not necessarily but probably, and at least the prospect of rebounding to its former status as a world power is unlikely in the short term.

Given the overall tenor of Japan’s current era birth chart, I wonder if this is what Edgar Cayce was referring to when he said “Japan will sink in the blinking of an eye.” As for the synchronicity of Jupiter opposing Saturn (March 26, 2011 - see chart here), which is very much linked to social and especially economic cycles, I will briefly point out the declining US dollar and the struggling economy all over the world is the clearest indication. On the other end of the scale, the reactivation of the Iraqi currency after eight years of suppression and UN sanctions presents a good positive example showing that powerful aspects like this should not simply be considered bad. They are meant to promote growth and are part of the recycling process. Yes cycles imply recycling. Although Iraq has experienced economic hardships ever since the war began in 2003, due to its oil reserves it ironically has one of the highest currencies in the world. This revaluation of their currency will prove to have a major effect on world economies, hopefully for the better and none too soon.

As I have mentioned before and will briefly re-state here, the cycle of the New Moon is the archetypal basis of all cycles. Conjunction equals New Moon, square equals Half Moon, and opposition equals Full Moon. Understanding this will facilitate your understanding of Astrology in general when you hear talk of aspects. Woven into this is the reality of cyclic process.

In my next newsletter, I will bring special attention to Neptune in Pisces. For now, I will guide you to my upcoming weekly Horoscope (April 8-15 issue) on my website which will offer an introductory summary of some of its principle themes. Overall, this is a great blessing for us all and stands to be the beginning a great spiritual activation and awakening. By the time Neptune enters Aries in 2025 humanity in general will be much more spiritually conscious and the notion of a multi-dimensional universe, and not simply the sort offered by physics, will be widespread. In this newsletter I aim to educate you a bit and not just offer opinions about what is happening or will, with glossy sensation as is so common. So, I encourage you to make the extra effort to think and not just to absorb or not, what is being said. The basis of Astrology is cycles so it should prove entertaining and not so difficult to understand. Of course, learning the basic language of Astrology, which is practically useful and awakens you to a deeper understanding of yourself and life in general, without having to become an Astrologer per se’, is available as indicated above. I will venture that if we learned some astrology in high school, we would live in a much more conscious, sane, wise and loving world. But we didn’t but can now.

Astrology is a language of the soul and speaks to the intrinsic relationship we share with nature. It is this broken bond that must be renewed. Perhaps one day Astrology will again reclaim its rightful and respected place in the mainstream of modern civilization and perhaps assist individuals, social and professional organizations and countries to choose more wisely in alignment with natural principles. I will say with confidence that it is being used covertly by powerful and organizations all over the world amidst popular misunderstanding and prejudice against it.

Thank you for your interest, time and attention. Stay tuned…in!

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