Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - March 4, 12:46 pm PDT
Next Full Moon - March 19, 11:10 am PDT
Next New Moon - April 3, 7:32 am PDT
Link to previous newsletter
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Some people have commented that because I use Astrological terminology, they either lose interest or are unable to understand what is being said. Some have asked me to ‘dumb it down’. Actually, while I do use the language of Astrology, which can be technical, I always fully explain and interpret the meaning of the Astrology terminology. In fact, I would say the ratio is 80/20, English to ‘Astrologese’. The other issue is background knowledge. For this reason, I write articles and together with this newsletter in which I elaborate on various perspectives of Astrology. To date, I have written many articles and these can also be found in the Library of my site. Yet, the best option is to begin with a better grasp of the language of Astrology itself. This begins with learning the Astrological alphabet. I teach a 4 X 90-minute webinar which offers you a firm grasp of the Astrological alphabet. Better yet, in the process you learn how to read and effectively use an Astrology Calendar. With this tool, you will not only achieve a repetitive use and so a deep memory and comprehension of the language of Astrology, you will also have a very practical tool for working with the rhythms and cycles of your life! The next webinar begins on March 9 and then March 14, 16 and 21st. The cost is just $100 and includes all the notes, slides and recordings after each session so you can review the course on your own time as well as an Astrology Calendar sent to you in the mail. If interested, please send me an email with the following in the subject line:
Yes, I want to learn Astrology from you!
Happy New Moon in Pisces!
Before I shed some light on the epic cycles and planetary convergences now underway, here are a few insights regarding this current New Moon ‘seed’. (The theme of cycles has a very ‘organic’ correspondence). Also, I have broken with tradition and will include some insights from two other Astrologers about these exciting times after I share my own insights for this lunar cycle with you. I hope you enjoy what you are about to read and thank you for being here and taking the time to do so. Astrology is a valuable guide for our times and as we tune-in to the powerful guidance and inspiring insights that it offers, we awaken more fully to who we are and where we are in the cycles of time.
If you look to the New Moon in Pisces chart (HERE), you will see a whole group of planets all lined-up in Pisces. These include Chiron, Mars, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. Like sentinels on either end is Neptune, (the modern ruling planet for Pisces but at the last degree of Aquarius), and at the other end is Jupiter in the early degrees of Aries, (and Jupiter is the traditional ruling planet for Pisces). So, there is a good deal of Pisces influence in this New Moon. This implies that it is a creative planning cycle. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac. Where Aries is the 1st Sign and is symbolic of the newborn and new beginnings, and where Aquarius is the 11th Sign and is symbolic of the elderly and the end of life, Pisces symbolizes life between lives, the astral world and the subconscious. Pisces is symbolic of the creative imaginative process of planning our lives, or shall I say, dreaming them into reality. Aries is that spark, action and assertion process which actually initiates these into reality. So, the next New Moon which is in Aries will more fully activate the current themes and come to fruition at the Full Moon a couple of weeks later.
The most important aspect in the chart is a close angle between Mars and Pluto. This is a very potent energy pattern implying action. This chart suggests not only awakening, but a veritable summons to participate in the awakening. As more people simply tune-in and acknowledge that some form of great awakening is underway, more will awaken and so on…. The call now is for courage, the right use of will and symbolic action – leading by example. The right use of will occurs when ‘might’ or power/authority remains subordinate to human rights.
There is some intrigue in this chart pattern as well. We are at a very pivotal time now and a revolution is on the rise. Such action often produces casualties as ‘storm and trial’ periods of life will do. It is natural to want to prevail, carry on and live. But by its very nature, revolutions overthrow existing structures and status quo. Consequently, the game gets much more intense and competitive. Some begin to run and hide, others choose to stand and fight. Forces clash and sometimes the rebellion is crushed but if it is the will of destiny, the revolutionary forces prevail. According to the Astrology charts, which has some insight on the cosmic will of destiny, the revolution will prevail.
The time has come to enter into a whole new era. The time span of this revolutionary turn in the road has certainly already begin, yet will escalate noticeably over the next six weeks and continue all year long. April and September will prove to be the most pivotal months. Yet March itself will prove also to be very eventful and we will see a progressive build-up as the spring approaches.
By June, the plot will thicken yet with back-to-back Solar Eclipse cycles, both belonging to the same Saros family – Saros 13 South. (I have explained eclipses before. If you would like to learn more about them, follow the link at the top of the page to the January 4, 2010 and then from the December 5, 2010 New Moon Newsletters). The current Saros Series from the Solar Eclipse on January 4th, of which the Total Lunar Eclipse on winter Solstice 2010 was a part, was Saros Series 13 ‘North’. The basic theme is one of “group associations” and large, ambitious projects. Broken bonds then re-unification are part of the plot. So, the upcoming pair of eclipses on June 1st and July 1st, 2011 are members of the same Saros Series, SS13 ‘South’. Both series are linked, yet also distinct. So, the same theme of group ambitions and actions exists in SS13 South as with SS13 North, yet is said to have a more sinister flavor. The same urge to expand exists yet there are delays, frustrations, inhibitions and separations.
I heard someone say recently, ‘a bad Moon is rising’ and they were referring to this cycle. In the drama of duality one person’s win is often another’s loss. The future is not pat; it is probable, but not certain. It is this uncertainty principle which makes life really interesting and worth living. Yet, there are trends, themes and cycles we can count on, like the turn of the seasons. While there are certainly common denominators, we all experience, perceive and interpret reality our own way. It’s all relative! Winter in the north is summer in the south. Subjective perspective must ever be open to what is objective. ‘There is no one pill’ or solution or approach or way to anything. Interestingly, the march of science has strived to achieve pure objectivity. The result; it cannot achieve this illusive goal. We have come to realize that what we deem objective is something of a collective agreement of our subjective interpretations. In other words, pure objectivity is an illusion of duality. This is the message of Pisces. The sign of dreams, illusions, fantasies, imagination and mysticism….
Uranus officially enters Aries on March 11. (See chart here). It is specifically the presence of Jupiter and now Uranus in Aries which is so synchronistic with the revolutionary activity we see in the world, especially in the Middle East. The entire world is feeling the waves of these revolutions and they are occurring here as well and we are only at the starting point of this cycle. Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Libra and both Jupiter and Uranus in Aries - all the Cardinal Signs - are the indicators of the synchronization occurring with rapid revolutionary action and change occurring at mass social and core political levels. Some cycles are more dynamic and epic than others and we are in the midst of one of them now. This is a time of great cyclic convergences.
Let these events illustrate the accuracy of how well Tropical Astrology works. The notion that Western Astrology is ‘out of whack’ and so on by non-astrologers and Astronomers who assume they understand how and why it works is what is out of whack. Interestingly, according to the bulk of Astronomers lead by Carl Sagan back in the 70’s, Astrology has no foundation at all. 40 years later and going strong, now Astronomers waltz in and start saying it is not accurate. So, which is it? Is it all “bunk” or is it “out of whack” or are these Astronomers perhaps blinded by their own bias and perhaps some hubris to boot? Astrology is anchored in a metaphysical understanding of reality where the entire universe is understood to be conscious and intelligent and where multiple dimensionality is a simple fact. Woven into this is our own individual consciousness and perceptions wherein we are co-creators who are paradoxically both one with and in life. This metaphysical reality may also be understood as holistic where whole brain thinking recognizes a more inclusive perspective on reality that transcends materialistic, singular and exclusive conclusions. In this respect, other systems of Astrology can work as well. That ‘there can only be one’ is simply a monotheistic reductionism which hides in the halls of mechanistic science. The political revolutions underway will prove also to be revolutions in consciousness where materialistic reductionism will no longer assume leadership.
That Astrology works is a given. I have been consistently writing my weekly Horoscope column since 1993, with only a handful of weeks missed in the early days. Ever since I began, people have noticed and commented on how accurate the words I write prove to be, time and again. A Horoscope is like a sneak preview. It works because of the principles upon which it rests which are at the root of Astrology. I am referring to the Sun. A person’s Sun sign based on the month in the year they are born, with the year beginning at Winter Solstice verses the January 1 date each year. There is validity to that date as well. But that is a story for another day. Looking to a person’s whole chart based on the birth date, year, place and time brings the preview clip of the Horoscopes to a full screen motion picture the encompassed the entirety of a person’s life span. The simple fact that it offers so much accurate insight, that it works, is testimony to a conscious universe.
The life flow exerts its own influence and we are players in the game. This is one of the messages of Astrology. While we are busily living our life, life is living us. Some deem this consideration as weakness. The alternative is akin to disrupting the flow of the river. It can be done, the river can be re-routed or damned and managed with locks… yet it cannot be stopped altogether, not without immense effort and casualty. Invariably, we must cooperate with ‘the nature of things’. That is the wisdom of Astrology: conscious and co-operative co-creation with natural realities, rhythms and cycles. Prediction by the way is only one feature of Astrology, not its sole purpose as many have been lead to assume. Everyone wants in on the prediction game, especially science.
Woven within the simple Zodiac Mandala of 12 signs is an encompassing story about life. It ranges for the most material and obvious to the most paradoxical and mystical reaches. As our consciousness expands, the many layers of perception, understanding and meaning woven within the very structure of Zodiac Mandala expands along with our changing times. Yes, archetypes are flexible and because they are at the very essence of our being, they are ever with us.
On a final note, I am of course taking appointments for personal Readings which are both done by phone or in person and recorded for you. My goal is to look at who you are (nature/character), where you are coming from, (past/root motivations and patterns), where you are ‘going to’ (various aspects of your destiny), where you are at now in your life (according to current cycles) and what is next (awareness/guidance). In addition to what usually amounts to a healing experience, in as much as the approach I take serves to align people with their core nature and destiny, you will experience *Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*.
I will leave off with some insights from two people passionate and aware of the cycles that Astrology observes – Elizabeth Cardarelli and Guy Allaire, to bring some added insight and inspiration to this special and interesting time we are in.
Thank you for being here,
Dear Fellow Travelers, Happy New Moon in Pisces, the ultimate creative and sensitive water sign where everything flows…. On March 9, we enter into the 9th wave of consciousness as projected in the Mayan cosmology. The fabulous quote below gives a great synopsis of what this process is all about. If you are interested in knowing more about this fascinating and inevitable collective journey we are all on together you can visit or see the Mayan Code:Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind by Barbara Hand Clow. March 9, 2011 is the Dawn of Unity Consciousness. The activation of the Tree of Life and the positioning of our universe in relation to the Galactic Center is having some dire effects along the lines of Egypt, Libya and Tunisia which are situated at a strategic point in the global brain. The powerful planetary effects at this time are showing us the doorways we need to enter to reconnect with our unconscious selves as we awaken.
There have been many portals and star gates along the way which have facilitated our personal awareness of clearing and connecting to the photon light that is intelligently interacting with our own personal auric fields. This may sound new age, or cosmic, and it IS! The stellar potential of our lives is so possible and totally up in the field. Manifestation can occur instantly now, so focus on your highest good and the good of all as we enter our own full Monte of life on earth in unprecedented times of fulfillment and challenge. This is my interpretation as I have been following the nanosecond (as describes in Barbara Marciniak's book Path of Empowerment) a 25 year period which started at the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and peaks at the approaching date being popularized by the Mayan anthropological work, of 2012. I am very grateful to all my teachers and awakeners along this mind blowing path.
Elizabeth Cardarelli,
Uranus in Aries will create a Revolution of Consciousness
By: Guy Allaire
The greatest revolution in human history begins March 11th, 2011 with the planet Uranus’s entrance into the constellation of Aries. This is a pinnacle moment in human history that will come to be known as the Revolution of Consciousness. Unlike revolutions of old, this revolution will be centered in the hearts and minds of the men, women, and children that inhabit the planet Earth. What is about to unfold is nothing less than the most brilliant period of not only our lifetimes, but of all lifetimes - and it starts in just a few short weeks!
The first “shot” of this revolution will be a metaphysical one, fired from a divinely awakened quantum gateway in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. This gateway will unleash powerful, higher-dimensional energy that has never before been felt on Earth. This radical new energy will totally immerse the planet, affecting an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened; a quantum leap of the mind that has never before been experienced on Earth.
As we journey closer and closer to the 2012 event horizon, this spectacular cosmic event serves as a crucial step in mankind’s ascension and acceptance of the realities of the higher dimensional nature of existence. This galactic gateway that will soon open is comparable to the concept of a “wormhole” in that it will serve as a channel to higher octave energy sourced from the 8th dimension. The 8th dimension is that of unity consciousness, or simply put, God¹s consciousness. This energy is the essence behind the events that will soon come to pass. God’s unity consciousness will soon begin to flourish in us all.
This new level of consciousness, sourced from God, is of course universal in nature. As such, it will provide the foundation for the acceptance of extraterrestrial life, which brings us to a major aspect of what the upcoming Uranus transit entails: mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life. Humanity will soon become intimately aware that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but it has been influencing events on Earth for quite some time. This singular aspect of the coming Uranus transit alone is enough to exact an instant, global, paradigm shift, and that is exactly the nature of this transit’s energy: instant paradigm shift.
Mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life will instantly shatter paradigms of the past and create a new way of thinking and feeling in us all. We will no longer accept the artificially-maintained status quo that we have for so long. Exotic new technologies will begin to go public as if a science fiction movie had become reality. Free energy technology will be a major part of this, as well as revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, communications, computer sciences, optics, magnetics, and terraforming. This technology will transform the way we live and interact with one another forever.
The coming explosion in technology and innovation will spur levels of humanitarianism the world has never seen. A tremendous global movement to eradicate poverty, uplift the nations, and heal the ecosystems of the world will begin to manifest. Hundreds of millions of passionate, altruistic, like-minded souls will begin to connect, collaborate, and push projects to success that in years past would have never come to fruition. Imagine dormant neurons in a brain, flashing into life and connecting billions of times over until the entire mind is illuminated, totally beaming with light that is where we are going as a civilization.
I must warn that this astrological movement also signals the beginning of the greatest amount of political and economic turmoil the world has ever known. As a revolutionary spirit inflames the globe, we will experience wide-spread instability, manifesting in a variety of ways. The newly awakened society will begin to revolt in such massive ways that they will absolutely cripple “the system.” First World nations will be swept with peaceful protests, sit-ins, and demonstrations while Third World nations will erupt with war-like violence. The world over, corrupt government agendas will come to a screeching halt by the will of the people.
Within the first year of this transit as people begin to awaken, it will become understood that the extraterrestrial elements that have been embedded deep in human society haven’t been playing a positive role in our evolution as a civilization. This understanding will kindle a united, warrior-like attitude among global citizens that will serve as the most important driving factor in the coming revolution. Make no mistake that the power structure of Earth is currently “operating from the shadows”, but that the time of their authority has expired by Divine Decree and in perfect timing with Cosmic Order.
Intervention has and will continue to happen in strategic, surgical strikes that will ultimately lead to their defeat. This battle will be most intense during the summer months of 2012 as the planet Uranus squares the planet Pluto. By winter of 2012, it will become clear that humanity is free, finally, after thousands of years of manipulations. After December 21st, 2012, as many of the world’s most infamous prophecies come to a crossroads, mankind’s Golden Age will finally commence.
An aspect of astrology that I find absolutely beautiful is that as events happen on a global or macrocosmic level, they also happen on a personal, microcosmic level in exact synchronicity. This upcoming Uranus transit is no different, and soon we will all be going through our own personal revolutions, albeit in unique ways, all in accordance with God’s Divine Plan for each of us. This is where the Sacred Science of Astrology can enlighten so brilliantly; it can identify the source and the expression of the coming revolutions in our lives, with mind-boggling accuracy.
On a cultural level people will start to openly embrace and seek out the profound wisdom of the Occult Sciences, which are rooted in the higher dimensional nature of existence. People will realize that there is a hidden, perfect order to creation. In times of great change, they will increasingly want to understand, at the deepest levels, exactly what their role is in this perfect symphony that they may navigate through the coming changes and manifest the highest outcomes. The best way to create personal security and abundance during the coming times will be identifying, accepting, and properly expressing one’s personal revolutionary energy.
This personal revolution, which will manifest for many as the development of extraordinary, even Biblical-level spiritual and metaphysical gifts, will be the answer to all our present and future problems. It is up to each of us to totally embrace the shocking changes in order to fulfill our destinies in the coming global revolution. Those who succumb to fear and resist these changes will do so at their own peril. Those who embrace the changes will skyrocket to prominence and success. This can be a very frightening thought to entertain, which brings me to the significance of Uranus being in the constellation (Sign) of Aries, the archetype of the warrior
In Astrology, attunement to archetypal energies is an extremely important concept to understand and integrate. In simplistic terms, one must “vibe” with the virtues of the sign to manifest the greatest outcomes of the transit or placement. With Uranus being in Aries, we can manifest magnificence in our lives by cultivating and expressing bravery, confidence, fearlessness, independence, and novelty in the area of our life (and natal chart) where Aries energy lies. This is a time where a warrior will be born in all of us, though it’s up to us to decide what to do with this new energy.
As this fiery, Uranian energy blasts through the collective consciousness, the values of people will be changed and elevated in an instant. The lust for the trivial will be transmuted into the yearning for spiritual and metaphysical talents. Materialism will be replaced by spiritualism. The so-called celebrities of today will fade into obscurity as a new breed of celebrities, deriving their power from spiritual development and humanitarian passion will be catapulted into the limelight. These will be the heroes and heroines of the New Age that is being birthed before our eyes.
After intense personal changes these past few years I have come to understand and accept my role in the coming revolution. As an Intuitive Astrologer that can interpret the language of the Heavens, I can relay the most important information to my fellow brothers and sisters that they might align with and benefit from synchronicity with Cosmic Order. My vision for our future is golden and brilliant, and it is my sincere wish to impart this same vision to you all through my writing and my astrologically-based spiritual counsel.
Guy Allair - Astrologer
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