Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Moon in Aquarius - February 2, 2011

Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - February 2, 6:31 pm PDT
Next Full Moon - February 18, 12:36 am PDT
Next New Moon - March 4, 12:46 pm PDT

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Kung Hei Fat Choy – Happy Chinese New Year of the Metal Rabbit! The New Year for Chinese Astrology begins at the time of the Aquarius New Moon each year. So, I can also say happy New Moon in Aquarius! Further, that so happens to be the start date in 9 Star Ki, otherwise referred to as Chinese Numerology. The Astrological and the Numerological New Year in Chinese divination tools this year begins at the same time, which is not usually the case. The New Moon also coincides with Candlemas and Groundhog Day as well! So, the New Year on February 3rd this year takes on a little extra magic as it closely aligns the Astrology and Numerology cycle start dates. That is quite apt for the lucky Hare.

In this time of great awakening and revolutionary change that is sweeping our planet, we need all the white magic and heart centered vision that we can get. This sort of vision is the kind that recognizes our essential unity as human beings and with all life. The very fact that Astrology works as well as it does is testimony to this unity. This is a principle reason why it has undergone so much attack and continues to do so. Some profit from division. Of course, Astrology too evolves and we have come to a time when we are awakening to the fact that we are co-creators with life. Life is not simply fated in some linear fashion. As souls incarnate, we co-create everything and this certainly includes our destiny. Co-creation implies cooperation and for this to occur we must be willing to make efforts to tune-in to who we are at deeper levels of being, beyond our social status and economic standing and so on. At the deeper layers we are souls and life is pervaded with spirit and consciousness, love and creativity. Yet in between this core source of being and our ego personality on the surface of it al, tools like Astrology and Numerology serve by providing a logical interface between the personality and soul. These and other tools are maps of consciousness which illustrate probabilities and possibilities. Together these two words indicate that we can use our free will to cooperate with life both at deeper levels and on the surface of things in our everyday reality. Yet, it helps immensely to have some guidance and Astrology and Numerology provide excellent tools/maps in this regard. While the map is not the territory, it helps immensely when we are on a journey and in many respects that is what our life is.

Taking a peak at the next deeper layer, it is useful to understand that all of the 12 Signs of the Chinese system of Astrology have a base element. For the Rabbit, it is Wood. The Metal of this year combined with the base element Wood can be seen to present a harsh element, by virtue of metal cutting wood. Yet, for the exact same reason it can also be seen to have a productive side as well. In 9 Star Ki the central number is 7, which implies a very social and rapid growth year. Of itself, #7 in the Chinese System is symbolic of Harvest and generally implies relaxation and fun!

Given all the drama and excitement of late in the world, Egypt, for example, and with natural disasters and severe weather everywhere, could it be true that 2011 will prove to be one of peace and joy? Might we actually experience some reprieve in 2011, the lead up year to 2012? Given the spiritual implications of this time, beyond the doom and gloom scenarios some feel bent on, there is very good reason to believe that this year will prove to be one of spiritual awakening and healing of consciousness at collective levels. Direct your focus and intent in this way!

The many dramas in January, our 1st month of the year, have all occurred in the last month of the year of the Metal Tiger! I mentioned last month that with Jupiter entering Aries again, the last month of the Tiger would be sure to leave some final claw marks and it certainly has! Of itself, the situation in Egypt is serving to present a very important precedent regarding the power of the people to, at least finally, push for democracy. These are very distinct Tiger themes. These key political events could prove to be a real inspiration banner for other countries or at least send a message to world leaders to be more integral and respectful in their choices and actions. Perhaps the reflective Rabbit will synchronize with a more philosophically reflective period in general throughout 2011. Hopefully, that uprising in Egypt will end soon and without any more casualties. This year can be much more joyful and fulfilling that we might be lead to expect especially if we chose to focus on the awakening that is occurring. A new yet old paradigm of consciousness is rapidly emerging. It is deeply spiritual and embraces science too. Call is cosmic consciousness because we are awakening to the realization that the cosmos is not only pervaded with consciousness, it is consciousness made manifest.

So, with luck from the Rabbit, we are taking a positive turn and 2011 is going to turn out to be positive in many ways for us all! Of course, to gain a real look at the year for any given person, the Astrology and/or Numerology chart would have to be interpreted. If you would like to experience a Chinese Astrology/Numerology Reading please contact me. I am well versed in both systems and combine them for even deeper insight.

There is a lot of anticipation in the New Moon chart (see here). Sun, Moon and Mars conjunct and Chiron and Neptune conjunct in Aquarius suggest a revolutionary theme. It is one of continued healing in consciousness. Yet, it also implies a real motivation of energies and of will power. Uranus in Pisces still indicates that the great awakening will continue, and with the Chinese influences stands to achieve a great breakthrough over the next 12 Solar months and 13 Moon Cycles. Venus in Sagittarius closely conjunct the Galactic center offers a hint at the auspicious energy anchored into this upcoming year. Jupiter in Aries is also very exciting. This indicates a very big pioneering initiative. Since Jupiter will only be in Aries until June, expect the pace to move very quickly, just as we see with world revolutions. When Uranus enters Aries in mid March, a deeper layer of the awakening and change will take on even more revolutionary proportions. We will experience some of the first waves over the month of March, but the really big waves will come in next year in the year of the Water Dragon when Uranus makes its first of 7 Square aspects to Pluto over the course of the following 4 years after that.

So 2011 and the Metal Rabbit theme stands to be a fortunate lead up to the now infamous 12/21/2012 Mayan calendar end date. Some believe that the big changes will actually unfold in 2011 and that it is the real end date year. I doubt that will prove to be true. However, the biggest threatening theory linked to 2012 is the predicted Solar Max cycle which is believed to be upwards to 30% and I have heard some sources say even 50% larger than usual. This is very, very significant. Also, I have heard from Mitch Battros and his newsletter that this Solar Flare activity is slated to occur in the winter of 2011/2012. Since there is only 10 days of winter in 2011, it is probably quite safe to assume that these would occur in 2012.

The chaotic weather patterns in the world and the sudden and simultaneous death of flocks and herds is its own category and in many respects is the biggest issue, beyond social and political revolutions. How these political events coincide with the 2012 theme is another story. So, my message maintains that the real action in regards to the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar will occur in 2012 - not 2011 as some believe. Both Western and Chinese Astrology align with this perspective in their own respective ways.

On a final note, this is Lunar Year 4709, according to the popular Chinese calendar. In addition to having a different start date, Chinese Astrology is a “Lunar” system of Astrology, whereas Tropical Astrology which predominates here in the Western World is a “Solar” system. Vedic Astrology and other Oriental systems are also based on Lunar Calendars. Mayan Astrology is both Lunar and Solar, and then some, as it contains 17 Calendars. To its credit, Mayan Astrology acts as a bridge between the Oriental and the Occidental systems and cosmologies.

To truly appreciate how Astrology works in all its various ways requires sincere investigation. In this newsletter I provide preliminary background by way of various articles. I intend to make these a part of a book I am writing on the subject which I hope will help people better understand how and why astrology, any system of Astrology, works in the first place. The 13 Constellation theory, is a case in point. If you want to further understand this read more HERE.

May the Year of the Metal Rabbit prove auspicious and full of good fortune for us all!