Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Moon in Cancer - July 11, 2010

Current Moon Activity:

New Moon – July 11 – 12:40 pm PDT **Solar Eclipse

Next Full Moon - July 25 - 6:37 pm PDT

Next New Moon - August 9 - 8:08 pm PDT

Happy New Moon in Cancer Everyone!

As some of you are aware, this New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse and takes place at 19 Cancer 24. Interestingly, it occurred right in the middle of the World Cup soccer game, which has successfully absorbed the attention and stresses of the world and brought us all a little closer for the past month. I will tell you more about the particulars of this eclipse a few paragraphs below, here is the
Solar Eclipse Chart for anyone interested in having a look. I offered some insight on it generally and specifically for each sign in my July 2 and 9 Weekly Horoscopes which you can easily access in Updates on my website. The basic good news is that this eclipse is quite a gentle, benign and positive one. However, since a Solar Eclipse is like a super charged New Moon, it can still have a powerful and moving affect until the next Solar Eclipse in about 6 months. (All links lead to charts and articles!)
On the bottom of this newsletter, you can also see a list of the most important aspects and their basic themes set to occur this lunar cycle – they are major ones indeed and there are a lot of them! As most of you are aware, I elaborate on a weekly basis in my Horoscope column. You can also catch me live on Blogtalk Radio by following the link at the top right of this page every Thursday at 1 pm pacific time. It may also be worthwhile and interesting to look back at the Horoscope for this Year on the home page of my site.

Aside from the current yearly Horoscope on the home page of my site, you can read your yearly scopes all the way back to 2005 in the Library of my site in Horoscope Related Articles. You can also read a wide array of other articles in the Library of that speak directly to and around these current and exciting, if dramatic, times. You should recognize trends and themes unfolding in your life and I am available for personal readings over the phone or in person which are recorded for you if you would like more insight and understanding of your core life themes and current cycles.

The eclipse is not the only exciting news for this lunar cycle before the next New Moon in Leo in 29.5 days. The other big news includes Saturn re-entering Libra on July 21st and then Saturn forming the last of 5 Opposition aspects with Uranus on July 26. How any person or place or institution will be affected by these powerful aspects is relative depending on when they were “born”. Follow this link to learn more about the basic Science of Cycles and how they variously affect us. Yes, these are dynamic and exciting times indeed and potentially stressful too. This is where Astrology and its focus upon the science of cycles and the psychological and spiritual implications of our individual and collective evolution in connection to the many cycles of life, can and does play a significant role in helping people to be more in-tune and aware for making important decisions, for awareness and for peace of mind based on clarity of understanding. Of course, the perspective offered here is generic and the counter-balance perspective is gained from a closer appreciation of one’s own personal Astrology chart and unfolding cycles or that of a specific place.

So, the big news is that the powerful planetary aspects now in focus are occurring in initiation and action-oriented Cardinal Signs. Further, with Pluto also in Cardinal Capricorn we are seeing the activation of change at many levels – Capricorn governs the structure of any organization and Pluto is about transformation. Between now and when Saturn makes its final Square Aspect to Pluto on August 21 2010, we will witness some major turning points at official levels, for better and worse. (Go here to learn more about the details and implications of Pluto in Capricorn - 2008-2023).

Yet, it is the dynamic interaction of planets that tells the deeper story, and with a host of planets in hard aspect in Cardinal Signs now and over the course of the next five years, we are certainly experiencing what will prove to be an obvious and measurable evolutionary shift of modern civilization. The 2012 era which began in 1980 will come to its completion at the end of this 5 year cycle (2015-16) and is poised to culminate, at least symbolically on 12/21/2012. Yet, it is these lead-up years and the few that follow that are at least as important. The changes occurring now are some of the signs.

Looking to 12/21/2012 for some particular event on that day represents a narrow and sensational perspective. The better attitude is to tune-in to the hope and promise of a new 5125 year cycle - 1/5th of the 26,000 year precessional cycle. Many Mayan elders even say it is the beginning of a whole new precessional round. There is some debate and there are various perspectives about this end date, but all agree we are very much at the inception of this new epochal cycle. 12/21/2012 is the popular date around the world and it presents a grand opportunity to share a collective focus or intention, prayer, ceremony anhd at least recognition and hope of global unity, peace, cooperation, health and prosperity for all. Looking to events and outcomes is of the intellect/mind and ego and setting intentions with understanding that we are co-creators with life is of the heart and soul. These words are not mere idyllic poetry they represent scientific, psychological and spiritual fact. That Astrology works and how and why is proof of it and good science is directly and indirectly proving it.
Astrologers know and make sincere efforts to explain the bigger picture, yet there are ever attention seekers, either negative or positive, that confuse people with their misunderstanding of dynamic cyclic trends and excessively eventful thinking. Such is the attitude of an Astrology that is quickly becoming outdated. On the other hand, prediction of probabilities is very real with Astrology and with such insight we can more wisely exercise conscious choice and realize greater possibilities. Again, my brief article on the science of cycles from the link above will shed some more light on the subject. Of course major events do occur but these are always linked to major planetary conjunction, squares and oppositions. Incidentally, none of these will be particularly active on 12/21/2012. It is the convergence of greater cycles that is the particular focus of Mayan Astrology that is at play there. However, as my Science of Cycle article illustrates, we can look back to the beginning of the 2012 era (1980 -2016 - I align with John Major Jenkins on this perspective in large measure because the dynamic planetary activity since that time is a good reflection of it.) and earlier to gain a contextual picture of the history making events of our times. More immediately, it is the current aspects and those since 2008 in particular, and 2011 will be very eventful as will 2012 in general as that is the year that Uranus makes its first waxing square aspect to Pluto in Cardinal Signs. The official date for that is September 19, 2012 and the aspect will occur 7 more times between this date and 2016.

Of itself, this eclipse stems from a family of eclipses, a Saros Cycle, which is considered benign and even positive. The science of eclipses is quite sophisticated and is best understood as the Saros Cycle. Interestingly, our ancient ancestors were very well versed in their understanding and could predict them precisely – further evidence of advanced civilizations from ‘pre’, pre-history!

A simple explanation of the Saros Cycle is that there are 38 in all with half beginning at the South Pole and the other 19 at the North Pole. Further, each Saros Cycle contains 71-73 ‘events’ or Solar Eclipses over a span of 1300 years and consecutive eclipses from any given series only occurs about every 18 years! So, every Solar Eclipse in an 18 year period is from a different series or eclipse family. Lunar Eclipses are secondary to the Solar yet there is usually 1 and sometimes 2 or 1 either side of the Solar. Again, it is only one of many celestial events occurring at this time and the whole picture must be considered. This eclipse is part of Saros Series South 12, which means the New Moon conjunction occurred at the South Pole and it began on September 19 1541 at 8:45 pm GMT. If interested, HERE is that chart.

What is particular about this New Moon, Solar Eclipse chart pattern is the close alignments between Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, the Saturn in Opposition aspect in the final degree of Virgo, and Pluto at the apex of this T-Square formation. Beyond the super charged New Moon that the eclipse indicates, the more complete picture reveals a major additional charge coming from the whole chart perspective. The exact Square aspect from Jupiter to Pluto (which will continue for the entire cycle due to Jupiter slowing then turning retrograde on July 23) suggests that there will be a noticeable increase in the scope and pace of activity as people react and respond to the shifting sands of the world economy especially. Watch as people instinctively and intuitively make ‘moves’ of all kinds to meet the challenge. The sobering-up process after the World Cup may not be so pleasant for many. However, these changes are destined and we are wise to cooperate with them proactively then cry victim or cast blame.

The following are some key dates to watch for over the course of this Solar Eclipse seed lunation cycle. Especially dynamic are the last 10 days of July as you will see below. Please note, the dates and times given are exact yet ‘events’ stemming from or triggered by these close and hard planetary aspects can occur earlier or a little later due to the rich array of other contributing cyclic planetary patterns.

All times in PDT.

1. Wednesday July 21 at 8:09 am Saturn enters Libra (and it will remain there until October 2012 when it will enter Scorpio.) Saturn in Libra is actually well placed and a closer look at the two ingress charts, the first in October 2009, see HERE, and the other for July 21 HERE.

2. On Thursday the Sun enters Leo on July 22 at3:21 pm – ever a dramatic if fun time, in one way or another.

3. Jupiter Retrograde on Friday July 23 at 5:03 pm, just less than 2 hours after Uranus forms an auspicious trine aspect to the Sun in Leo. As mentioned above, expect the heat and drama to rise in both positive and not so positive ways as the economic stress pushes those determined ‘to win’ to compete harder than ever. Jupiter will be retrograde until November 18, 2010 - the SAME day that Venus also goes direct (after having been retrograde since October 8).

4. Saturday July 24 at 6:51 pm Jupiter will again form an exact square aspect to Pluto. This aspect has the effect of accelerating the pace and leading people to try to do too much at the same time. Take special note if your birthday falls a week or so before and especially after this date.

5. Monday July 26 at 10:05 am Saturn will form the now much heralded final Opposition with Uranus at 0 degrees of Libra and Aries respectively. This indicates major revolutionary action. The HST debate here in British Columbia is a prime example.

6. Tuesday July 27 Mercury enters its own sign of Virgo where it is fully able to bring critical analysis to the most complex of problems…and dry criticism. At best, Virgo is improvement oriented and at worst simply critical.

7. Thursday July 29 Mars enters Libra where it will remain until mid September. Mars is not so well placed in Libra and brings a more aggressive stance to otherwise harmony oriented and diplomatic Libra.

8. Then on Friday July 30 loess than 4 hours after Mercury forms a creative trine with Pluto lending to some really clear thinking backed by critical analysis, Mars will form a powerful and stressful opposition aspect to Uranus. This aspect can produce very dynamic and positive action, yet it can also be very aggressive.

Saturday July 31 highlights Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra. Again this can prove to be a very auspicious aspect if it is used wisely and with awareness yet it can also prove to be quite aggressive even violent especially with both planets still in close Opposition to Uranus in Mars ruled Aries!!

10. On Tuesday August 3rd Jupiter will form another exact square aspect to Pluto, then by 9:20 pm will form an opposition aspect to Mars, and by 9:56 pm Mars will also square Pluto! Technically these 3 planets in close aspect form what's called a T-Square. With these planets being in Cardinal Signs and with Pluto - the planet of transformation at the apex point, (both Mars and Jupiter squaring Pluto), this basically implies a VERY powerful T-Square. This is yet another super-charged aspect that is bound to reveal synchronistic effects by way of transformational events around the world. What this stands to produce is pressures coming from society AND from governmental institutions, each asserting their respective positions on important matters (such as the economy and the environment). This final point is a message to us all that accountability begins with each and every one of us.

11. Finally beginning on Friday August 6th at 8:48 pm Venus will enter her own sign of Libra where she promotes harmony, cooperation, sharing, diplomacy, art and beauty. On Saturday July 7 Venus will form an opposition aspect to Uranus; like a referee breaking up any squabbles, or pushing and shoving matches that the Mars opposition is sure to stir. On Sunday August 8, Venus will oppose Saturn which is not such an easy task for ‘her’ at all. Yet, at least Venus will be in honour in her own sign where she is abo utas strong as she can be. The Gods are looking after us and do want success too!!

12. Monday August 8 at 8:08 pm is the next New Moon in Leo.

13. July 25th is a Day out of Time for you Dreamspell fans and July 26th is day one of the new year cycle. Red Overtone Moon (5 Muluc) is all about a purification journey in search of a healthier flow. tone 5 is all about empowerment of self and others. Notice the meaning of the word, empowerment, which is the opposaite of control. I like to say 'when we are weak we attemt to control and when we are powerful we are inspired and able to empower. That sounds like a good intention for this year to me! With Chicchan (the Serpent) as the Wave Spell or anchor theme we are reminded of the value and importance of undergoing changes consciously. This is the way to advance to the next level successfully with Chicchan. The guide is none other than Caban, the indication that there will be a journey and there is no if little guarantee that the road will be bumpy and unpredictable. This themes of this time and into 2011 are an apt reflections of the tone and theme of this day's message for the year.

How do you like that for one very dynamic, exciting and certainly eventful cycle?

Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoyed the insights I have assembled and written for you!

This is my first anniversary for my New Moon Newsletter and it is my intention to continue to guide you along with Astrological insights and awareness over the course of these dynamic, exciting and turbulent times. Stay tuned and thank you in advance for suggesting to your family and friends that they too send me an email to be added for free to the list. Next month I will bring emphasis to the charts of Canada and the United States Especially and to any other country that is experiencing close aspects to the 'birth chart'. If you have any questions or comments please send them along by email.

Blessings for a safe and exciting lunar cycle!