Current Moon Activity:
New Moon – September 8 – 3:30 am PDT
Next Full Moon - September 23 - 2:17 am PDT
Next New Moon - October 7 - 11:44 am PDT
New Moon – September 8 – 3:30 am PDT
Next Full Moon - September 23 - 2:17 am PDT
Next New Moon - October 7 - 11:44 am PDT
Happy New Moon in Virgo!
As we close in on the last quarter of 2010, the urge to pack in what is left of summer and prepare for the new season is a major theme. The planetary alignments these days are quite exciting indeed. The major aspects of the summer have come and gone. The big oil spill back in late spring was one of the bigger indicators of dramatic turning points. Peace talks in the Middle East are a promising sign. The struggling economy comes as no big surprise due to the synchronicity of the last square between Saturn and Pluto. The good news in that respect is that a new wave of consciousness is brewing to offset the changing economic climate.
As we close in on the last quarter of 2010, the urge to pack in what is left of summer and prepare for the new season is a major theme. The planetary alignments these days are quite exciting indeed. The major aspects of the summer have come and gone. The big oil spill back in late spring was one of the bigger indicators of dramatic turning points. Peace talks in the Middle East are a promising sign. The struggling economy comes as no big surprise due to the synchronicity of the last square between Saturn and Pluto. The good news in that respect is that a new wave of consciousness is brewing to offset the changing economic climate.
In the short term, people may be reacting but I am confident from what the charts say that it will produce a new set of priorities and values in terms of what is important. This will become especially apparent over the next 6 months. With Jupiter and Uranus forming a conjunction in Pisces on September 18 and on January 4th – yes twice – due to the first one with both planets retrograde, we may well see the emergence of a new collective attitude towards spiritual realities. When the times get tough people turn to divinity for help and guidance. The close conjunction of Neptune and Chiron which has been active for many months is an indication that some healing is occurring in that regard. T hese things do take time and no longer can we simply defer to pat dogma.
The signs of the times suggest that we are collectively ascending to new levels of consciousness. With Uranus this can happen rather quickly, yet given the spectrum of consciousness on the planet, it will take time yet. So, we do what we can by tuning in ourselves and in so doing, contribute to the collective awakening. That is a primary focus of this newsletter, to help tune you in to the cosmic realities as revealed by Astrology. My webinar on how to read and follow a pocket Astrologer would accelerate your comprehension and ability to tune-in this way quite considerably. Please consider the next 4 part evening webinar coming up in October 13.
Part 1
Virgo is the most analytical and detailed of all the signs in the Zodiac. This faculty of critical thinking is an important function of human nature. It is the principle of discernment and of differentiation and of critical analysis where details do matter. Virgo is symbolic of the writer and the analyst, the teacher and the engineer and all aspects of life where the factual details allow us to live, create, and function with degrees of precision where approximations and estimates simply will not do.
Only 3 Signs of the Zodiac reveal a person as its symbol; Gemini the twins, Aquarius the Water Bearer and Virgo, the ‘virgin’ maiden. Not surprisingly, these signs do share interesting associations yet the relationship dynamics are not easy at all, as is the case with people in relationship with one another generally. While purity and hygiene are important to Virgo, the ‘virgin’ should not simply be interpreted as chaste, celibate and sexually innocent or inexperienced. The deeper meaning of this symbol is independence and wholeness where learning to be more whole unto ourselves is important. By extension, Virgo is the holistic sign where the whole is understood to be greater than the sum of the parts. (Click here to read more about Virgo...)
Part 2
Well, this is the last official New Moon of the summer. To many, summer ends on Labor Day, but the official ending is always at the Autumn Equinox which occurs this year on September 22nd at 8:09 pm PDT. This is the exact day when the hours of light and dark are equal. If you think about it, there is nothing arbitrary about this fact at all. It is a fact based on the measurement of time and is expressed as exactly 12 hours of sunlight in an official 24 hour day period where the day begins at midnight. The only other day of the year when this occurs is Spring Equinox. Dividing the year into 12 equal parts based on the Solstice and Equinoxes is both a reflection of the practical science and the inherent spirituality that comprises Astrology. (Click here to read more...)
Part 3
Major Aspects and Planet Activity
* Note: The following is a generic overview of planetary activity over the course of the lunation cycle. To really know how the planets will affect you, it is probably necessary to get a personal reading. The scope of a reading can cover a period of one month to many years. I explain a bit more about the way Astrology works in regards to the planets actually making aspects to one’s own chart or to any official location like a country, city or town or to a company or institution in an article called Cosmic Chemistry.
** Note: The Moon enters a new sign about every 2.5 days and, because it completes a full cycle every 27.3 days, it makes many aspects over the course of the month. Some days are busier than average to be sure. This is based on the amount of aspects to the planets from the Moon on any given day. While the Moon’s aspects are the most superficial in terms of larger life cycles, currents and events, it is these aspects that we can feel the most on any given day.
I teach people how to read and tune-in to the flow of the Moon in my webinars. It can be very rewarding to have this knowledge because in addition to knowing the basics of the language of Astrology, you can also feel and watch the synchronicities more clearly. Further, you can learn to watch the rhythmic and regular tone of influence in your own life when the Moon is in any given sign. Beyond realizing that Astrology works you can learn to make practical use of it.
Overview of each planet over the course of this lunar cycle:
Sun: From 15 Virgo on September 8 to 14 Libra at the next New Moon on October 7.
Mercury: From 6 Virgo and Retrograde, Mercury turns Direct on September 13 and by the next New Moon will be at 6 Libra.
Venus: From 29 Libra to 13 Scorpio
Mars: From 26 Libra to 15 Scorpio
Jupiter: From 0 Aries to 26 Pisces Retrograde
Saturn: From 5 Libra to 8 Libra
Chiron: 27 Aquarius to 26 Aquarius RetrogradeUranus: From 29 Pisces to 27 Pisces Retrograde
Neptune: 26 Aquarius 48 to 26 Aquarius 11
Pluto: 2 Capricorn 48 to 2 Capricorn 55 (Turns direct on September 13)
All times given below are in Pacific Daylight Time Zone.
- September 8, 2010
* Moon conjunct Sun in Virgo = New Moon in Virgo at 3:30 am at 15Virgo 41
* Venus enters Scorpio 8:45 am. Venus in Scorpio stimulates desire and obsession. This is when the pretty lady wears black leather, reveals claws and may even carry a whip.
* Jupiter re-enters Pisces due to retrograde motion at 9:51 pm. Jupiter in Pisces can prove to be a very spiritual influence. Mysticism and imagination flights reach beyond established limits. Negatively, it can stimulate fanatical sentiments often leaning to religious fervor and therefore cause divisions and contradicting the unity that is otherwise implied.
- September 9
* Mars trine Neptune at 6:18 pm. Mars and Neptune actives ideals and deliberate action to achieve them. Sometimes these ideals are very romantic and ungrounded.
- September 12
* Venus sextile Pluto at 3:41 am. Any aspect to Pluto has the affect of bringing what is hidden or ready to be eliminated to the surface. With Venus it could prove to be a very sexual combination. Money issues and the prospect of seizing opportunity is also quite likely especially since Venus is in Scorpio.
* Mercury turns Direct at 4:09 pm after 3 weeks of retrograde motion.
- September 13
* Pluto turns Direct after 6 months of retrograde motion and will remain so all year advancing to 5 Capricorn by the New Year.
- September 14
* Mars enters Scorpio at 3:38 pm.
- September 18
* Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 6:07 pm (both retrograde).
* Mars stextile Pluto at 7:48 pm.
- September 21
* The Sun in Virgo in Opposition to Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces.
- September 22
* The Sun enters Libra at 8:09 pm making it the official time of Autumn Equinox and the official beginning of Autumn.
- September 25
* Sun Square Pluto. This squaring off can produce a lot of energy and an extra emphasis on personal determination to succeed. Make the most of it yet beware of excess assertions from self or others.
- September 30
* Sun Square Saturn. Saturn brings restriction and delay at worst and discipline and concentration at best. Better to be busy with realistic projects that seek idle pleasures today.
Major Aspects and Planet Activity
* Note: The following is a generic overview of planetary activity over the course of the lunation cycle. To really know how the planets will affect you, it is probably necessary to get a personal reading. The scope of a reading can cover a period of one month to many years. I explain a bit more about the way Astrology works in regards to the planets actually making aspects to one’s own chart or to any official location like a country, city or town or to a company or institution in an article called Cosmic Chemistry.
** Note: The Moon enters a new sign about every 2.5 days and, because it completes a full cycle every 27.3 days, it makes many aspects over the course of the month. Some days are busier than average to be sure. This is based on the amount of aspects to the planets from the Moon on any given day. While the Moon’s aspects are the most superficial in terms of larger life cycles, currents and events, it is these aspects that we can feel the most on any given day.
I teach people how to read and tune-in to the flow of the Moon in my webinars. It can be very rewarding to have this knowledge because in addition to knowing the basics of the language of Astrology, you can also feel and watch the synchronicities more clearly. Further, you can learn to watch the rhythmic and regular tone of influence in your own life when the Moon is in any given sign. Beyond realizing that Astrology works you can learn to make practical use of it.
Overview of each planet over the course of this lunar cycle:
Sun: From 15 Virgo on September 8 to 14 Libra at the next New Moon on October 7.
Mercury: From 6 Virgo and Retrograde, Mercury turns Direct on September 13 and by the next New Moon will be at 6 Libra.
Venus: From 29 Libra to 13 Scorpio
Mars: From 26 Libra to 15 Scorpio
Jupiter: From 0 Aries to 26 Pisces Retrograde
Saturn: From 5 Libra to 8 Libra
Chiron: 27 Aquarius to 26 Aquarius RetrogradeUranus: From 29 Pisces to 27 Pisces Retrograde
Neptune: 26 Aquarius 48 to 26 Aquarius 11
Pluto: 2 Capricorn 48 to 2 Capricorn 55 (Turns direct on September 13)
All times given below are in Pacific Daylight Time Zone.
- September 8, 2010
* Moon conjunct Sun in Virgo = New Moon in Virgo at 3:30 am at 15Virgo 41
* Venus enters Scorpio 8:45 am. Venus in Scorpio stimulates desire and obsession. This is when the pretty lady wears black leather, reveals claws and may even carry a whip.
* Jupiter re-enters Pisces due to retrograde motion at 9:51 pm. Jupiter in Pisces can prove to be a very spiritual influence. Mysticism and imagination flights reach beyond established limits. Negatively, it can stimulate fanatical sentiments often leaning to religious fervor and therefore cause divisions and contradicting the unity that is otherwise implied.
- September 9
* Mars trine Neptune at 6:18 pm. Mars and Neptune actives ideals and deliberate action to achieve them. Sometimes these ideals are very romantic and ungrounded.
- September 12
* Venus sextile Pluto at 3:41 am. Any aspect to Pluto has the affect of bringing what is hidden or ready to be eliminated to the surface. With Venus it could prove to be a very sexual combination. Money issues and the prospect of seizing opportunity is also quite likely especially since Venus is in Scorpio.
* Mercury turns Direct at 4:09 pm after 3 weeks of retrograde motion.
- September 13
* Pluto turns Direct after 6 months of retrograde motion and will remain so all year advancing to 5 Capricorn by the New Year.
- September 14
* Mars enters Scorpio at 3:38 pm.
- September 18
* Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 6:07 pm (both retrograde).
* Mars stextile Pluto at 7:48 pm.
- September 21
* The Sun in Virgo in Opposition to Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces.
- September 22
* The Sun enters Libra at 8:09 pm making it the official time of Autumn Equinox and the official beginning of Autumn.
- September 25
* Sun Square Pluto. This squaring off can produce a lot of energy and an extra emphasis on personal determination to succeed. Make the most of it yet beware of excess assertions from self or others.
- September 30
* Sun Square Saturn. Saturn brings restriction and delay at worst and discipline and concentration at best. Better to be busy with realistic projects that seek idle pleasures today.