New Moon - October 17 - 10:33 pm PDT - 24 Libra 59
Next Full Moon - November 2 - 11:14 am PDT - 10 Taurus 30
Next New Moon - November 16 - 11:14 am PDT - 24 Scorpio 34
Last month’s Newsletter Link
Libra New Moon Newsletter
Autumn sure seemed to fall upon us hard and fast this year. The enduring warmth of Indian summer is scarcely to be seen, in the North West anyway. Over in the Rockies they have endured snow and frigid temperatures well below average. Looking at the planetary aspects current at this time, the weather is actually an accurate match. Even so, the Autumn season reveals its own special beauty. The changing colours of the trees is as poetic a spectacle is it needs to be to inspire writers, painters and song writers to capture its beauty. Strolling lovers often share even closer embrace where the early darkness invites the crackling fires wine and cozy romance. These are all Libra themes, the sign most sensitive to color, the sign of romantic love.
My schedule of late has been very busy. The year of the Earth Ox sure has me working hard. The inclusion of my Visual Presentations, this New Moon Newsletter and the Moon Cycle Club and my usual 1-2 Day Astrology Workshops about how to read and follow a Pocket Astrologer, this year has certainly contributed to a steady pace. This is partially so because the presentations require that I travel more. I like going to new places and meeting new people and sharing my work and passion for Astrology and how much I know it helps people. I plan to continue as well. However, in fairness to my readers who live in places afar where I will not likely visit any time too soon, I have decided to offer my presentations and workshops online, in webinar format, in addition to the readings I do over the phone. If you are interested, please send me an email and I will be making this clearer on my site as well very soon. The first ones will begin in December. In the meantime, check out my Updates from either this Newsletter or directly on my site to learn more about upcoming events in various locations and/or to book a private reading. I hope you will enjoy and learn from the articles I have written for this newsletter which you will find as links below. (If you have trouble with any of these links, please inform me.) My goal, of course, is to educate you to better understand how and why Astrology works and why it can prove to be of such value for creating fulfillment and success in your life.
Life is all about relationships. Unless our attitude is that we share and create relationship verses ‘have’ relationships, is the extent to which we are likely to take others, our relationships in general, for granted. This is the beginning of many problems that subtly sneak in and take over our lives. Libra is the sign more closely associated with the many themes associated with the reality of relationship. Beyond the relationships we have with our self, and then with others, we also share relationships with our home, neighbors and neighborhood, community, society, the environment and so on. But how often to we acknowledge that we are sharing relationship? To the extent that we are not sharing, we are either giving or taking. Some give a lot and some take a lot. This is a rather complex theme but understanding it begins with recognizing how we identify how we relate to our self and the world. Because the relationship we share with our very own self is not so recognized, appreciated and consciously cultivated, the ones we have with others are often less clear and satisfying and, in fact, are often unbalanced and/or taken for granted. This is why The Primary Relationship is Always with One’s Self.
Libra is the sign most closely related to the principle of relationships. In this respect, Libra can be seen to be very romantic. On the other hand, Libra is also a very realistic sign; herein lies some of the mystery behind Libra. As much as Libra is all about love relationships, they are also soberly aware that maintaining balance and harmony in an ever changing status quo requires a realistic perspective. For this reason, balancing such seemingly opposite realities, Libra will often swing from one extreme to another and quickly. This can confuse others and frustrate Librans, who counter balance as a matter of course. Libra is an Air sign and in this respect, they are very interested in the relating principle. At deeper levels yet, a main interest surrounds the very real nature of the chemistry that two people share. Read more about this all important theme is my article, The Chemistry of Relationships.
Another exciting feature of Astrology charts is that they clearly indicate the quality and types of relationships we are likely to experience in our lives. We can learn to see what constitutes one’s best match – the type of person that will complement their nature. It can also show the challenges one is likely to encounter along with the goodies we all see in a mate. Within this perspective we can also more clearly assess what is our responsibility in terms of our projections. Often in relationships, when things go wrong, the tendency is to blame the partner or one’s self. Blame is generally a bad attitude to take because it simply causes more confusion and problems. As important as our close relationships are to us and with all the efforts we make to fulfill our desires for love, affection, harmony and a suitable mate in general, most people continue to grope in the dark, take blind risks, operate on hopes and wishes for true love and harmonious companionship and often fail and give up on relationships entirely. Part of the reason is that people approach relationships from a purely emotional, sentimental and assumptive perspective. In other words, too often people fail to create a conscious relationship. Again, this includes having a clearer understanding of who we are as individuals as well as what we need in relationship and what would constitute a good match. This is where Astrology can help measurably because Your Relationship Destiny is Written in the Stars.
Balance is the key theme for Libra, the sign of the Scales. Assuming that the scales are ever in balance is erroneous. The fact is that they are in an almost constant state of shifting from side to side. This is because the balance point is dynamic. Another consideration is that since change is the law and material reality is very much a by-product cycles, of cyclic movements. In order to remain balanced, we are challenged to stay in touch with the moving balance points and there is more than one. Just like the waxing and waning Moon, and the advancing and receding tides, the in and out of our breathing, the very rhythmic beat of our hearts and the flow of thoughts, blood and bio-electric chemical currents in our bodies, the flow of change is a constant. Just look at the changing weather and light in each passing day. Paying attention to these and recognizing the changing balance point is a reminder to that of the many subtle cycles that are ever active in our lives. These cycles are natural yet are not so fully recognized and celebrated for what they are.
The balance that Libra represents is undergoing some powerful challenges these days. The scales are tipped significantly and it may take some time before they come into equilibrium again. With Saturn entering Libra on October 29 where it will stay for the next three years, we will see and experience a lot of actions that will aim to correct these imbalances. (Link to Chart and to Article about this important cycle here) The big question is will these be enough? I am referring here to our economically challenging times and even more pressing concerns like the environment. By the way, whenever an Astrological event occurs, like a planet entering a new sign, a chart can be cast. This is true of any new beginning. Look to the Astrology of events is very old and worth knowing more about. For this reason, I wrote the following short article called the Astrology of Events.
This is where Astrology can really help. Astrology is what I call Natural Psychology. For this reason, it is an extremely useful and powerful tool, when used respectfully, to identify and activate alignment and authenticity. This is the deeper expression of this powerful and time honored art, yet too many people use it and see it as just another fortune telling device. This illustrates just how much we have moved away from what is natural. Admittedly, too often people abuse Astrology and therefore render it to mere fortune telling. This is unfortunate because it confuses people and leads them away from what would otherwise clearly prove to be Good Astrology. Those who do look closely enough and make the investment to decipher for them selves what good Astrology can offer, often go away with great results.
Thank you again for being here!
Michael O’Connor