Current Moon Activity:
New Moon - July 21, 2009 - 7:35pm PDT - 29 Cancer 27 - TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE
Next Full Moon - August 5, 2009 - 5:55pm PDT - 13 Aquarius 43 - LUNAR ECLIPSE
Next New Moon - August 20, 2009 - 3:02am PDT - 27 Leo 32
Happy New Moon in Cancer… again!
Yes, this is the second in a row in the same sign in a one month period. This can happen as the time interval between New Moons is 29.5 days and there are 30-31 days save for February in a month. You'll discover alot of links below to articles I've written recently. I'm open to your feedback. Also, a quick reminder of my itinerary for the upcoming weeks and months is below.
More importantly, this is a Total Solar Eclipse - click HERE to learn more. Two weeks ago we had a Lunar Eclipse and we will have another in 2 weeks from now. That makes this an eclipse season. These lunation cycles (New Moon to Full and back again) that are eclipses bring an added spike to the punch, so to speak. This powerful Solar Eclipse at the critical degree of 29 Cancer 27 in the Tropical Zodiac, is one of the reasons that I will refer to this Newsletter as a Special Edition. The other reason is that the Newsletter is now in a new format. With this approach my goal is to create easy to access layers of insight that I believe will be easier for you to understand. My primary goal with this Newsletter is to help you understand the importance of the Moon and the Sun/Moon cycle in particular. There is much more to the Moon than a lifeless orb. Poetic verse aside, the Moon archetype has many layers, as is the nature of archetypes. True symbols are also many layered since they represent the archetypes. To learn more about it, you can follow this link.
Yes, this is the second in a row in the same sign in a one month period. This can happen as the time interval between New Moons is 29.5 days and there are 30-31 days save for February in a month. You'll discover alot of links below to articles I've written recently. I'm open to your feedback. Also, a quick reminder of my itinerary for the upcoming weeks and months is below.
More importantly, this is a Total Solar Eclipse - click HERE to learn more. Two weeks ago we had a Lunar Eclipse and we will have another in 2 weeks from now. That makes this an eclipse season. These lunation cycles (New Moon to Full and back again) that are eclipses bring an added spike to the punch, so to speak. This powerful Solar Eclipse at the critical degree of 29 Cancer 27 in the Tropical Zodiac, is one of the reasons that I will refer to this Newsletter as a Special Edition. The other reason is that the Newsletter is now in a new format. With this approach my goal is to create easy to access layers of insight that I believe will be easier for you to understand. My primary goal with this Newsletter is to help you understand the importance of the Moon and the Sun/Moon cycle in particular. There is much more to the Moon than a lifeless orb. Poetic verse aside, the Moon archetype has many layers, as is the nature of archetypes. True symbols are also many layered since they represent the archetypes. To learn more about it, you can follow this link.
Cancer, which today's Solar Eclipse takes place in, is all about feelings and emotions, and in this respect is a very important sign in Astrology. Not surprisingly, it is the sign ruled by the Moon itself. Learn more about it HERE, and discover how feelings and emotions are the key to co-creation and the manifestation of your desires.
Isn't a Solar Eclipse an amazing occurance? What miracle of chance is it that causes this event to occur? The phenomena that Astronomers closely observe are what Astrologers recognize to be deeply woven into our psyche. We can call this "Natural Psychology".
In tune with the Moon, my partner Shari and I are embarking upon a 3 week road trip today! Our journey begins here in Gibsons BC then we will travel via Pemberton near Whistler to Kamloops until Sunday, then to Salmon Arm for an evening, then to Revelstoke for a couple of nights then to Alberta first to Jasper for the day before heading to Edmonton to visit with two nephews followed by a visit with Khoji Lang, my brilliant Astrologer friend for the weekend, then to Cochrane to visit with Shari’s Brother. Then, back over to BC through the east Kootenays stopping briefly in Golden, Invermere, Kimberly and Cranbrook before spending a couple of days in Creston, then the weekend of August 8th in Nelson, then to Grand Forks on August 11th and 12 before returning home again. This 3 week tour mixes work with pleasure. I will be offering Astrology Readings and Evening Slide Show Presentations at a few places – all about Astrology and 12/21/2012 and the many powerful aspects and planetary activity leading up to it.
Shari offers a wonderful holistic healing approach and will be bringing here gifts to the people in the above mentioned locations as well. To learn more about Shari and her work, please visit her web site at . For a complete listing of upcoming events during this three week period and later this summer in August and September and even looking further down the road to October, please follow this link to my Event Listings.
A quick reminder before I continue. The next meteor showers are the Perseids. The Moon will be just prior to its last quarter so will be pretty bright. However, from midnight to sunrise on the 12th (the late, late night of the 11th…) should offer at least a sweet glimpse of some of the brighter meteors.
Another quick reminder is that July 25th is a "Day out of Time" in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. July 26th then is the first day of the new one year round, from this perspective. This date corresponds with an important alignment with Sirius, by the way. The Dog Star as it is popularly regarded. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians revered this star among others. Yes, there are closer ties to the Mayan and Egyptians than is popular considered. Both cultures share roots to a far distant past. I will write more about this in the future. For now here is the poem for the New Year round:
Yellow Self-Existing Seed (Wavespell: Dragon)
I define in order to target
Measuring Awareness
I Seal the Input of Flowering
With the Self-Existing Tone of Form
I am Guided by the Power of Universal Fire
The basic message refers to developing one’s authenticity with seed actions and choices.
I will be taking appointments again on the Sunshine Coast from mid to late August. As you will learn from my Events and Updates page, I will then go to Bellingham Washington , for the last weekend of August, followed by a visit to Saltspring Island for the Labour Day Weekend then Hornby Island before returning home again for a few weeks.
After the Equinox weekend I will return to Nelson to work with Carol Stewart at her Mystery School . There, In addition to personal Astrology readings, I have the pleasure of leading the group of 10 people involved through a day of Astro Drama. This is where by way of masks, costumes and props to create an astrological setting, we explore the magic of spontaneous and synchronistic expressions as the archetypes come to life.
In tune with the Moon, my partner Shari and I are embarking upon a 3 week road trip today! Our journey begins here in Gibsons BC then we will travel via Pemberton near Whistler to Kamloops until Sunday, then to Salmon Arm for an evening, then to Revelstoke for a couple of nights then to Alberta first to Jasper for the day before heading to Edmonton to visit with two nephews followed by a visit with Khoji Lang, my brilliant Astrologer friend for the weekend, then to Cochrane to visit with Shari’s Brother. Then, back over to BC through the east Kootenays stopping briefly in Golden, Invermere, Kimberly and Cranbrook before spending a couple of days in Creston, then the weekend of August 8th in Nelson, then to Grand Forks on August 11th and 12 before returning home again. This 3 week tour mixes work with pleasure. I will be offering Astrology Readings and Evening Slide Show Presentations at a few places – all about Astrology and 12/21/2012 and the many powerful aspects and planetary activity leading up to it.
Shari offers a wonderful holistic healing approach and will be bringing here gifts to the people in the above mentioned locations as well. To learn more about Shari and her work, please visit her web site at . For a complete listing of upcoming events during this three week period and later this summer in August and September and even looking further down the road to October, please follow this link to my Event Listings.
A quick reminder before I continue. The next meteor showers are the Perseids. The Moon will be just prior to its last quarter so will be pretty bright. However, from midnight to sunrise on the 12th (the late, late night of the 11th…) should offer at least a sweet glimpse of some of the brighter meteors.
Another quick reminder is that July 25th is a "Day out of Time" in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. July 26th then is the first day of the new one year round, from this perspective. This date corresponds with an important alignment with Sirius, by the way. The Dog Star as it is popularly regarded. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians revered this star among others. Yes, there are closer ties to the Mayan and Egyptians than is popular considered. Both cultures share roots to a far distant past. I will write more about this in the future. For now here is the poem for the New Year round:
Yellow Self-Existing Seed (Wavespell: Dragon)
I define in order to target
Measuring Awareness
I Seal the Input of Flowering
With the Self-Existing Tone of Form
I am Guided by the Power of Universal Fire
The basic message refers to developing one’s authenticity with seed actions and choices.
I will be taking appointments again on the Sunshine Coast from mid to late August. As you will learn from my Events and Updates page, I will then go to Bellingham Washington , for the last weekend of August, followed by a visit to Saltspring Island for the Labour Day Weekend then Hornby Island before returning home again for a few weeks.
After the Equinox weekend I will return to Nelson to work with Carol Stewart at her Mystery School . There, In addition to personal Astrology readings, I have the pleasure of leading the group of 10 people involved through a day of Astro Drama. This is where by way of masks, costumes and props to create an astrological setting, we explore the magic of spontaneous and synchronistic expressions as the archetypes come to life.
Finally, here are 3 creations that I wrote over the past few months, and I hope you'll enjoy these inspirations as well:
1. All About Time
2. Tips for Tuning In to Life